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15680102 No.15680102 [Reply] [Original]

>absolutely BTFOs succdems

>> No.15680116

But all men are created equal according to American constitution

>> No.15680117

>muh sharing is magic
>muh working class,
>never had a job or anything to share
Why does his ideology not just embody the selfishness of himself but all of the people who thought he was worth following?

>> No.15680132

stop being a retard and actually read Marx

>> No.15680140

Wow, a boomer has a puerile understanding of something he's angry at.

>> No.15681075

Read Marx

>> No.15681084

things that do not exist anymore: communist countries
things that stil exist: social democracies

>> No.15681088

Marx got absolutely btfo by the people who tried to implement his ideas and failed.

>> No.15681718

Name one social democracy that actually practices socialism, I'll wait

>muh communism doesn't work!
which is why the USSR went from a backwards society into a world superpower in just a few decades

>> No.15682237

Parliamentary socialists cucking for the bourgeois is the reason fascists exist.

Thank you syndies! Thank you Sorel!

>> No.15682271

Fascists exist as a reaction to Communist movements. Actually reading into the history of the early 20C shows you that the atrocities that the fascists did where done by communists beforehand.

>> No.15682292

Fascism is not a reactionsry ideology in the slightest, it seeks to create a new man. It's revolutionary if anything.

Actually read the shit you criticize, start with the Origins and Doctrine of Fascism.

>> No.15682387

>seeks to create a new man
>doee this by sperging nonstop about an idealized past that was stolen from us by the ((other))

yeah dude sounds mega forward-thinking

>> No.15682431
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You are completely talking out of your ass, you're not worth the effort to engage with.

>> No.15682803

>the atrocities that the fascists did where done by communists beforehand.
This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.15683103


Absolutely my favorite writing of Marx, it's so pedantic and brutal.

>> No.15683119


Cuba is a Marxist-Leninist state.

>> No.15683174

Uh yeah, I bet Rosa was gassing Jews before Hitler came into power. Retard.

>> No.15683196

>Name one social democracy that actually practices socialism
None, as it should be

>> No.15683268

whats revolutionary about militarized patriotism? it seeks to create no man except the one in power, which sucks for everyone else

>> No.15683306

It's a revolution against democracy and the disorder it entails.

>> No.15683858

The only one talking out of their ass is you. Fascism is understood to be reactionaryin any place real politcal discussion exists(not /pol/ or American meme pripoganda like PragerU)

>> No.15683902

>the Russian Empire wasn’t a major world power.
This has walkways been one of the strangest talking points Soviet sympathizers like to use. At least it makes sense the the context of China.

>> No.15683913

Reality proves otherwise

>> No.15683931

>implying the Russian Empire was ever near the hegemonic status of the USSR


>> No.15683943

Sure, but going from major world power to o e of two remaining superpowers doesn’t Jhabvala the same ring to it.

>> No.15683963

>things that stil exist: social democracies

Social democracy hasn't existed since the late 80s bro. The only politics that exists in the West is left and right-wing liberalism, and even calling one of them left-wing is a stretch because they are also pathetic cucks to international capital they just want a fucking Pride-flag hanging outside of the building.

>> No.15684179

...who is "Jhabvala?"

>> No.15684193

i dont think you would want to live in the USSR bud

>> No.15684340

what the fuck is the difference between social democrats and communists/socialists? it's like leftists are the biggest faggots at splitting hairs aren't they all the same thing?

>> No.15684589
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You're fucking retarded

>> No.15684610

What makes you say that

>> No.15684613

This. Marxism basically means I have to share my hard-earned salary with elite idle commies like Don Lemon on CNN. I'd rather keep what I earn and not be a sharing-is-caring tranny.

>> No.15684627

>never had a job
He was a journalist
>inb4 not a job
define job

>> No.15684636

And China too
bruh moment

>> No.15684640

Jobs are when you ACTUALLY work for a living. Like construction and factory stuff

>> No.15684683

None, they practice welfare capitalism, the perfect system. The Nordic countries had a higher standard of living than any socialist or pure capitalist country.

Also Russia could have reached it's hegemonic status without socialism. Central planning helped Russia industrialize quickly but it failed in providing consumer goods and matching demand later on

>> No.15684731

And not faggy shit like pipe fitting. The real stuff.

>> No.15684739

Consooomer goods are for homos.

>> No.15685156

Social Democrats ended up being correct in the end. Marx was off his rocker