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/lit/ - Literature

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15680164 No.15680164 [Reply] [Original]

>5 favorite books
>other anons try to discern how much of a tool you are

>> No.15680174

>against the day
>the savage detectives
>lunch poems

>> No.15680193

and another data mining thread is born

>> No.15680220
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>Moby Dick
>Le Morte D'Arthur
>Gravity's Rainbow
>The Torture Garden
>Journey to The West

>> No.15680224
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>crime and punishment
>the idiot
>don quixote
>the secret agent

I need to read more desu

>> No.15680231

>The Idiot
>I have no mouth and I must scream
>Petra (Greg Bear)
>The Road
>On The Heights of Dispair

>> No.15680286
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maybe a slight cheat but
>fellowship of the ring
>the two towers
>the return of the king
>the fountainhead
>the hunt for red october

>> No.15680293

Holy zoomerino, apart from one guy so far ?

>> No.15680303
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Atomised, Houellebecq
The Trouble with Being Born, Cioran
Aphorisms on the Wisdom of Life, Schopenhauer
The Magic Mountain, Thomas Mann
Against Nature, Huysmans

>> No.15680305

>crime and punishment
>the idiot
>brothers k

>> No.15680309

It is because LOTR is one novel. Just like Brothers Karamazov has twelve "books".

>> No.15680358

>Les Chants de Maldoror
>The Tunnel
>Tomb for 500.000 Soldiers
>Rimbaud, Collected Works
>The Idea of Phenomenology
>Society of The Spectacle or Discipline and Punish, idk which
Extremely depressed I am guessing
You both began reading seriously recently, and Dostoevsky was the first author who really blew your minds.
You are based, Torture Garden is fantastic.

>> No.15680359

You sound like you tried smoking when you first saw Mad Men

>> No.15680409

>Moby Dick
>The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>Crime and Punishment
>Honestly can't choose between The Adventures of Augie March, A King Alone and The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, so I'll cheat and have them all as number 5

>> No.15680426

circlejerk thread do not reply

>> No.15680461

>Extremely depressed I am guessing
No, I'm alright. I have a tendency to be melancholic and I'm just generally not very fond of the way the world is like (like most people surely), and find "that kind" of literature somehow comforting. It has a positive effect.

>> No.15680495

>The Chronicles of Amber
>Cannery Row
>The Count of Monte Cristo
>Moby Dick

>> No.15680509
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>One Hundred Years of Solitude - G.G.Márquez
>Palace Walk - Nagib Mafhouz
>The Name of The Rose - Umberto Eco
>A Chapter of Hats and Other Stories - Machado de Assis
>The Children of Húrin - J.R.R Tolkien

>> No.15680627
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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Memories of Ice
Mikael Hakim
The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories And Other Stories
Voice of the Fire

>> No.15680651

>Torture Garden
Can I fap to this?

>> No.15680679

>The Robbers
>The Sufferings of Young Werther
>The Technological Society
>Visions of Excess

>> No.15680691

>The Trouble with Being Born, Cioran
Read most of Cioran?

>> No.15680695
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Moby-Dick (read it with /lit/ for the first time)
East of Eden
A Sand County Almanac
The Wizard and the Crow
The Catcher in the Rye (I know I'm a tool)

>> No.15680704

>OP asks for 5 books
>gives 7
A bit of an attention seeker I presume

>> No.15680730

>Great Expectations
>Don Quixote
>The Count of Monte Cristo

There isn't a clear fifth for me, only a top four. LotR was the first series I ever read, when I was 8. The other three were what caused me to look beyond genre fiction.

>> No.15680797

>American Psycho
>Inherent Vice

I’m trying to get more well read

>> No.15680822

War and peace
The idiot
Anna karenina

>> No.15680827

>Love in the Time of Cholera
>Wind-Up Bird Chronicles
>White Noise
Nothing else really stands out to me. I've read a lot in the past couple years but those three actually have stuck with me pretty well.

>> No.15680832
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>collected writings of Cicero
>Three Musketeers by Dumas
>Thinker of Havukka-Aho by Veikko Huovinen
>Decline of the West by Spengler
>In Praise of Folly by Erasmus

>> No.15680838

>American Psycho
Nice. Do you find yourself relating to Bateman more over time?

>> No.15680846

> 27
> I am incapable of selecting favorites

>> No.15680863

>woman in the dunes
>100 years of solitude
>journey to the end of the night
>a rebours

>> No.15680885
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>Book of Disquiet
>San Manuel Bueno, Martyr
>Darío by Darío (An Anthology of Rubén Darío)
>Sorrows of Young Werther

Don Quixote, Ficciones, The Sun Also Rises, Ecclesiastes, et al.

>> No.15680915

At certain times I can feel like someone like him, faking it to fit in: a society wide imposter syndrome. But under normal circumstances not really.

>> No.15680922

>the count of monte cristo
>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
>Wuthering Heights

>> No.15680930
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Finnegans Wake (Yes I've actually read it with the skeleton key)
Carpenter's Gothic
The Crying of Lot 49
A Farewell to Arms
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.15680945
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>The Bible
>The Bible
>The Bible
>The Bible
>The Bible

>> No.15680947

I find myself thinking of the "nothing can be gained from this confession" monologue more and more. Was the same age as you when I first read it. The thing about how no one pays attention to what he's saying really gets me. I've started saying insane shit while in convos with people for a while and they just don't fucking listen. All they're thinking about is what they're going to say when you stop speaking.

>> No.15680963
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>> No.15680986

Have you ever thought of reading any other book than the bible?

>> No.15680987
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>Dogs on the farm
>Cats on the farm
>Sheep on the farm
>Chickens on the farm
>Cows on the farm

>> No.15680994

one hundred years of solitude
the sound and the fury
the magic mountain
dialectic of enlightenment
i havent read much desu

>> No.15681014

>Modernist Cuisine
>The Little Prince
>Gravity's Rainbow
>The Vignelli Canon

inb4 The Very Hungry Caterpillar gets Top 6 lol

>> No.15681028

>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>Roadside Picnic
>On The Road
Some of my favorites for the moment. On The Road probably has more sentimental value for me than it does actual literary value, but I still like it a lot.

>> No.15681040
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>> No.15681092

The Man Without Qualities
War and Peace
Book of Disquiet
The Magic Mountain

>> No.15681107
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Romance of the Three Kingdoms
The Confessions
The Pale King
Voyage au bout de la nuit
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.15681195


>> No.15681220

1. The Lost Weekend by Charles Jackson
2. Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates
3. The Mauritius Command by Patrick O’Brian (really a bunch from this series would be in my top twenty, but I’ll just keep it to one for a shortlist)
4. Salem’s Lot by Stephen King
5. John Adams by David McCullough

Not really the books I would choose as objectively the best but I went through my library and tried to choose the ones I went back to most often either for entertainment or other reasons

>> No.15681222
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>Sherlock Holmes Series
>A Gentleman in Moscow
> Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
>The Essential Calvin and Hobbes
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.15681237 [DELETED] 
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>Goosebumps: Welcome to camp nightmare
>Percy Jackson
>Garfield FAT CAT 3 PACK Vol 6

>> No.15681246

Miserable prick aren’t ya?

>> No.15681265

>Garfield FAT CAT 3 PACK Vol 6
that's literally the worst of the earlier ones.

>> No.15681328

When I think of life I spit on the ground

>> No.15681349

>no of Mice and Men

>> No.15681366
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Good, genuine answer. You reminded me of a friend from when I used to play rpg. The fatass had a rogue whose quest was to kill the king and start anarchy upon the realm.

Volte para o seu curso de letras, viadinho.

Cool dad types.

Insufferable faggot who cries for everything.

Edgelord, but sincere with himself. Nice.

>>15680930 (you)


As for me:
>Infinite Jest

>> No.15681403

>Infinite Jest
ironyfag shitposter buried under so many layers of irony he has no real self

>> No.15681471
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Man and His Symbols
Storm of Steel
Heart of Darkness
Paradise Lost
Divine Comedy

>> No.15681554

Mason & Dixon
Moby Dick
Tacitus- Annals
Blood Meridian
Augustus- John Williams

>> No.15681572

>Ender's Game
>The Holy Bible: Douay-Rheims Version
>The Old Man and the Sea
>The Lord of the Rings
>Uncle John's Bathroom Reader

>> No.15681578

Currently reading and while it's comfy it's also plain as fuck.

>> No.15681603

How do you mean plain? Like the prose?

>> No.15681653
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Moby Dick
Blood Meridian
The Great Gatsby
The Old Man and the Sea
As I Lay Dying

>> No.15681680

The Kite Runner
Like Water for Chocolate
The Goldfinch
The Outsiders
Infinite Jest

>> No.15681698

Why the fuck do these women still go through with doing the foot stuff when everyone knows Tarantino is a footfag?

>> No.15681870

Actresses are pretty whoreish. That’s why they all sent nudes to Weinstein.

>> No.15682249

>R.W. Emerson - Writings
>Pelopenesian war
>Vie de Rancé
>Sophocles plays
>Richard III

>> No.15682305

The Count of Monte Cristo
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Red and the Black
Crime and Punishment
Treasure Island

>> No.15682319 [DELETED] 

1 y o
Harry Potter 1-5

>> No.15682414

>American psycho
>do androids dream of sexy sheep
>a farewell to arms
>the master and margarita

>> No.15682495

I read LoTR when I was young also...7

>> No.15682527
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>Urth of the New Sun
>Moby Dick
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Confederacy of Dunces

I've been here too long.

>> No.15682532

>The Brothers Karamazov
>Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
>The Stories of Breece D'J Pancake
>The Sound and the Fury
>Blood Meridian

>> No.15682570

you could do a lot worse

>> No.15682727
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5 favorite books
>Le Morte D'Arthur
>Hamilton's Mythology
>Julius Caesar
>Interview with the Vampire
>The Gunslinger

>> No.15682763
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>notes from underground
>no longer human
>the stranger
>the catcher in the rye

>> No.15682954

>Notes from the underground.
>A confederacy of dunces
>The bible
>The diversity myth

>> No.15683315

>moby dick
>blood meridian
>the grapes of wrath
>sculpting in time

>> No.15683364

Is that real? How did they get a mouse to do that?

>> No.15683381

Age: 18

Love in the Time of Cholera
The Stranger
The Prince

I'm just getting back into reading which was a hobby of mine when I was younger.

>> No.15683384

whats so great about Moby Dick

>> No.15683409

>Moby Dick, LotR, Silmarillion, Eumeswil, BotNS

>> No.15683418
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>Catcher in the Rye
>A Short History of Decay
>The Technological Society
>Le Petit Prince

>> No.15683421

The Sound and the Fury
The Name of the Rose
Moby Dick
Anna Karenina
Crime and Punishment

>> No.15683452

you are depressed
you are indecisive
you are just getting back into reading which was a hobby of yours when you were younger

>> No.15683465

>The Stranger
>The Little Prince
>The Bible

Fellow anons, don't just post your shit, give feedback even if it's low iq trash

>> No.15683491

holy BASED

>> No.15683522

>The Poetic Edda
>HP Lovecraft: the complete fiction
>No Country for Old Men

>> No.15683679

>give feedback even if it's low iq trash
was busy at the time, will do now
>Discipline and Punish
been thinking about picking that up, how is it?
circlejerk board do not post
>American Psycho
fuck yes
bateman is such a good character
>Book of Disquiet
descartes or aurelius?
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
surprised i haven't seen this more itt

>> No.15683716


>> No.15683761

I'm >>15680679 which 3 have you read?

>> No.15683783

Malazan Series
Dresden Files
City at the End of Time
Bridge to Terabithia

>> No.15683814

aurelius of course

>> No.15683831

Princeps Augustus Caesar Imperator Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
However I cheated since I wanted to refer to both.

>> No.15683837

>I don't keep a fucking list of favorite books bc I am no longer a child. Moby Dick is pretty good I guess.

>> No.15683898

Look guys we got an unabashed reader over here! I bet this loser enjoys himself too!

>> No.15683919
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u bet i do

>> No.15684097

>The Pinocchio Syndrome
>Carrion Comfort
>Chromosome 6
>The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
>The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.15684101
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i dont read past page 30

>> No.15684158
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zoomer mentality

>> No.15684174

Hey, it's at least a trend I'm trying to turn around. Just read to page 45 in the work I'm currently slogging through :)

>> No.15684243

>intertidal life
>count of monte cristo
>wind up bird chronicle
>gulliver's travels

lonely attention deficit zoomer

>> No.15684244

chill it wasn't an insult it was a complement, you people figure it quicker than any other genereation before you

>> No.15684273

>A Clockwork Orange
>Growth of the Soil
>Storm of Steel

>> No.15684347


The Talented Mr Ripley
Ender’s Game
No Country for Old Men
Vanity Fair

>> No.15684384


Confederacy of Dunces
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Gravity's Rainbow
Honorable mention: The Pale King

Stereotypical as fuck

>> No.15684405

>The Fall
>Earthly Powers
>Book of The New Sun
>The Name of the Wind

>> No.15684419

Only 3 books disqualified
Too many books, disqualified
Too many books, disqualified
only 3 books, disqualified
very good
based if true
very based calvin and hobbes
eh, funny for including Uncle John's

(pt2 coming)

>> No.15684424



Yes most were eh but that's expected
alright someone do me

>> No.15684433

Crime & Punishment
The Book of Disquiet
The Sirens of Titan
The Complete Poems of Catullus

>> No.15684438

list your age you illiterate worm

>> No.15684442

this doesn't seem chaotic at all

>> No.15684487
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>crystallizing public opinion
>criminal profiling 4ed
>forensics the anatomy of crime
>dangerous personalities
>what everybody is saying

>> No.15684595

in no particular order
>Crime And Punishment
>Fear And Trembling
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>City Of Glass by Paul Auster

>> No.15684600

>Complete works of Sheakspear
>DnD players handbook 5e
>Star Maker
>Lord Of The Rings
>A fragment of life (short story by Arthur Machen, not very good but changed my life.)

>> No.15684632

You hate authority above all else.
You read the only Cioran book worth reading.
I hope you get through whatever your going through.

>> No.15684718



>Lord of the Rings
>Spring Snow

>> No.15684758

I'm not lonely nor do I have attention deficit disorder

>> No.15684768

The Crying of Lot 49
Trout Fishing in America
Invisible Cities
The Republic
Leaves of Grass

>> No.15684776

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
The Bible
Moby Dick

>> No.15684784


>> No.15684802

Le epic, my good sir

Gravity's Rainbow
The Recognitions
The Book of the New Sun
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater

>> No.15684815
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Giants in The Earth by Ole Rolvag
All Quiet on The Western Front
The Hobbit

>> No.15684831

>Mason and Dixon
>Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff
>Eating the Dinosaur
>Dharma Bums

>> No.15684883 [DELETED] 


With the old breed
Call of the wild
Brave new world
Slaughter house
How to win friends and influence people

Am currently reading the greeks what philosopher shoud I read after plato?

I want to go straight to Nietzsche but is he to hardcore for a new reader?

>> No.15684888

Fuck off underagebanned

>> No.15684889

Something Happened - Heller
The Demons - Doderer
Rituals - Nootebom
Childhood's End - Clark
For Whom The Bell Tolls - Hemingway

>> No.15684896

>god bless you, mr. rosewater
holy shit i completely forgot about this book, and how much of an impact it had on me when i first read it. i need to find a copy. thanks anon!

>> No.15684913

Delete anon - lucky u didn't get uruled instantly

>> No.15684924

It doesn't really mean what you think, specially since I'm like it and it should'nt be a problem

>> No.15684947
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>Principia Mathematica
>Herculine Barbin
>Finnegans Wake (unironically. Read it at 16 and 17 and am rereading it yet again)
>The Concept of Anxiety
>In Search of Lost Time

>> No.15684958

funny everything i read at 16 i was reading ironically

>> No.15685005

In no specific order
>Blood Meridian
>Confessions of a Mask
>The Three Musketeers
>Pale Fire

>> No.15685037
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I'm 22, but I read Dune and Siddartha when I was a good bit younger, which colored my opinion of them.

>> No.15685038



>The Waste Land & Other Poems
>Selected Poems by Ezra Pound
>Ariel by Sylvia Plath
>Confessions of a Mask
>Songs of Innocence & Songs of Experience

Plus, if anyone has any queer recomendations on poetry, please tell me.

Quite comfy books.

Solid picks. You're either creative and do a lot of writing / drawing, or just feel the need to but never do, I'm guessing.

Favorite Shakespeare work? I'm reading King Lear this week.

>> No.15685039

The Old Man and the Sea
Where the Red Fern Grows
The Fly Trap
Prisoner of Azkaban
Wizard's First Rule

>> No.15685045

I'm 26

>> No.15685068

Principia Mathematica, has too be bait.

>> No.15685071

I feel the need to but never do, but then again I feel like that dichotomy exhaustively describes everyone who frequents this board lol

>> No.15685080
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>Alas, Babylon
>Paradise Lost
>House of Leaves
>Brave New World
Read a lot less than I used to, desu.

>> No.15685092


>> No.15685108

>Anna Karenina
>Don Quixote
>Emerson's Essays
>Leaves of Grass

>> No.15685157

based for cannery row

Shoplifting From American Apperal
East of Eden
No Longer Human
White Noise
The Dead Father

>> No.15685174

>The Castle
>A Canticle for Leibowitz
>The Tin Drum
>The Sound and the Fury

>> No.15685192

Easily hamlet I have read it many times, Sheakspeare's language is awesome the human experience condensed, thank god a anon with taste for poetry, Blake is one of my favourites too I would put him but no space. In English try Ginsburg or Wilde for queer if you mean gay idk or naked lunch/nova trilogy. If you mean just odd Keats awesome but bit too flowery, Poe, Snyder is good Buddhist/Taoist. Anon what's great about poetry is if you just learn the basics of a language, get a dictionary, you can self translate while reading original, then you open to Rimbaud, Naruda, Borges. Thanks anon for having a soul. Oh and Lear is awesome the quote sick in fortune, and the king who is flattered is very poniagnt to our times. Oh Timon of Athens is one of my faves aswell.

>> No.15685217

>Taras Bulba
>With fire and sword
>Blood meridian
>The king in yellow
>Ass Goblins of Auschwitz

>> No.15685298

King in yellow is sick

>> No.15685351

>16 (17 this Friday)
>Meister Eckhart's works
>Elemeotti di Scienza Politica (Gaetano Mosca)
>Proclus' Elements
>Sartor Resartus
>Il Trionfo Della Morte

>> No.15685372

>The Communist Manifesto
>Democracy, the god that failed
>The fourth political theory
>Industrial revolution and its future
>Brave New World

>> No.15685380


>> No.15685390

no im 16 in dog years

>> No.15685413

>Communist Manifesto

You gotta read more books desu

>> No.15685417

In no particular order:
Catch 22
Ethics by Spinoza
Platos Republic
The Iliad
The Odyssey

>> No.15685479

I really like the transcendentalist stuff. Is Don Quixote that good?

>> No.15685507

you are a little baby. read young törless (musil), hunger (hamsun) and nausea (sartre) next

>> No.15685522

>The Man Who was Thursday
>The Qur'an
>The Republic
>Titus Groan
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.15685551

Great picks. Have you read Döblin?

>The Man Without Qualities
>The Sleepwalkers
>The Good Soldier Svejk
>Gargantua and Pantagruel
>The Moor's Last Sigh

>> No.15685571

You’re a bit of a tool... :(

>> No.15685626


Heart of Darkness
The Forever War
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

>> No.15685632


>The Magic Mountain
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Savage Detectives
>Walks With Walser
>A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.15685690

It's a masterpiece. Man's search for transcendental meaning in mental and verbal labyrinths of his own making.

>> No.15685963

Tolkien understood something, I'm not exactly sure what. But there's nothing else you can read so young that will grow up with you so well.

I'm not sure if there's another book written in all of history with the same combination of ambition and accessibility.

>> No.15686009

>a little over 3500 years
>Dune Messiah
>Children of Dune
>God Emperor of Dune
>Heretics of Dune

>> No.15686176
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The King in Yellow fucks tbqhwyf

>> No.15686211

Great picks. I've read some of the poets you mention, and like most of them. I'll definitely check Timon of Athens, thanks.

>> No.15686386

I'm a tool. There I made it easy for you. I only like sffg crap but also huck finn

>> No.15686424

Stupid Faggots of Dune

>> No.15686435

Discipline and Punish is great. It was the first book of philosophy I ever picked up, although I am certain I did not understand everything, the things I could understand were insightful to say the least. In retrospect now that I have read Nietzsche I can respect Foucault's archeology and arguments even more. It is very much so worth to read, even better with even a cursory understanding of Nietzsche; but very much worth it in it's own regard.

>> No.15686440

>The Illiad
>The Giver
>Frederic Douglass` Anthology
>No Country for Old Men

>> No.15686446

>No Longer Human
>Catcher in the Rye
>Brave New World
>Flowers for Algernon
Kinda basic bitch but I dont read much desu

I was thinking of adding Atomised then I realised I never finished it

Probably good taste but def an autistic try hard

Typical, nothing wrong with this for the age

>> No.15686601


>> No.15686782
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>Overlord (the light novel, yes)
>King Lear
>Crime and Punishment
>Things Fall Apart (solely because Okonkwo treats women like shit and the book reinforces my prejudices regarding nogs better than actual racist stuff ever could)
Special mention to the Holy Quran

>> No.15686794

>In no specific order
>A Hero of Our Time
>Storm of Steel
>Pale Fire
>The Prince

>> No.15686821
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>The Count of Monte Cristo
>The Illuminatus Trilogy
>A Confederacy of dunces
>Darkness At Noon
>The Man Who Was Thursday

>> No.15686997

yeah you're definitely 18

>> No.15687202

>nausea (sartre)
on my shelf, haven't heard of the others though
will check them out ty anon

>> No.15687204

nice, looks rather short too so i guess i'll give it a shot

>> No.15687284
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>The Sound of the Mountain
>The Twelve Chairs
>No Longer Human

>> No.15687326
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>Blindsight - Peter Watts
>Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
>2666 - Roberto Bolaño
>Crash - J. G. Ballard
>Infinite Jest - DFW (honestly love it several times over, I don't understand why it's gotten such a bad rep here now!)

>> No.15687587

> critique of pure reason
> Eumeswil
> the Technological society
> Philosophical Investigations
> being and time

i wish i was dead

>> No.15687626

>moby dick
>confederacy of dunces
>brothers karamazov

>> No.15687632

>Anna Karenina
>Terra Nostra
>Tristram Shandy
>Madame Bovary
>The Castle

>> No.15687691

What are five books?

>> No.15687710

The sun also rises
Nine stories
A clockwork orange
Calvin and hobbes

>> No.15687714
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Hang yourself

>> No.15687752
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>120 Days of Sodom
>Crime and Punishment
>Dante's Inferno
>Nietzche's Beyond Good and Evil
>Various works of Ancient Middle Egyptian Literature

>> No.15687771

only read moby dick, i also like sailing stuff

ah, blood meridian, monsieur?

>Blood Meridian
>Gulliver's Travels
>Doktor Glas
>The Emigrants

>> No.15687870

27. right now i like

Tarr by Wyndham Lewis
Distant Star by Roberto Bolano
The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien
The Vocation of Man by Fichte
The Royal Family by William T. Vollmann

>> No.15687876

and an honorable mention to Blake's Marriage

>> No.15687901

Blood meridian was great as well I’d rotate it into the top five maybe

>> No.15687992

>Lord of the Rings
>The Long Ships
>Clash of Kings
>The Kingdom of God is Within You

>> No.15687997

Of mice and men
Stuka pilot
It looked like spilt milk
World war z

>> No.15688026

It lacks originality, characters and world building seem very stereotypical. It's still a nice read, but nothing provoking or unsettling.

>> No.15688029

2 of those books are literally part of the AP English curriculum too and King Lear is definitely a Junior Year English thing

>> No.15688663

100 years of solitude
no longer human

>> No.15689010

>The Trial
>Portrait of an Artist
>Melancholy of Resistance
>Moby Dick
>Dead Souls

>> No.15689047

weeb who is either asian or has abaonded western "being/becoming" and has deluded himself to subscribe to "nothingness".
you german? nice selections
may have taken a twisted likening to christianity and "

>> No.15689075
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>Thomas the Obscure
>The Death of Virgil
>True Grit
>The Dark Eidolon and Other Fantasies

>> No.15689194

We peaked this thread.

>> No.15689278

>The Master and Margarita
>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
>The great Gatsby

>> No.15689324

>No Longer Human
>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
>The Catcher in the Rye
>East of Eden
>The Trial

loner. feels smarter than everyone.

Skinny English Major

>> No.15689613

>Labyrinths, Borges
>Invitation to a Beheading
>Anything Dosto
>Pride and Prejudice
Enjoys going on hikes, upbeat, & active. idk
Hayseed/wannabee country boy.

>> No.15689658

Anybody got a synopsis on >>15689075?

>> No.15689674

ascetic & self-destructive is my guess

>> No.15689703

>The Sword of Honor
>Anna Karenina
>The Elementary Particles
>A Sportsman's Sketches

>> No.15689831



>> No.15689862

I don't think I have read much more than 5 books yet

>> No.15689937

>Crime and Punishment
>Journey to the end of the night
> The Dispossessed

>> No.15689957

Hard to pick five but
>Dante's Comedy
>Baudelaire's Flower of Evil
>Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
>Dostoievsky's Brothers Karamazov
>Edgar Poe's entire published works, most of his works are short, but the whole is greatn especially his criticism

>> No.15689960

Have you read Serotonin by Houellebecq yet?
I want to start Hllbcq, but I can't decide if I should start with Atomised or Serotonin.

>> No.15690185

Considering that it’s the only nonfiction on that list I’d like to ask what makes Kant’s critique of pure reason so good to you?

>> No.15690232

I’m diagnosing all you idiots that put entire collected works in a slot as homosexuals. Probably bottoms.

>> No.15690242
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When they enter it into the giant spreadsheet, do you think they include the corresponding post's image.

>> No.15690544
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>The Master and Margarita
>Crime and Punishment
>Lord of the Flies
>The Egyptian

You may now proceed to call me a faggot.

>> No.15690585

>The Stand by Stephen King
>An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreisel
>Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer
>Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould

Am I a pseud, /lit/?

>> No.15690605

I think it’s safe to say nobody who sees you confusing 5 and 4 and reading Stephen King will accuse you of trying to pass for an intellectual

>> No.15690633

>reading more than 4 books

RETARD alert.

>> No.15690650

Crime and punishment
Sound and Fury
Naked lunch
Wide Blood
Probably some architecture book or something I don't know

>> No.15690733

>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
>Snow Crash
>The War of the Worlds
>The Way of Kings

I'm trying to read more non-fiction.

>> No.15690775

You should read Whatever before Atomised, and Possibility of an Island after those two. His other stuff needs no order.
Yeah I've read Serotonin. I liked it a lot, but I might be biased because I'm such a Houellebecq fanboy.

>> No.15691069

Beware of Pity
The Kreutzer Sonata
Heart of Darkness

>> No.15691101

Children of Hurin is his best work

>> No.15691474

>weeb who is either asian or has abaonded western "being/becoming" and has deluded himself to subscribe to "nothingness".
britbong and not really a weeb unless you count j-rock
though i do find western ideology repulsive

>> No.15692418

Gulag Archipelago
Crime and Punishment
13.5 lives of Cpt Bluebear
Man's search for meaning

>> No.15692458

>Gargantua and Pantagruel
>Confederacy of Dunces
>Love in the time of cholera

>> No.15692481

oh forgot the age, 25