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15679504 No.15679504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You guys have any Library related rushes /lit/?

>> No.15679536
File: 46 KB, 401x487, gajjag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just returned an ebook early
>i just informed a system that is able to artificially generate an infinite number of copies of a resource that i was no longer accessing 1 of infinite copies of one of their resources
>i just told a system to run a DB script that would set the status of the borrowed flag in some row on some table from 1 to 0

>> No.15679547

there are queues for ebooks? lmao

>> No.15679551

What the hell is the point for waiting for e-books?

>> No.15679594

the fuck. this is the dumbest shit ever returning a fucking Ebook and waiting inline for one.

>> No.15679616

My uni offers unlimited copies for ebooks, same with my city library. Is this not the case at american libraries?

>> No.15679621

I absolutely, genuinely, 100%, hate people. I'm looking into buying a few acres so I can just build a shack and garden to live as a hermit.

>> No.15679626

>waiting for ebooks


>> No.15679676

This is exactly why libraries deserve zero funding and zero respect.

>> No.15679690
File: 22 KB, 844x214, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit is frustratingly stupid.

>> No.15679691

not finding the reference book you're looking for, but finding one on the shelf next to it which is even more perfect. rollercoaster of emotions desu, i live for it

>> No.15679698

>reddit screencap
you know what to do

>> No.15679706

>queues for ebooks
do Americans really?

>> No.15679746

On a related note
>the look on the middle school's library lady's face when you borrowed a narnia book and returned it the next day

Was I the only one?

>> No.15679761
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I use the Libby app for The New York Public Library and I noticed a couple months ago they seemed to restructure it to reduce the amount of books you can have at a time and reduced the number of “holds” (basically your place on a waitlist). You can now have 3 books out at a time and have 3 “holds”; it think it used to be like 5 of each.
It was right around April when COVID was at its biggest but idk if thats a coincidence or not. I think COVID also led to a lot more library app installs.
For the three years I’ve used the app, you would only ever have to wait for a book that was in the uppermost stratosphere of meme shit, like books that had a movie adaption in theaters at that very moment or a TV series just premiering. Or one of big White Guilt books being pushed right now is the kind of thing you couldn’t get; and there was always a wait for The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck.
I was even able to get Game of Thrones in June of last year right away like a few days after the show ended.
Lately I’ve been seeing waits on stuff that surprises me, like right now I’ve got a hold on a Raymond Carver short story collection and I even saw a waitlist a few weeks ago on The Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant, believe it or not.
It’s also a function of how many copies the library bought too.

I’m really just lazy though, and haven’t torrented since like ‘13. Everybody should be stealing their books, even if you read physical.

>> No.15679762
File: 45 KB, 499x499, 4Chan_Meme_Pepe_Smiling5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that rush you get when you pirate an e-book a thousand times to deprive the publisher of sales and contribute to their inevitable bankruptcy

>> No.15679879

I pirate out of principle because authors with monetary motives should not be allowed to write.

>> No.15679899

>waiting lines for stupid ebooks
Haha fucking plebs

>> No.15679919

Depends on the book. At my uni most books can be read by any member at any time, but books released this year or books the author or publisher requests not be, have to be purchased as "copies" and can only be read concurrently by as many people as the school bought copies for.

>> No.15679939

Nah, libraries are fine. Ebooks are for retards anyway.

>> No.15680098

Based Homeless person posting from a library

>> No.15680125

Why must imbeciles define themselves purely in terms of their reactions to things? OP didn't post anything: he posted something someone else posted for others to react to. There's no dialogue. There's no discussion. This is how the brain withers, shrinks and dies, as you become a mollusc who just reacts, never thinks, engages or converses.

>> No.15680168

Your heckin ebook has arrived, kind stranger

>> No.15680186

The screenshot was OPs statement.
It’s like when Richard Yates wrote of a character “if he could say it, he wouldn’t have had to paint it”.
He can’t articulate his disillusion and frustration so he’s displaying some reddit faggotry as an outlet

>> No.15680191

The eternal redditor

>> No.15680201

I like going to the library but reddit is gay

>> No.15680211

The rush of leaving my torrent client open so others can download from me the same book I downloaded from others :)

>> No.15680338

This is publisher related.
If a popular new book is in demand the library would have to buy 20 real copies to satisfy the demand.
If they were allowed to give out the ebook copy willy nilly, they wouldn't have to buy as many physical copies.
The publisher or middleman works out a deal so that digital copy can only be loaned out say 3 at a time instead of 100 at a time. Or there are deals where the library can lend out the ebook as much in a single day as they like, but once its been borrowed 1000 times they need to rebuy it from the publisher.

Basically its all about money

>> No.15680365
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godspeed my good anon

>> No.15680371

consumption is their way of self-expression

>> No.15680400

I've found old notes and stuff in library books that had been used as bookmarks and had yellowed with age. It's never a rush though.

>> No.15680414

>I'm looking into buying a few acres so I can just build a shack and garden to live as a hermit.
i did that with a couple of friends + the mother of one of my friends and it's been pretty good. we are mostly self-sufficient. i have about 4 hours of daily chores to help maintain the ranch and afterwards i just read/write and shitpost on /lit/ all day.

>> No.15680498
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>Rick Riordan
I hate this nigger like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.15681239

>People unironically posting leddit screencaps on 4chin xDDDD LMAO FUCK YOU
I don't fucking care about your onions-filled mod-power-tripping fucking conformist webshite, you fucking moron. Go eat shit and die.

>> No.15681339

You accidentally didn’t bump the thread bro