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15683415 No.15683415 [Reply] [Original]

At first sight, Nazi totalitarianism may seem the opposite of Stirner's radical individualism. But fascism was above all an attempt to dissolve the social ties created by history and replace them by artificial bonds among individuals who were expected to render explicit obedience to the state on grounds of absolute egoism. Fascist education combined the tenets of asocial egoism and unquestioning conformism, the latter being the means by which the individual secured his own niche in the system. Stirner's philosophy has nothing to say against conformism, it only objects to the Ego being subordinated to any higher principle: the egoist is free to adjust to the world if it is clear he will better himself by doing so. His 'rebellion' may take the form of utter servility if it will further his interest; what he must not do is to be bound by 'general' values or myths of humanity. The totalitarian ideal of a barrack-like society from which all real, historical ties have been eliminated is perfectly consistent with Stirner's principles: the egoist, by his very nature, must be prepared to fight under any flag that suits his convenience.I

The National Socialists were the OG union of egoists

>> No.15683424

they blame hitler


>> No.15683442

Stirner is boring since the fact that people follow arbitrary moral codes like Christianity does not mean they are not already egoists. So his radical egoism is already found in everybody.

>> No.15683443

Nazism started with Marx, the same mix of socialism, racism and antisemitism is in Marx

>> No.15683448

Nobody is to blame except normies being spooked enough to fall for nazi idiocy

>> No.15683466

Because nobody read Stirner

>> No.15683485

1. Affiliation with Engels
2. The Ubermensch is exactly what Hitler envisioned, no matter what anti-nazi nietzscheans say

>> No.15683502

The reason why is that Nietzsche several times implies or outright says that aesthetics is more important than morality, which is basically what fascism is. Fascism is basically what you get when your only political objective is to make society aesthetically pleasing rather than a good place to live.

>> No.15683525

Because stirner didn't have a demented sister to pervert his works.

>> No.15683536
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The simulacra that are the will and the ego have created a truy intolerable voluntary servitude which forces the simulacrum of the individual to assume full responsibility over their life. It is quite ironic that the most liberatory and transgressive philosophy also results in the most commonplace self-tyranny.

>> No.15683538
File: 96 KB, 1200x800, Union of Socialist Egoists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis follow spooks, whatchu talkin'bout?

>arbitrary moral codes like Christianity

>> No.15683541

What the fuck did I just read? Do you seriously believe fascists declared war on the rest of the world for the sake of aesthetics?

>> No.15683550

>socialist egoism

>> No.15683561

That sounds more like gacc than Nazis

>> No.15683584

The union of egoists, briefly mentioned in the book. They cannot be mistaken for nazis, republicans, nor Leninists. They are libertarian socialists

>> No.15683591

This is fucking Sam Beckett obvious bait thread.

>> No.15683598

>libertarian socialists

>> No.15683601

> t. Guérin

>> No.15683615

No, but I do believe that Nazism does carry with it an insane fanaticism for theatrics and aesthetics.

The concepts of degenerate art, racial purity, the over-the-top political rallies, the use of swastikas with red and black, and the extremely authoritarian dress code and aesthetic, point to an ideology that wanted society to *appear* a certain way no matter the cost of doing so.

>> No.15683622

They keep decrying it as "rightwing", they'll never admit it.

>> No.15683627

I have no idea what gacc is.

>> No.15683629

Fair enough. I still think that the aesthetic side of nazi germany was mainly just an ego boost for the imperialist machine, not necessarily an end in itself.

>> No.15683632

Is Stirner's spookbook easy to read or difficult? I might try it.

>> No.15683635

thats Beckett ...

>> No.15683636

Those aesthetics still hold up to this day, I can't deny. But wasn't most of that kept in the military?

>> No.15683637

It's complete nonsense, literally Ayn Rand but edgier and leftier.

>> No.15683642

Etymologically speaking that is what the two terms equate to. If one wants to specify they're "egoists" or Stirnerian egoists" they're a species of individualist anarchist. Not at all oppose to working within a group, but free to leave them as they see fit.
Yes, it's true people from all over operate like this, but Stirner was only encouraging others to develop this side of themselves.
Nietzsche encouraged a bit more boldness

>> No.15683650

THAT is complete nonsense. It's more logical, less spooked, than that muddle-headed crank.

>> No.15683655

Nobody reads Stirner as anything more than a meme, sorry bud

>> No.15683657

>Not at all oppose to working within a group, but free to leave them as they see fit.
I'm inclined to believe most people believe this already without ever hearing of Stirner, which only reaffirms my belief that Stirner is worthless as a philosopher.

>> No.15683667

That is honestly for the best.

>> No.15683668

No. The Union of Egoists is a collection of constantly willing participants who can leave at any time and, if pressured to stay, devolves into something else. Thus, it is neither intrinsically libertarian nor intrinsically socialist (both being Spooks). One group could assemble to steal from others or assemble to suck eachothers dicks or even start a farm. Anything goes.

>> No.15683671

>dude, everything I don't like is a spook and I can do whatever I want
wow, how profound!

>> No.15683678


>> No.15683680

I know it's Beckett, I don't give a shit

>> No.15683685

No one gives a flying fuck

>> No.15683687

It's the easiest "philosophy" text I've read, especially the Landstreicher translation

>> No.15683697

Where do I find an Union of Egoist E-Girls who will suck my dick?

>> No.15683702

Sure, but even the motto of the Italian Fascists reveal a similar thing: "Me ne frego", "I don't care", meaning they didn't care if they lived or died as long as Fascism ruled society.

What could be more aesthetically pleasing than millions of True Believers dying for the cause? There's a reason people romanticize war, and it's because they think it's beautiful to die for something, e.g the same sentiment as in Horace's "Dulce et Decorum est pro patria mori."

>> No.15683709

All right, thanks.

>> No.15683720

Because Stirner is a /lit/ meme, and Nietzsche is one of the most read philosophers of all time. Seriously, Stirner is not read outside of this broad. He’s a small footnote in the history of philosophy.

>> No.15683729

The Nazis and Commies had higher ups teaching the child that they didn't matter, but the Leader and "their people" did. Heil Hitler or whatever. This isn't conformism, it's brainwashing, which implies possession of a large scale. The Nazis would have eventually failed as individuals woke up from the horrid slavery they were forced to obey. Especially since the Nazis didn't have great plans.

>> No.15683738

You can find them online. Just make friends with an e-slut and suck eachothers dick.

>> No.15683780
File: 603 KB, 142x166, Wait a minute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this is why he's so right. Yet, no. You're wrong. Modern men have been broken so completely that they must find a damn good job and tie themselves to it for the better part of their lives or they'll die.
They're zombies of absolute obedience to the little box they installed in their house. Capitalism must be defended, nation must be defended. AH! GULAGS ARE COMING! KILL THEM ALL!

I said as much in the following post
It is ultimately self-serving, but that is anarchist society. One for all and all for one. This is socialism.

Read the book. It's not hard, it's actually a fun read.

And yes, I know, that's Beckett. This is Stirner

>> No.15683802

Yes, but which websites online specifically, which parts of those websites, etc, I need details that aren't spooked.

>> No.15683803

fucking cringe 1 bc >>15683678

2 bc you liberal babies are still talking about your ego's. grow the fuck up hylic scum

>> No.15683813

Daily reminder that anarchists are useful idiots for global capitalism.

>> No.15683822

>One for all and all for one

You understand neither concept hylic. too the pyre with your sickly infantile ape tier materialist egoism.

>> No.15683833
File: 37 KB, 870x545, mr stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the egoist must be prepared go fight under any flag that suits his interest
And? It's a tautology, this premise does not "cause" nazism any more than me feeling like taking a shit and that a toilet being nearby is convenient, "causes" said shit to be in said toilet. Emergent phenomena are emergent because the actors within it want it to emerge, big whopee. Totally ignores the fact that Stirner subtly argues that total servility to another's cause (eg. to statehood, which fascism lauds to hell and back) can never fully be your own cause, thus mostly uling the kind of authoritarian association-for-itself you find in ideologies and under "flags".

>> No.15683853

Every Nazi except Hitler gave up their mental faculties to carry out the orders of a psychopath. There's nothing remotely egoistic about Nazism, and you're a fucking moron. Everyone gave up their individuality to try to achieve some imaginary Europa, and they randomly killed people to achieve it. You should kill yourself, honestly, you have the slave morality. Stupid fuck.

>> No.15683864
File: 38 KB, 400x396, 6109EAFE-7BF8-4263-A9D6-5D1BA027C3CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow up
Larping turd

>> No.15683896

What the fuck do you even do with your life butterfly

>> No.15683906

Individualists you retard

>> No.15683934

Individualists are a camp of anarchism. Yes.

>> No.15683938
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>> No.15683939

Do you just post on /lit/ all day

>> No.15683948
File: 39 KB, 500x374, cooldog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a volcel. Do I get to join the revolutionary anarchist vanguard for this brave act, even if I sometimes enjoy having a state? Genuine question.

>> No.15684031

One, my e-library has access to the internet, and two, partial furlough for covid19