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/lit/ - Literature

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1568113 No.1568113 [Reply] [Original]

Any collegefags here, what are your majors and why did you chose it? Freshman here, trying to figure out what to major in. I like literature and history.

>> No.1568118

If I was you, I'd major in either History or Literature.

>> No.1568125


>> No.1568137


Can you be more specific?


Everything I like is in either shit-tier or waste of life tier, wtf.

>> No.1568148

Associate's in Science with Emphasis in Engineering. After that I'll transfer to uni and see what exactly I want to do.

>> No.1568154

Don't make any decision based on stupid ass tiers.

>> No.1568163

Look at this tard talking out of his ass. What're you doing in lit anyway?

>> No.1568345


Not that guy but

>implying lit is for english majors
>implying only english majors can read (they can't)

>> No.1568356


study lit, history, and secondary ed. become ballin' AP teacher who leads academic team and whatnot.

that's my plan, anyway

>> No.1568365

Literature and Philosophy.

>> No.1568367

Near Eastern Studies - language track

I find languages and the Middle East interesting. I'm currently learning Arabic, Pashto, and Persian. Working on a lot more at home.

>> No.1568370


also, if you're thinking about going into academia/being a college professor, research like a mofo.

it's typically a bad move for most people. the job market in academia is unforgiving, the pay sucks, and you have pay for and sit through as many years of higher education as a doctor or lawyer.

>> No.1568541

collegefag here, chances are that you're going to change your major one or two times. When I first heard that most people change their major upwards of 4 times, I was like WTF I'm never going to be that guy, I love Spanish! (My current major). I was so deadset on Spanish that I refused to even consider anything else. I still like it, but I changed my major to Information Systems. Now I'm changing it to Criminal Justice. And don't feel bad if you do change it, I've honestly never met anyone in my friends circle who hasn't changed their major. I know that this doesn't help the topic at hand, but just letting you know that my dad is a computer scientist and he works side by side with guys who majored in Philosophy, Agricultural Science, and one who majored in Journalism. Point is, that if you have your heart set on something, don't be afraid to look at other possibilities and that what you major in isn't necessarily where you'll be stuck in the rest of your life.

>> No.1568543

Spanish was my current major**

>> No.1568576

went into uni in godmode satus, pharmacy program, top of the class, $$$ after a couple more years.

started drinking heavily, flunked out, read philosophy and questioned the purpose of being.

Told my parents I was done with sciences, going to follow the true passions of my soul and major in english lit. Amazing grades, yet depression followed.

I now regret abandoning pharmacy. Go for something concrete. Obtain a future, then continue on to your goals from there. You'll regret not having a solid starting point later on.

>> No.1568584

Probably the best advice yet.

>> No.1568618

Kinesiology, I'd like to become a physical therapist

>> No.1568748


money & happiness over liberal arts fags

die satisfied.