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File: 33 KB, 331x500, sapiens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15677945 No.15677945 [Reply] [Original]

Any thoughts on this book? Is it worth it?

>> No.15677947

Humankind is a made up word

>> No.15677957

Haven't read it but as a synthesis of the prevailing consensus of /lit/ I'd say it's a book for bugmen pseuds.

>> No.15677994

total trash, extremely surface level and i would rather call it an opinion piece than a history book.
Don't waste your time m8 , it's for 12yo kids and under

>> No.15678027

leftist propaganda

>> No.15678038


>> No.15678043

Why would i read than when i could read Genesis?

>> No.15678050

More or less this

>> No.15678099

Author is an actual homosexual, and any science or anthropology in it is shallow, with the book really being a platform for his personal opinions.

>> No.15678111

>Author is an actual homosexual
In what way does this make it propagandic? Does he say fags are better or something?
>and any science or anthropology in it is shallow
Give some examples, what kind of shallow science and how does he misunderstand it.
>with the book really being a platform for his personal opinions.
Like what?

>> No.15678118

he writes about gender roles, IQ being determined not by genes or race but by culture etc.

>> No.15678125

Hey buddy, you'll get as much work as you put in.

>> No.15678134

Total trash.


>> No.15678193

And does he substantiate this with scientific literature, or does he make it up? If it is substantiated, is it then still propaganda? Or does he misread the scientific literature?
If you're not interested in defending your views on a discussion board, why are you expressing them? I am honestly giving your viewpoints the minimum amount of stress possible, really handling them with pussy-gloves to not freak you out over actually having to deliver a coherent thought of more than 25 words.

>> No.15678198

He is unabashedly a globalist homo and had some level of popularity with the mass so snobs of /lit/ are going to immediately recoil.

I enjoyed this, and in its non-traditional structure I can see how it comes off as pop-history, albeit with some interesting takes thrown in.

Homo Deus was actually much more interesting read for me over this. It is essentially a sequel of Sapiens, you best off reading it first. This gives you a better great insight of how he structures his ideas, formulates his arguments, and has constructed his world view of the past which are integral to the validity, or lack thereof, of his arguments of where our world is possibly headed.

21 Lessons for the 21st century was utter propaganda trash I couldn't finish.

>> No.15678250

no he doesn't back it up with any scientific literature, or do you really thing gender is a social construct?
For the amount of theories and thesis he makes this books has very little adnotations

>> No.15678281

All words are made up, retard. You don't find words independently in nature, we make them up to identify things.

>> No.15678311

faggot what i mean is read the book instead of asking to get spoonfed

i gave you my take and you still havent said anyting of valiue

>> No.15678981

Just read this >>15678134
It will answer all your questions