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15672871 No.15672871 [Reply] [Original]

>get told to study analytic philosophy
>see this

WTF? Explain yourselves, anal-cels! How is this philosophy?!

>> No.15672885

Are you so much of a brainlet that you can't follow the argument in the excerpt you posted?

>> No.15672908

>How is this philosophy?!
You've clearly never read Aristotle's Organon. Take an elementary logic course before attempting to read *any* work in the philosophy of language -- from Aristotle to the present day.

>> No.15672938

Lmao imagine using your life to study this

>> No.15672940

The linguistic turn, or: the greatest manufacturing efficiency of toilet paper ever seen in the academy

>> No.15672962

post the rest of the article. I need to see if there's a point to all this. it seems to be about the disquotationalist theory of the truth

he's basically calling someone out for using quotation marks wrong. this reads like some asshole on stack overflow except those people do it for free. this is what your student loans are subsidizing

>> No.15673001

If you're just going to make shit up, go back to /b/ with the rest of the illiterate subhumans.

>> No.15673019

Mathematics is even more autistic and abstract. Rigorous thought is certainly not for everyone.

>> No.15673027

what the fuck? did you forget to take your meds today?

>> No.15673028

It's sense and reference. You should be acquainted with the word 'cat' vs a cat (over there). I don't think it's well interpreted (such as does one precede the other) but it is real. I'm not sure how important the distinction is considering in any debate it never comes up as a point of contention

>> No.15673029

take your meds

>> No.15673031

Unintentionally ironic posts of the day.

>> No.15673040

One is a 'token' of the other is how it's explained

>> No.15673050

no you've actually upset me. what was your problem with my post? explain yourself. I'm seeing more and more of these nonsensical replies on here lately.

>> No.15673051


>> No.15673069

Take a deep breath. It's a lot easier to understand after you've taken an introductory logic class.

>> No.15673092

Is there a point to this article? Is he just calling out someone for using quotation marks wrong? holy fuck this is autistic

>> No.15673110

This is symbolic logic. I'd hesitate to call it exclusive of the analytic. It's really a field as old as Aristotle.
I don't know where this is from, and I know some writers will use symbols differently, but if you understand what the symbols mean it makes more sense and isn't different from many other works of philosophy, in looking at language and abstraction. Though the writer's argument doesn't seem very interesting at all.

If you don't know, the triple bar symbol, ≡, means "if and only if" in philosophy, as the text mentions.
So x ≡ y means that x ⊃ y and y ⊃ x.
"⊃" mean an "if, then" statement, with the if on the left and then clause on the right.
x and y are statement variables for a premise.

>> No.15673114

esl detected. now it all makes sense.

>> No.15673118
File: 178 KB, 330x319, priceless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implies the entire field of Logic should be abolished
>gets upset when he receives pushback for being an anti-intellectual

>> No.15673119

Slightly deeper dive:

>> No.15673144

I thought it was just me noticing the increase in nutters.

>> No.15673155

>I don't know where this is from
It's from a book by the logician Peter Geach.

>> No.15673177

You wouldn't even be communicating on the internet right now if people weren't absolute 'nutters' around a century ago about the distinction between types and tokens, and use and mention.

>> No.15673480

>Tom loves Mary. I shall call this Hob.
kek, based

>> No.15673484
File: 245 KB, 894x752, Screen Shot 2020-06-22 at 2.27.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, analytics? Your response?

>> No.15673561

See “An Alternative Theory of Nonexistent Objects" by Ed Zalta.

>> No.15673566

>like math
>be too dumb for it
>turn your life into this instead of getting any other hobby
loving every laugh

>> No.15674039

Frege had a good analogy but in particular to numbers. Existence is prior to anything or you're stuck necessitating whichever object predicates existence in order to talk about existence.

>> No.15674194

Logicians are dumber than (other) mathematicians? What?

>> No.15674361
File: 32 KB, 576x456, 1549163470919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modus Ponens

>> No.15674456

Traditionally, quote marks are used to switch from using a sentence (or word or other linguistic string) to mentioning a sentence (etc). So I might say: ''Max Black' is eight letters long', and that would be true, but if I say 'Max Black is eight letters long' that would be false. Max Black (the philosopher) is not eight letters long. So that's the use/mention distinction. Now, normally people accept that truth is a predicate of mentioned sentences, not used sentences. You might say ''Snow is white' is true' but not 'Snow is white is true.' What Max Black seems to be doing, is identifying the quotation of a sentence with a name designating the sentence, which is why he uses the abbreviation 'Hob'. Seems okay at first glance. And again, you might allow ''Hob' is true' but not 'Hob is true'. But the author suggests: once 'Hob' is a name, it ceases to be the sort of thing we can say can bear the predicate 'is true.' That's because we normally don't say that names (which refer to individuals) are true or false. We don't say ''Max Black' is true,' 'Max Black' is a name for an individual, not a sentence. So I get the point the author is making here. I don't know what solution to give because it depends a lot on your theory of meaning and reference.

I don't know about you OP, but when I read difficult continental philosophy like Hegel's Science of Logic, problems similar to this one come up, and they're just as difficult to think through but not for that reason bad. If you want to be consistent, hate all of philosophy, but this is not an analytic-specific problem. And in fact it's what makes analytic AND continental philosophy worth taking seriously. If you get filtered that's not their fault, but yours.

>> No.15675334

It's math for language. High iq stuff, but also you don't need it. It's nerd pointless stuff, but unlike physics you can't make money as an engineer besides teaching

>> No.15675396
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>> No.15675634

>"get told to study anal... "

>> No.15675832

>It's nerd pointless stuff
All higher education is basically pointless nerd stuff.

>> No.15676721


>> No.15676763

This, analytic philosophy is fake math for retards who can't handle real math

>> No.15676908

I guess it's important on occasion to study philosophy of language and logic but building an entire school of thought based on mostly these two fields just seems beyond autism. Only the Anglos could have come up with it something so tedious.

>> No.15677189

Logiclet cope.

>> No.15677320

The problem isn't that it's hard, it's that it's so autistic.

>> No.15677467

Reality is autistic, anon. Get used to it.

>> No.15677473

itt keyboard warriors dismantle Logic and academia is never the same

>> No.15677480

Autist cope

>> No.15677485

What the anti-science christcucks ITT don't realize is that Peter Geach is one of their own. He literally founded modern Thomism.

>> No.15677488

I'm more of an artist than an autist. But I'm sorry to say, reality doesn't care about your feelings.

>> No.15677492

this is like programming with a lot of waste comments

>> No.15677498

logic is gay haha

>> No.15677507

learning logic is like learning programming but even more useless

>> No.15677509

Programming didn't exist when this was written. Computer science is an outgrowth of logic.

>> No.15677516

>he makes a sentence but like it’s algebra god daaaamn bro

Logic is a nice consolation prize for aspiring mathematicians who got filtered out of big boy math.

>> No.15677518

Math is just an application of logic, kiddo.

>> No.15677522

Try again, incel.

>> No.15677526

Take a course in logic or the foundations of mathematics. You might learn something.

>> No.15677527

You first, retard.

>> No.15677528

I am a professional mathematician.

>> No.15677535

Your clueless posts prove otherwise.

>> No.15677539

Cite a post of yours that shows you have any idea at all what you're talking about. Dicking around and calling people names is not a measure of knowledge.

>> No.15677541

Just as I thought, you have nothing to say. Clueless.

>> No.15677544

But does "reality" encompass my feelings, and isn't my caring about my feelings also part of reality? Meaning that reality does care about my feelings?

>> No.15677550

Still waiting for you to say something substantive. So far you've only made it apparent that you got filtered on page one of the Organon, and have never studied rigorous mathematics.

>> No.15677553

Same to you "professional mathematician." AKA unemployed programmer.

>> No.15677556

No, not at the fundamental level.

>> No.15677573

Are you people serious? Can't you see that the considered topic is trivial?
I know that people who go for philosophy these days are more into humanities than math, but this is just dumb.

>> No.15677580

Cope, brainlet. You have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.15677593

You have conceded defeat, incel programmer.

>> No.15677598

and it all deserves to be shoved in a locker

>> No.15677602

In your dreams, high-school dropout. You're not fooling anyone with your unmoored ad hominem attacks.

>> No.15677604

Nice cope. Keep freaking out.

>> No.15677608

Get an education, then talk shit.

>> No.15677611

Math cannot be "just an application of logic" because math is largely demonstrative and logic is primarily dealing with truth statements and therefore language. You cannot prove any geometrical or topological theory without showcasing and constructing your prove with a demonstration on a blackboard. All numbers and operations are symbols of spatial relations, even in algebra.
If you're misled by the similar use of equalities in both math and logic then you're rightfully called "clueless".

>> No.15677613

You first, brainlet.

>> No.15677617

It sounds like you've never taken a rigorous math course in your life. Your post is a jumble of nonsense.

>> No.15677618

>not subscribing to a neo-aristotelean ontology
Enjoy your unsolvable metaphysical problems that will eventually lead to you denying your own humanity and reverting to myth, but autistic myth without sex appeal

>> No.15677621

Physics doesn't care about your (lack of a) sex life.

>> No.15677622

>if I say "rigorous" in every other post nobody will notice I failed out of math


>> No.15677625

How come it's nonsense? What is nonsensical in it?

>> No.15677630

logic 3002 is not a rigorous math course, silly goose. >>15677611 is correct.

>> No.15677655

Just admit it: you have not studied mathematics above grade school level.

To the extent that it can be deciphered at all, it is straightforwardly false. For example, FOL is sound and complete and therefore logical truth corresponds to demonstrability, whereas mathematics in general is incomplete and therefore its truths are not guaranteed to be demonstrable. So the exact opposite of what you wrote. It is not the case the "numbers and operations are symbols of spatial relations" -- not even close. To even suggest so is nonsensical. Etc. etc.

In your ignorance, you just threw your chips in with someone who has never studied mathematics. Nice going, pseud.

>> No.15677672

It clearly does, since it compels me to fuck.

>> No.15677698

We have different notions of 'demonstrative'. By 'demonstrative' I mean that in order to do anything in, say, geometry, you have to construct your terms first in spatial figures and only then, by observing these figures, deduce anything. Nothing can be done in geometry without a spatial demonstration.
> FOL is sound and complete and therefore logical truth corresponds to demonstrability, whereas mathematics in general is incomplete and therefore its truths are not guaranteed to be demonstrable
Simply untrue. How is mathematics "incomplete"? What does it require for completion?
> It is not the case the "numbers and operations are symbols of spatial relations" -- not even close.
Okay, let's consider the following. Maths has any meaning and practical use only if it's applicable to our spatial world or, to be more precise, to our spatial form of representation of this world which is temporal and spatial. Therefore, all symbols in math have something to do with spatial relations or otherwise they are meaningless. Disprove that.

>> No.15677704

This is your brain on first year logic. For all your bluster about him being "indecipherable" you turn a literal Logic 101 view held by nobody but undergrads into a meaningless jumble. He is correct. Like the other guy said.

You really are an unemployed programmer.

>> No.15677712

good post. i’m in math too, what kind of math do you do?

>> No.15677719

I do no math, all I did is just read Kant.

>> No.15677723

Logic is a part of philosophy.

>> No.15677739

>We have different notions of 'demonstrative'. By 'demonstrative' I mean that in order to do anything in, say, geometry, you have to construct your terms first in spatial figures and only then, by observing these figures, deduce anything. Nothing can be done in geometry without a spatial demonstration.
Are you still in grade school? That is not true at all. Geometry and topology beyond the very basics cannot be demonstrated visually.

>Simply untrue. How is mathematics "incomplete"? What does it require for completion?

>Okay, let's consider the following. Maths has any meaning and practical use only if it's applicable to our spatial world or, to be more precise, to our spatial form of representation of this world which is temporal and spatial. Therefore, all symbols in math have something to do with spatial relations or otherwise they are meaningless. Disprove that.
Utter nonsense. First of all, proofs in axiomatic systems operate independently of whatever the intended model is -- it could be numbers, sets, symmetries, operations, whatever -- it has no impact on proof or provability. Secondly, the intended model is generally not 'spatial relations'. For the Peano axioms, for instance, the standard model is Skolem arithmetic. Most mathematical models do not deal with anything so concrete as physical space or numbers.

>> No.15677755

incredibly based. you fooled me. i’m a geometer and the other fellow is arguing disingenuously tbqh. your posts are pretty on-the-mark.

>> No.15677756

The fact that you're throwing your chips in with this guy >>15677698 proves conclusively that you have zero mathematical background and have been talking out your ass this whole thread. Anyone who has studied mathematics or logic at the university level will know instantly who knows what they're talking about and who's full of shit in this thread. Enough said.

>> No.15677762

>i’m a geometer
Lmao. You have never studied geometry in your life.

>> No.15677763

>this reads like some asshole on stack overflow except those people do it for free
Excellent simile that brought a smile to my face.

>> No.15677768

Not that poster you're replying to but have you ever read anything by LEJ Brouwer?

That poster's point already preempts yours, retard. His entire point is that our conventional symbolic and representational systems exist within our actual experience of reality which is spatial, temporal and linguistic. Any axioms or models we create must originate within experience, however abstract we make them. They ultimately refer back to the practical aspects of our experience like describing spatial manifolds which is the origin of geometry, and they then exist as discourses in language. However abstract they might become with meta-languages about "sets" they originated from and only make sense by referring back to practical experience, aka the description and manipulation of geometrical manifolds.

You're a first year logic student at most. Agreeing with >>15677755
that you are arguing disingenuously. Poorly too.

>> No.15677770

>mathematics or logic
teehee. i’d sooner eat my hat than throw these oft-referenced chips in with some asshole-clenching and insufferable logician who is hell-bent on venting his frustration on good faith anons. take the relaxationpill. you’re not the only stem-adjacent faggot on /lit/ and the fact that you think conceptualizations of math are so monolithic is strange. if you’d like to talk about math seriously and without calling me a pseud or a retard 50x i’d love to do that.

>> No.15677777

Arithmetic is not about "geometrical manifolds", pseud. You're really not helping your cause (whatever the fuck that is) when you make such elementary mistakes.

>> No.15677780

Using the term "STEM" is the hallmark of the pseud.

>> No.15677783

so you don’t want to talk about math. got it. BAAAAAASED RETARD!

>> No.15677786

Set theory is not about manifolds either. Read before replying, first year.

If he doesn't reply politely to this I strongly advise you to ignore him. He doesn't want real discussion, he wants to snipe at people who know more than him from his very limited base of knowledge and always retreat to that base when questioned.

>> No.15677795

With who? You? You have nothing to contribute to the conversation since you've obviously never studied the subject. Maybe if you would actually *listen* to what experts are telling you instead of sperging out and throwing around ungrounded insults, you might actually learn something.

>> No.15677801

Half this thread is you repeating 'I don't want to talk to anyone' and calling people pseuds. While being mocked by everybody unanimously for not knowing what you're talking about.

I pity you that you don't know how to have real discussion.

>> No.15677802

>Set theory is not about manifolds either. Read before replying, first year.
You literally just said:

>However abstract they might become with meta-languages about "sets" they originated from and only make sense by referring back to practical experience, aka the description and manipulation of geometrical manifolds.

>> No.15677815

I'm the only one actually presenting knowledge here. All you do is throw insults at people who have devoted their lives to studying a subject you find too 'boring' to explore. The irony of you pretending to seek 'real discussion' is rich.

>> No.15677832

>I'm the only one actually presenting knowledge here.
Says you. Let's take a vote, because according to everybody else, you're a pseud trying to punch way out of his weight class and embarrassing himself.

>devoted their lives
We already established you took a first year logic class.

>> No.15677837

Thanks for proving my point. All you have is insults and lies, because you have no understanding of the subject on hand.

>> No.15677846

to borrow from your lexicon, “Nice projection, pseud.”

>> No.15677847

Have fun bumping your dead thread then. Another poster literally begged you to talk about maths and you declined. Switch to econ or some shit, the math is way easier and you will embarrass yourself less with your wikipedia knowledge.

>> No.15677850

Cited without comment.

>> No.15677860

I can't believe anyone takes this seriously.
Look at any modern paper in topology for example, then you'll see what a proof is.

>> No.15677873

>Geometry and topology beyond the very basics cannot be demonstrated visually.
The principles of geometry and topology (axioms) must first be shown visually in order to be true. All further assertions in both sciences are only true if they are based on these 'demonstrative' principles. Therefore, if they cannot be shown in spatial relations (or be related to these axioms), they're simply not true. Show me at least one theorem in geometry that can't be demonstrated visually.
Inb4 trigonometry because it is an algebraic description of spatial relations and without this correlation it has no meaning. And I'm not even mentioning Non-Euclidean geometries which are all about space.
Okay, that makes sense, but are you sure that maths is not "complete" in the same sense as FOL is 'complete"? As far as I understand this, these theorems have no applications outside of maths.
If you say
>FOL is sound and complete
then show us how FOL is complete in Gödel's sense of the word.
>proofs in axiomatic systems operate independently of whatever the intended model is
I'm not talking about proofs, I'm talking about correlation with space. Again, any method of proof can be as abstract as you want it to be and use whatever combination or language of symbols that you want, but it's axioms to which any proof refers to must first of all have a link to spacial relations.
Consider Peano axioms. They all are based on a mathematical notion of equality. The notion of equality itself is based on a notion of quantity. Quantity is basically a spatial relation. So, any assertions inferred from Peano axioms are statements referring to spatial relations.

>> No.15677875

All branches of mathematics and logic are based on proof. Some branches, like logic, just happen to feature more rigorous proofs.

>> No.15677883

>LEJ Brouwer
No, I haven't. Is he somehow related to this conversation?

>> No.15677884

>show us how FOL is complete in Gödel's sense of the word.
Godel did that proof, as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27s_completeness_theorem

>> No.15677910

Wait-wait-wait, isn't Gödel's completeness theorem saying that in order for any axiomatic (deductive) system to be complete it must be fully expressed in FOL? Then of course FOL is complete.
>A deductive system is called complete if every logically valid formula is the conclusion of some formal deduction, and the completeness theorem for a particular deductive system is the theorem that it is complete in this sense. Thus, in a sense, there is a different completeness theorem for each deductive system. A converse to completeness is soundness, the fact that only logically valid formulas are provable in the deductive system.

>> No.15677965

>Consider Peano axioms. They all are based on a mathematical notion of equality.
No, they are based on the concept of succession. The successor operation is the key to understanding how Peano conceptualizes arithmetic. There are a few axioms that define the equality relation, but that is not unique to arithmetic. It is used throughout logic and mathematics in the same way.

>The notion of equality itself is based on a notion of quantity.
No, equality AKA identity is simply the unique relation that holds between any object and itself. In practice, it is used to express that two definite descriptions refer to the same object.

>Quantity is basically a spatial relation.
No, what we understand as 'quantity' represents several distinct relations. The successor relation is one. The part-whole relation is another. The part-whole relation is the closest to what you might call space-like relations. It provides the basis for geometry, topology, and mereology in general. These fields don't require the existence of discrete, distinguishable objects as is required in successor-based fields like arithmetic, number theory, algebra, etc. The latter fields are generally not used to model spatial relations, but map more to our pre-theoretic concepts of counting, etc.

>So, any assertions inferred from Peano axioms are statements referring to spatial relations.
No, again. Peano axioms model a world full of discrete objects that occur in succession. The theory of closed fields would be an example of a better candidate for modelling space.

>> No.15677971

>isn't Gödel's completeness theorem saying that in order for any axiomatic (deductive) system to be complete it must be fully expressed in FOL?

>> No.15677985

And yes, the original argument was about whether maths is an extension or application of logic. If maths can be expressed in a logical language, it doesn't mean that these are the same thing. If we consider the origin of both sciences then we shall see that logic originated from Aristotle who sought to find language formulas which can induce truth only by virtue of form (hence formal logic). Maths originated from geometry and its axioms are literally based on visual observations. You cannot prove the axiom that you can draw only one line between two points only from these notions themselves— you must first demonstrate it in space.

>> No.15677990

>the considered topic is trivial
SOCRATES: The shoemaker, for example, uses a square tool, and a circular tool, and other tools for cutting?
SOCRATES: But the tool is not the same as the cutter and user of the tool?
ALCIBIADES: Of course not. ...
SOCRATES: Then what shall we say of the shoemaker? Does he cut with his tools only or with his hands?
ALCIBIADES: With his hands as well.
SOCRATES: He uses his hands too?
SOCRATES: And does not a man use the whole body?
ALCIBIADES: Certainly.
SOCRATES: And that which uses is different from that which is used?
SOCRATES: Then a man is not the same as his own body?
ALCIBIADES: That is the inference.
SOCRATES: What is he, then?
ALCIBIADES: I cannot say.
SOCRATES: Nay, you can say that he is the user of the body.
SOCRATES: And the user of the body is the soul?
ALCIBIADES: Yes, the soul.

If you can't see the non-trivial implications of apparently trivial topics you need to restart from the Greeks

>> No.15678032

> It is used throughout logic and mathematics in the same way.
Equality in logic is a different notion than in maths.
> [logical equality] gives the functional value true if both functional arguments have the same logical value, and false if they are different.
>[mathematical equality] is a relationship between two quantities or, more generally two mathematical expressions, asserting that the quantities have the same value, or that the expressions represent the same mathematical object.
> In practice, it is used to express that two definite descriptions refer to the same object.
In logical practice, not in the mathematical one. In maths equality is defined as equality of quantities.
> These fields don't require the existence of discrete, distinguishable objects as is required in successor-based fields like arithmetic, number theory, algebra, etc.
That was not my assertion in the first place. I was constantly referring to spatial relations, not concrete spatial objects i.e. bodies.
> Peano axioms model a world full of discrete objects that occur in succession.
Isn't succession a spatial relation? Your language betrays you.

>> No.15678034

Mathematics and logic have advanced far beyond their humble origins in antiquity. Generally mathematics is the branch of logic devoted to modelling notions of 'quantity' in some sense. But the line is quite fuzzy. The main criterion used is that 'logic' involves axiom systems in which all truths are demonstrable, and 'math' involves those that are incomplete.

>> No.15678060

>Generally mathematics is the branch of logic devoted to modelling notions of 'quantity' in some sense.
Aren't you just mistaking "mathematics in general" for mathematical logic? In that case it doesn't even matter what is an extension of what.

>> No.15678065

>Equality in logic is a different notion than in maths.
No, it is not. Equality or Identity is the unique relation that holds between an object and itself. The object need not be a number of quantity. Any well-defined object will do.

>In maths equality is defined as equality of quantities.
No, not all mathematical objects are 'quantities' in any sense. For example, various functions, operations, structures, categories, etc.

>That was not my assertion in the first place. I was constantly referring to spatial relations, not concrete spatial objects i.e. bodies.
The point is, not all fields of mathematics are used to model space-like objects. Most, in fact, do not. Like number theory.

>Isn't succession a spatial relation?

>> No.15678068

>Aren't you just mistaking "mathematics in general" for mathematical logic?
No, *all* of mathematics -- arithmetic, geometry, topology, algebra, analysis.

>> No.15678069

>explain yourselves!!1!
Burden of proof threads should be banned

>> No.15678117

>Equality or Identity is the unique relation that holds between an object and itself. The object need not be a number of quantity. Any well-defined object will do.
Then your definition of equality is just more general than that of maths. Maths occupies itself with quantities, you just can't deny that.
>not all mathematical objects are 'quantities' in any sense. For example, various functions, operations, structures, categories, etc.
Because these are relations of quantities, no? No function has any use if it has no input.
>The point is, not all fields of mathematics are used to model space-like objects.
The point is, all mathematical objects have something to do with spatial relations. And logic isn't. Logic is concerned with the automatisation of expressing truth.
I don't mean to say that all mathematical objects are bodies. But they describe the world of bodies. Otherwise what is the appliance of maths, what is its use? To solve brilliant problems and receive prizes?
Well, it seems to me quite spatial. What is a succession? An act of following in sequence. What is a sequence? A set of things next to each other in a set order; a series. What is an order? If you haven't already noticed, all these notions are primarily spatial relations.

>> No.15678205

You're not getting the point, dude.
It's not a question of rigorousness. These papers are just trivial. A freshman could think them up, perhaps a bright elementary school student even.
Proofs in mathematics require far more than this thing people seem to defend here and you need to learn far more learning to be able to pull them off.
Shit, I thought better of this board. Turns out it's just humanities people unable to get into more complex rigorous systems.

>> No.15678207

>Then your definition of equality is just more general than that of maths. Maths occupies itself with quantities, you just can't deny that.
Mathematics is a lot more abstract then you may think. Structures can be identical, for example. Most mathematicians deal with abstractions far removed from concrete quantities.

>Because these are relations of quantities, no? No function has any use if it has no input.
A function can be a function of other functions. An operation can apply to rotations or abstract substitutions. Every object no matter how abstract must be given identity conditions in order for it to be an well-defined object.

>The point is, all mathematical objects have something to do with spatial relations.
The vast majority of mathematical objects have absolutely nothing to do with spatial relations.

>And logic isn't.
Not quite. Logic includes mereology which can be used to model spatial relations.

>Logic is concerned with the automatisation of expressing truth.
Not sure what you mean there. Logic involves rules of inference that preserve truth from step to step. But so does mathematics.

>I don't mean to say that all mathematical objects are bodies. But they describe the world of bodies. Otherwise what is the appliance of maths, what is its use? To solve brilliant problems and receive prizes?
That's how the mathematicians themselves see it, apart from the applied mathematicians. They are generally interested in mathematical truth in itself.

>Well, it seems to me quite spatial. What is a succession? An act of following in sequence. What is a sequence? A set of things next to each other in a set order; a series. What is an order? If you haven't already noticed, all these notions are primarily spatial relations.
That's not really how space as we know it works, though. There is not one thing, then the next thing. There is a continuous field of spatial coordinates with no distinct objects at all. Indeed, Euclidean geometry can be modeled without sets, let alone numbers. See:


That models fairly completely our intuitive understanding of physical space, yet there is nothing resembling a successor function. Just parts and wholes and spatial relations like 'betweenness' and 'congruence'.

>> No.15678213

Stop pretending you read the book based on a screenshot of a partial page you don't even understand.

>> No.15678358

> Most mathematicians deal with abstractions far removed from concrete quantities.
Yeah, definitely, because they deal with abstract quantities. Maths doesn't deal with two apples, it deals with "two".
>A function can be a function of other functions.
Well, some function better has some numbers or other kind of input in it lest it turns into an infinite regression.
>The vast majority of mathematical objects have absolutely nothing to do with spatial relations.
I think, we have a major misunderstanding here. See, our faculty of representation of any object is inherently spatial. And when I say 'spatial' I don't necessarily mean our concrete spatial world. I refer to a spatial form in which is tend to represent anything. We even represent time in space (look at a clock). And that goes maths as well. When I say "2 + 2 = 4", I don't imagine myself two concrete objects, say, apples. But I do imagine two WITH two. And that 'with' is a word designating a representation of a spatial relation. When I say A = A I JUXTAPOSE two objects. And juxtaposition is a spatial relation. Our whole faculty of representation is spatial and temporal.
> Logic involves rules of inference that preserve truth from step to step. But so does mathematics.
And which rules of inference did maths formulate? Why there is even a difference between the two?
Mathematical inferences do preserve truth, but do not produce the rules of truth preservation.
>That's how the mathematicians themselves see it, apart from the applied mathematicians.
We aren't concerned with psychology here. Why then maths is even considered science if it doesn't necessarily correlates with reality? How is it different from astrology then? Why do we call a mathematical truth 'truth' and not just mathematical non-contradiction?
>That's not really how space as we know it works, though. There is not one thing, then the next thing. There is a continuous field of spatial coordinates with no distinct objects at all.
And coordinate isn't an object? What is even the purpose of your argument if you still refer to spatial relations? Everything which finds itself in a continuous field is spatially related i.e. you can get from one coordinate to another.

>> No.15678375
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>> No.15678415

>And which rules of inference did maths formulate? Why there is even a difference between the two?
E.g., mathematical induction.

>And coordinate isn't an object?
See Tarski's axioms. You don't need points. But even if you use points, there is no such thing as a successor since the field is continuous.

>> No.15678419

Is this what passes as modern day "philosophy"? Absolute brainlet takes using trivial babbie tier logic you'd learn in the first 10 minutes of any logic class.

>> No.15678430

I thought you were done posting in this thread?

>> No.15678435

That was my first post ITT lmao, just came over from /sci/ looking for laughs. This board never disappoints.

>> No.15678439

Nobody believes you. You tell the same lie over and over again.

>> No.15678442

Take your meds schizo

>> No.15678451

You literally are a schizo. You go into random threads with the sole purpose of disrupting them with obvious falsehoods and abuse. There is something seriously fucked up in your brain.

>> No.15678463

all this logic hurts my head