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/lit/ - Literature

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15679771 No.15679771 [Reply] [Original]

What literature can make you appreciative of your small narrow occasional enjoyment of life despite the overwhelming suffering?

>> No.15679846

Epictetus, dude was a slave

>> No.15679850

Whats this picture

>> No.15679877

How the fuck can he be smiling here I mean honestly what the fug. If that were me first thing I’m doing is blowing my head clean off. This is just straight up aberrant behavior. 1488

>> No.15679907

Right: man with all his extremities
Left: same man-penis-ass-legs-arm+a bag

>> No.15679911

Idk man science is progressing like crazy. What if you shot yourself but then five years later they come up with the cure for not having legs, what a fool you would be

>> No.15679962

Lord Of The Rings, they do it all to save there simple midget town. Not lit but I still reread to remember what matters.

>> No.15679972

how is that the same man the one on the left is a child, I think you have the before after mixed up

>> No.15679995


>> No.15680065

i admire that guy. if that happened to me and i survived i would spend the rest of my life screaming

>> No.15680073

Next time they do a Q&A on their youtube channel, I dare someone to keep asking politically charged questions until they say something wrong, and then get them cancelled. They're from Montana, can't be hard to trip them up in a politically correct mind-field of questions about trans rights and BLM etc. Is cancel culture unflinching enough to cancel a kid who got chopped in half at work?

>> No.15680135

>Is cancel culture unflinching enough to cancel a kid who got chopped in half at work?
In the land of the free? Of course!

>> No.15680143

anon, i can't imagine just how unpleasant you actually are

>> No.15680155

t. would 100% go along with ostracizing the kid if everyone else decided to do it and doesn't want to confront his own lack of moral compass

>> No.15680178

Reminder that he has a gf that takes care of him.

>> No.15680180

If this actually happened I’d simultaneously laugh my ass off and vomit from how bad I’d feel

>> No.15680184
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The morphine hasn't worn off yet.

>> No.15680197

I bet if he said "all lives matter!" or "there are only two genders" you would fly into a rage and join the nearest twitter lynch mob. You know it's true.

>> No.15680218
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I need answers

>> No.15680221

>Not lit
Yes it is.

>> No.15680234

construction clothes make you look a thousand times older and unappealing

>> No.15680236

>I want to expend the effort to sacrifice a kid whose life was absolute rekt to rabid retards whom I know will eat him alive so that I may feel morally superior to them after they do what I know they will do
My solace is that your existence is sad and pitiful.

>> No.15680239

what's the point of having a gf if you don't have gonads

>> No.15680256

are you bots?

>> No.15680262

Ok coomer

>> No.15680274

>He was operating a forklift, which he says he was not certified to do, through the site when he saw a car barreling towards him.

>Thinking it would come to a stop before any collision, he continued.

>The car, however, did not stop and ploughed into him, sending him and the forklift sprawling down a gravel mound.
what the literal fuck

>> No.15680288

There's a flip-side to the hedonic treadmill where even people with severe accidents and longtime injuries will often return to their baseline level of happiness.


>> No.15680333

I once read this long ass essay from the point of view of some hotshit law student who was paralyzed in a motorcycle accident, and kills himself at the end. That shit was chilling and still disturbs me to this day. The guy seemed like a real asshole before the accident, and just couldn't come to terms with it. It was compelling because you felt bad for him, but at the same time he seemed rather unlikable, which ultimately leads to his suicide. The reason someone linked to it was to poke holes in this idea that people just get used to their new lives.

>> No.15680351

Don't worry. She will leave him once the attention wears off and she needs a good dicking.

>> No.15680420

Australians think that the world stops for them.

>> No.15680463

>being told by bots to develop some sense of individuality
did Kojima write this

>> No.15680790

Best thing to do in that situation is put the forks up to driver height, put the parking brake on and enjoy the show.

>> No.15680803

It happened in Montana. Also, who the fuck thinks the car is just going to keep going. Forklifts usually weigh at least 3 times more than a car

>> No.15680813

He'd known that had he been in forklift certification training.

>> No.15680815

I know which one you're referring to anon, saw someone post it here a year ago and it got me good back then (though I only jumped around and read two thirds or so), he's doubtless overly extreme at points nonetheless.
Here's the link http://www.2arms1head.com/

>> No.15680845

Losing everything below the waist is the real soul-crusher. Just having leg stumps would be a thousand time more bearable.

>> No.15680883

A day in the life of Ivan Denysovich

>> No.15681178


>> No.15681253


>> No.15681290


>> No.15682023


>> No.15682070

God I feel so terrible for him because he seems like he'd doing ok mentally but as soon as their socialmedia followers get bored of him, his gf will leave and he'll have nothing but the feeling of being trapped and alienated. He'll only be an inconvenience to his family, he'll have no one and his smile and character will slowly wear away into bitter subsistence.

>> No.15682142

Maybe, who fucking cares though it’s not like they have to be together forever, you can’t look at all things as needing to be held up to some standard of forever. I doubt she’ll just abandon him and just get plowed by Tyrone in front of his immobile baby face. It doesn’t have to be a schism though, they might keep supporting each other anyway. Nothing at all compares to being bisected though, no metaphors to be made from that. Maybe he’ll even leave her, who fucking knows you coont

>> No.15682337
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>they might keep supporting each other anyway
Not a chance. These stories always play out the same way.

>> No.15682385

Luckily these stories are rare and hardly ever happen in real life anyway
Also calm down your overactive imagination you preteen, “support” means a lot of things. One example, for instance, could be very distant business partners

>> No.15682755

Stop capitalizing articles and prepositions in titles.

>> No.15682846


>> No.15682856


>> No.15683715

how does he pee and poo?

>> No.15683800

this one sucked to read about, though it's almost more admirable that she didn't even bother putting on a fake smile. that expression pretty much says "you know what's happening here. can you even blame me?"