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File: 47 KB, 350x567, Orthodox_icon_of_our_Jesus_Pantocrator_of_Sinai._400x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15684648 No.15684648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do atheists fear him so much?

>> No.15684658

Because they were probably traumatized as children with the fear of hell and Christian apocalyptic fear porn

>> No.15684665
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Atheists fear Kenny Loggins?

>> No.15684680
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They see in him their sins but no forgiveness.

>> No.15684686
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he either hates me or just doesn't care. whatever the truth, i still have to get out of bed every morning.

>> No.15684710

Very based

>> No.15684733

The only person who can forgive your sins is yourself

>> No.15684788

Yeah through praying to Christ.

>> No.15684808

With a priest

>> No.15685678

who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases?

>> No.15685720

Because people don't like being confronted with the flaws in their nature. They think as long as they don't murder or rape anybody, they are automatically a good person. People are inherently selfish. Admitting that your vices are morally wrong would take humility. Rather than confront that, atheists would rather ignore Christ's nature altogether. Metaphysics is beyond people who get their news and ideology from Richard Dawkins.

>> No.15685728

Genuine question, what are your expectations of being a Christian? Is it Joel Osteen level where you expect prosperity?

>> No.15685747

thats the smallest minded thing ive heard all week

>> No.15685758

How is it small minded? People think because they do nothing to further their faith and they live a Godless existence that means God hates them. On the flip side, some people think being a Christian means God will bathe you in Gold. Both are false

>> No.15685767


I fear a false christ?

>> No.15685785

Atheists are tools for them, you know...the ones who killed Him and hate Him to this day.

>> No.15685807

Waking up with a sense of "right" and "wrong"; that all of my material suffering is for something greater than myself.
Of course you can't prove any of this, but nihilism simply does me no good. Maybe there is some higher being, maybe it has a plan, but I see no reason to pay it any more mind than an ant does to jets passing overhead.

>> No.15685832

How does not believing in a particular religion mean fear?

>> No.15685837

Appreciate the open answer. I used to be an atheist and nihilist and had the same feeling to the point where I had constant thoughts of suicide. I reverted to Catholicism after awhile and it is worth paying mind. The reasoning being that it gives you that sense of right and wrong but on a grander scale. Practicing Christianity is about growth, self- improvement, garnering a worldview and personal philosophy with much greater death, and a connection to things grander than the material and mortal world. In turn, you will be also be making the world a better place by wishing to spread these qualities with the world, such as volunteering and charity

>> No.15685844

depth* not death

>> No.15685886

But the Romans are now represented by the Vatican anon, I don't understand?

>> No.15685896

Very based, I'm planning on chatting to a priest this week to become Orthodox

>> No.15685899

Because his followers rape boys

>> No.15685914

Looks like an Oblivion NPC.
>How are things in the other planes of existence?
>I went down to the Lake of Fire and saw an internet atheist.
>Ugh! Filthy creatures.

>> No.15685915

He shows what a good man is.

>> No.15685920

The devout religious have to believe that no one could be following a natural impulse to not believe in a deity. The idea of an atheist that is not secretly bitter or recalcitrant terrifies them.

>> No.15685931

That's awesome! Congratulations! I'll be praying for you

>> No.15685938

I promise you we are not terrified of atheists of any sort.

>> No.15685952

And yet the only vision you have of a world without God is pandemonium. This is a fearful reaction, whether you know it or not.

>> No.15685959

Because it is as Godless nations have demonstrated time and time again.

>> No.15685960

Hardly pandemonium, if anything, the opposite. Not him btw

>> No.15685966

Hardly. We are all victims of the society in which we live. There is nothing natural about your beliefs. You simply have acquired them over time by being a member of society.

You want to talk natural, then grow up without any contact with anyone for your whole life.

>> No.15685975

I don't fear him, I don't even hate him or deny his existence. I just don't believe in magic.

>> No.15685981

You clearly fear theology with that reasoning lmao

>> No.15685992

This would require one to be ignorant of the effects of socialization.
The justification for violence and terror comes from the same source as the demand for orthodoxy.

>> No.15686002

The Jews took the lionshare of the blame for Christ’s death when they agreed for His blood to be on their hands AND THOSE OF THEIR CHILDREN. The Romans bear no such generational curse and thus were converted in time. Granted, the question of the Catholic Church today is a difficult one and I am not equipped to give a satisfactory answer.

>> No.15686022

Many Christians don't believe in magic anon

>> No.15686028

Hes a jew scared smoji

>> No.15686032

How can I fear something I don't believe in ? It's like saying you're afraid of comic book villains

>> No.15686062

You don't believe in theology? So you just deny it exists?

>> No.15686124

I don't believe in their field of study. Like cryptozoology if you want. Does it exist ? Yes. Do I fear Bigfoot ? Fuck no.

>> No.15686131
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I like Jesus even though I don't believe in him.

>> No.15686197

Because you fear the idea of believing in him, and all he represents. Jesus spoke of forgiveness, but if you are afraid of being forgiven, you must have a pretty guilty conscious of things you have done, are doing, and will do.