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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 474 KB, 1221x1600, JRR-Tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15685735 No.15685735 [Reply] [Original]

Was he based?

>> No.15685739

based on what?

>> No.15686342


based on what OP
I love him

>> No.15686352
File: 68 KB, 512x512, 1589673888956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on this

>> No.15686395

I cant make out a single thing in this image. This look like it depicts something, but I have nofucking clue what. What is in this image?

I absolutely love him. He got me into reading. Most modern fantasy is trash, but through him I discovered all the old english, norse and germanic legends, also the finnish Kalevala. Getting into vedic stuff next.

>> No.15686412

> This look like it depicts something, but I have nofucking clue what. What is in this image?
This is one of the heavily shopped pictures which are designed to break your pattern recognition.

>> No.15686731

>Anonymous 06/24/20(Wed)13:22:18 No.156
Yes anon I just finished LOTR too and its based. Suggest me some other works based anon.

>> No.15687042

The Silmarillion

>> No.15687142

My mom bought one of those shits for my brother and I at Christmas. We never used them because they were so impractical. I guess it spent twenty years in my closet before it finally got put in a donation box by my mom. My bro actually uses his now (go figure!) but there's a massive wad of tape holding the cheapo parts together.

>> No.15687181

Legend read lotr 4 times as a child only guy I've ever read who shares my obsession with staring at trees.

>> No.15688581

He has a couple miscellaneous works - his translation of gawain and the green knight is KINO, it also comes with orfeo and the pearl because Christopher was a chad an put multiple works in each volume

>> No.15688703

His other works are great. I love his Beowulf translation. Also there is myths of northern lands by H. A. Guerber. Stories and ballads of the far past by N. Kershaw. The eddas and the Kalevala. Read Tolkiens Essay "On Fairy Tales" before and you will appreciate his work more. You will also gain another perspective on these old tales. Also read his Smith of Wootton Major and cry.