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1568346 No.1568346 [Reply] [Original]

what are some fucked up books?

>> No.1568351

Nekkid Runch

>> No.1568350

120 Days of Sodom

>> No.1568358

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.1568362

yes keep em coming

our lady of flowers is another one

>> No.1568364

Incest by Maquis de Sade

>> No.1568366

Atlas, Shrugged

>> No.1568371


Not a standard Rand troll response, it really is fucked up.

>> No.1568372

The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea

>> No.1568383

Naked Lunch, de Sade, the Story of the Eye, Candide.

Really without more specifics it's hard to know what you're looking for.

>> No.1568427

The collected writings of adaptive systems.

Available here:


>> No.1568435
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The entire series in fact, though I still enjoyed reading them.

>> No.1568444


Jegus, I just finished talking about those books. I'm glad someone else on /lit/ read that carnival of horrors.

>> No.1568461

the poop that took a pee

easily the most fucked up book i've ever come across

>> No.1568480

Razor Wire Pubic Hair

>> No.1570182

the hell is this?

>> No.1570186
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>> No.1570188
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>> No.1570197

ive this posted here before (long long time ago)... will check out

>> No.1570309
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What happened next was that everybody wept.
"Oh, why did Mog have to die?" wept Debbie.
"She was so lovely." wept Nicky.

>> No.1570367


>> No.1570388 [DELETED] 

Read some Shawn Wunjo, the vagina ass of lucifer niggerbastard is a good intro.
thers a pdf on rs

>> No.1570394

Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind

>> No.1570397

Good fucked up: Gravity's Rainbow

Fucked up garbage: Snuff

>> No.1570411

alexandria quartet

>> No.1570416

Read Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates.

You wouldn't think an old white woman could write a book detailing a serial killer's butt-raping sessions.

But you'd be wrong.

>> No.1570436

I refuse to make a thread for this question alone and since it's about a slightly fucked up piece of literature, I thought I might ask here.

It was a story of how computer became self-aware and omnipotent. It was programmed to follow the three laws of robotics to the letter. So nobody died for good anymore. Killing oneself became the past time, one would always be brought back to life with body fully restructured. It had rape and incest too (dat boner). I'm not sure, but I think I got the impression that the book was never published in a printed version, but lived on in the internet.

So can anyone name this book?

>> No.1570790


Do you mean Eugenie de Franval, which has appeared in at least one translation (from Hesperus) titled "Incest"?

>> No.1570810

Haven't read it, but from what I've heard, The Notebook.

No, not the shitty one, the Agota Kristof one, aka the book series that inspired Mother 3.

>> No.1570816

Twilight quadrilogy.

Fucking seriously.

>> No.1570819

pig island by mo hayder

>> No.1570829

The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect

>> No.1570834

>Finnegans Wake
No results

Finnegans Wake.

>> No.1570861
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>fucked up books

this entire list:

>> No.1570865
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>> No.1570867

My guilty pleasure. The local used bookstores and Salvation Army-like places sell dozens of V.C. Andrews books for like a dime each, so I used to have thirty or forty. I ended up getting rid of them one day though, I regret that. I'll have to start over. But yeah, those books are always full of drama, rape, incest, and abuse. My favorite is the stand-alone My Sweet Audrina.

Some more screwed up books -

The Store by Bentley Little
>In a small Arizona town, a man counts his blessings: a loving wife, two teenage daughters, and a job that allows him to work at home. Then "The Store" announces plans to open a local outlet, which will surely finish off the small downtown shops. His concerns grow when "The Store's"builders ignore all the town's zoning laws during its construction. Then dead animals are found on "The Store's" grounds. Inside, customers are hounded by obnoxious sales people, and strange products appear on the shelves. Before long the town's remaining small shop owners disappear, and "The Store" spreads its influence to the city council and the police force, taking over the town.
He has some crazy books but this one is my favorite. They take a woman's newborn because she couldn't afford to pay back on a TV or something like that.

Also, The Hole by Guy Burt. It's about a boy who locks five other students in a cellar and promises to come back in three days. They never see him again. The ending makes you realize you have to read it over again to look at it from a new perspective. It's not long or gruesome but I still think it's fucked up because it makes you imagine those things. Apparently he wrote this when he was 18.

>> No.1570871

Clive Barker - Books of Blood. There's a story where Cancer personified using Marilyn Monroe's face seduces a guy, then rips out his eyeballs and stuffs them up her vagina. Then she tries to seduce another guy and pushes his eyes out of his sockets from the back.

Also Gerald's Game by King. He writes child molestation scenes suspiciously well......

>> No.1570872

Beat me to it

>> No.1570877

I just looked up Trolley No. 1852.
>H.P. Lovecraft is a character in the story that writes erotica for some extra cash


I gotta get that fuckin book

>> No.1570901


Sounds like somebody took the story of Walmart and ran with it.

>> No.1570903

>H.P. Lovecraft

So he writes Saya no Uta?

>> No.1570907
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>> No.1570917


that's more boring than fucked up

>> No.1570921
File: 37 KB, 240x378, SwitchBitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switch Bitch - by: Roald Dhal

Yes, that's the same guy who wrote all those kids books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and The Big Friendly Giant.

Switch Bitch is a short story collection of erotica featuring swingers and penis transformations.

I sure was suprised as a kid when I signed it out at the local library!

>> No.1570930
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>> No.1571279

Just and Ronald Dahl book is fucked up...I once read this short story by him where the wife of a police officer kills her husband with a leg of mutton and then feeds it to the police officers...oh yeah, and don't forget about The Witches where the little boy is turned into a mouse and then gets his tail chopped off....

>> No.1571296

>I once read this short story by him where the wife of a police officer kills her husband with a leg of mutton and then feeds it to the police officers.

I remembered this as being the exact plot of one of the episodes of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents," so I Googled: turns out Dahl wrote quite a few stories for that show.

Nice. Fucking nice.

>> No.1571300

Dahl is a nice and a cool guy?

He's my new dad.

>> No.1571301

Tales of the Unexpected.

>> No.1571314

My Loose Thread by Dennis Cooper.

EVERYONE in this thread should read this. It's like Catcher in the Rye, except the main character is psychotic. Lots of inner dialogue and stream-of-consciousness moments that seem are almost too realistic to what the mind of a real psycho must be like...Dennis Cooper is creepy. The book starts off with the main character tracking down a fellow classmate who he has been paid to kill.

>> No.1571320


Sounds like a lesser version of this>>1570186

JCO, Queen of Conscious Streams

>> No.1571339

Pretty much any history you want. The Romans were especially fucked up, but pretty much any history before wwii is going to have insane atrocities in it.

>> No.1571345
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Nice thread. Moar?

>> No.1571349


> The Hole by Guy Burt. It's about a boy who locks five other students in a cellar and promises to come back in three days. They never see him again. The ending makes you realize you have to read it over again to look at it from a new perspective. It's not long or gruesome but I still think it's fucked up because it makes you imagine those things.

Pretty sure that was made into a movie I've seen.

>mfw I would like to read it but all I can remember from the movie is the fucking twist.

>> No.1571355

Just from reading the description of Zombie I'm sure its not really similar. The protagonist isn't a serial killer, but he does kill someone (or maybe two people) throughout the book. You see into the mind of a truly mentally confused individual.

>> No.1571369


>> No.1571487



the book's actually called After The Hole

>> No.1571491

All I can remember from it is Keira Knightley's tits.

>> No.1572277

>The Hole by Guy Burt.
>Pretty sure that was made into a movie I've seen.

You're right (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0242527/)) but the novel was titled "After the Hole" (1993).

>> No.1572283

I'm waiting for my copy of 'American Psycho' to arrive. I found the film quite funny but have been told that the movie is very different.
From books I have read 'Clockwork Orange' has to be up there!

>> No.1572284


Oh, fuck - when I wrote >>1572277 I'd somehow missed your post.