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15678737 No.15678737 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that prove we are not inherently bisexual? I really mean more of a biology book, any sort of scientific proof that our sexuality isn't developed in our childhood by society's values?

>> No.15678748

Are those little dogs that try to hump your leg biologically legsexual? Or do they just try to smash anything that moves cuz it feels good?

>> No.15678752

I’m balding

>> No.15678764


>> No.15678837

all dogs are bisexual

>> No.15678876

"Homosexuality is wanting to be someone else"

>> No.15678887

what do you mean?

>> No.15678897

my diary desu
not a single entry for a faint desire to have my anus tongued by some dude

>> No.15678900

Use hair loss products sooner than later
Once it’s gone it’s gone I’ve heard, start early enough you can save more

>> No.15678905

Why don’t you guess what you think anon means

>> No.15678923

My nigga I'm bisexual and have 0 aspirations to be a tranny lmao

That still doesn't disprove OP's point

>> No.15679057

It doesn't mean much of anything, it's a pithy quip pretending to be a real insight into sexuality

>> No.15679212

Why does every bisexual feel the need to assert this?

>> No.15679240

same thing that drives vegans

>> No.15679259
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I'm pretty sure anime made me bisexual.
Bishy boys in dresses, got damn

>> No.15679288

Couldn't the same be said for all sexuallities but your own?

>> No.15679315

They desperately want to feel normal and shove their perversions onto others

>> No.15679343

not nearly as much as boring straight people like to bitch on about them

>> No.15679357

Buddy you're not supposed make an argument and then look for sources for it.

>> No.15679364

Why does every bisexual look for reasons why humans are born not bisexual from a genetic point of view or made to become bisexual in early childhood?

I don't know maybe they're all just such big thinkers.

>> No.15679373

How about providing a counter argument instead of throwing insults? OP asked for biological proof, he didnt assert anything

>> No.15679386

Stop being a Karl Popper dick sucker

>> No.15679391

Maybe normal people are tired of abnormal sexualities being astroturfed into their lives and being forced to tolerate them

>> No.15679437

The OP is looking for reasons *against* bisexuallity you fucking chimp.

The only person forcing these views as accepted and normal are those who projected that way of looking at it onto their shattered reading comprehension.

>> No.15679443

why is bisexuality abnormal? What is your basis against it? Biological?

>> No.15679462

>I’m bisexual
>lol I’m not a tranny why is everybody here talking about trannies lmao

>> No.15679476

Unless you have -20 IQ, you can see that it was implied to the anon I responded

>> No.15679487

Shut up faggot

>> No.15679496

Suck my dick nigger

>> No.15679550

most "normal people" don't give a fuck either way

>> No.15679613

I once had a threesome with another dude (we didn't touch) but the entire next week I fantasized about the threesome but with us touching and fucking

I don't consider myself bisexual, but maybe you're on to something OP

>> No.15679614

I fail to see any real evolutionary reason why we would have evolved to be bisexual. Evolution is all about what helps you produce offspring, something which is obviously out of the cards if you are in a ghey relationship. I heard that being ghey, is like a form of population control, shit a ghey out of your vagina and all of the sudden you don't have to worry about him producing grandkids to hog all the resources, but that's not really proof that all people are ghey. Ultimately, ghey sex is just something that feels good (so I'm told) and so if you're a hedonist, which most people are, whether implicitly or otherwise, getting your nut out in one of your bros is just a good way to get that dopamine hit. It just depends on what you mean by natural, I don't think people are made to be attracted to men and women simultaneously by design, but I think people show a rather obvious proclivity towards developing attractions if they associate it with a means of gaining sexual or romantic release. /Pol/tards will tell you it's a perversion and that it's unnatural, and pink haired lesbos will tell you that if you don't suck at least 20 cocks a day you can't be progressive, but the important thing to remember is that these two extremes are equally retarded.

>> No.15679631

>and so if you're a hedonist, which most people are, whether implicitly or otherwise, getting your nut out in one of your bros is just a good way to get that dopamine hit. It just depends on what you mean by natural, I don't think people are made to be attracted to men and women simultaneously by design, but I think people show a rather obvious proclivity towards developing attractions if they associate it with a means of gaining sexual or romantic release


>> No.15679743

That's gay, not bisexual, but I respect it.

>> No.15679772

I meant touching and fucking but also with the other girl

>> No.15679800

To get your asshole destroyed by a man infront of a female, let alone one ready to mate with two males, is one of the gayest acts I can imagine.

>> No.15679807

I refuse to believe the queers get any sexual satisfaction out of the sodomy anymore, these people don't have sex, they virtue signal and engage in shrill politically correct activities at the behest of george soros, the dnc and their marxist professors.

>> No.15679824


You sound like someone who has never enjoyed a self inflicted prostate orgasm, retard.

>> No.15679825 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15679826

back to /pol/

>> No.15679838
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>> No.15679874

No, the whole point of veganism is to spread the message/convince others/normalize it. The situation with bisexuality is a different matter altogether.

>> No.15679878


>> No.15679904

Actually, yes (in some sense).
Bisexuals (or of any other orientation) ARE normal but are forced to feel abnormal by social pressure. So of course they want to ease that pressure by asserting it.

>> No.15679923

Gorillas are naturally bisexual though. I suppose this is true for many other apes. Now figure that these are our closest ancestors.

>> No.15680016

Thank you

>> No.15680444

I think bisexuality is just a habit like everything else

>> No.15680809

>Bisexuals (or of any other orientation) ARE normal

No they're not. People can only be conceived through a man and a woman.

>> No.15681200


>> No.15681790

I'd love to fuck my bros while also doing my girl

>> No.15682528

because people are retarded and mostly base their morality and opinions on their subjective experiences. they very rarely consider that other people can experience life in a fundamentally different way
most bigotry stems from this, you can see in this very thread anons desperately grasping for reasons to disparage gay people because they see annoying homos on twitter or they've been raised to believe homosexuality is illegitimate
its hard to be a bigot and truly intelligent at the same time, conservatives as a whole are measurably less intelligent than liberals.

>> No.15682552

but bisexuals aren't inherently better or more moral than straights and they fall into the same silly mindset

>> No.15682560

>cuz it feels good?
Only dolphins and humans feel pleasure from sex.

>> No.15682564

Sexuality is not a scientifically quantifiable concept.

>> No.15682579

>Evolution is all about what helps you produce offspring
Not true by the way

>> No.15682581

I'm OP and literally just made this thread so I could get some insight and all I got was peoples personal opinions which have no scientific basis or claim behind them. I literally just wanted some scientific proof and got 0 book recommendations

>> No.15682608

Sexuality as in who you are attracted to is a made up bourgeois 'characteristic' and 'individualism'.

Gender/sex universally concerned role until upperclass Europeans invented all the rest recently. Sexual orientation and gender identity do not exist outside of modern markets. Aside from the distinction of women being able to fall pregnant and men not, there was no particular biological relevance to manhood and womanhood. Much less caring about the biological sex of something that made you aroused, that would be bizarre. Obviously biological factors are in play but this was not how anyone thought about it, women tend to be women in role for biological reasons, and men tend to be attracted to femininity for biological reasons.

You will get nothing legitimate because of this >>15682564

>> No.15682623

problem is developmental psychology is very hard to test so a lot of it ends up relying on armchair theorizing instead of actual experimentation; anything you read about this will be politically charged

>> No.15682637

>Gender/sex universally concerned role until upperclass Europeans invented all the rest recently.
plenty of ancient peoples were concerned with masculinity. gender identity has mattered

>> No.15682643

anything that mentions bi/homosexuality is argument bait and the question is probably better asked on /sci/ or google

>> No.15682707

>anything that mentions bi/homosexuality is argument bait and the question is probably better asked on /sci/ or google

No nigga, thats because of your zoomer twitter adhd brain, which assumes its bait

>> No.15682792

what? sexual minorites have always existed, there are records of people living as a different gender and with the same sex in countries and times that are untainted by upperclass european society.
i have a sneaking suspicion the greeks and their sexual practices influence your view here, but there have always been and always will be purely homosexual people and purely straight people no matter what form human society takes

>> No.15682814

the form that most /lit/ shitposting takes is a request for books that are about a controversial subject(to avoid the thread being pruned) followed by an inflammatory statement about that subject. you have done both. even if you didn't intend on it you can't really expect discussion to be good when you start a thread this way.

>> No.15682823

only problem is that they're not perfect, they're often expensive, and it's a lifetime commitment if you actually give that much of a shit.

I think civilization has tricked us into thinking that we've all got dealt perfect hands and that if one little thing goes wrong, it's the end of the world. ultimately a lot of men are going to go bald and that's that. you'll always wish you had a full head of hair, but when you're 60 you'll wish you were a young man again too.

>> No.15683188


>> No.15684204

He asked for biological disproof lmao. Unfalsifiability fallacy

>> No.15684567

It’s got nothing to do with sex, it’s dominance.