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15671447 No.15671447 [Reply] [Original]

Can you suggest me some books (both fiction and non-fiction, poetry is fine too) that deal with, or criticize the negative impact of technology, urbanization, science, etc... on the human psyche, but do so in a detailed/subtle manner?
That is, they don't consist of trite, surface-level arguments that sound like they're written by a moralizing boomer ("phone bad") or an ecofascist ("what if humans are the virus")?
>inb4 "that's all there is to it, technology bad, what is there more to say?"

I've read Brave New World, planning to read "Industrial Society and Its Future". I suppose I should look into the Romantic movement and its praise of nature/rejection of industrialization. I'm not interested in /pol/-tier empty political rhetoric -- the "reject modernity, embrace tradition" kind of memes -- I acknowledge the conservative/reactionary political angle that underlies these themes, but there's more to it than just politics.

>> No.15671475

Like every other force in human history, technology partitions humans to winners and losers -- reveals some as free and others as slaves (Heraclitus) -- the only reason why you would reject technology is if you were one of the LOSERS -- one of the SLAVES. You will not amount to anything. You lost the battle of YOUR lifetime, your period in history, because you are a SUBHUMAN.

>> No.15671526
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Nice sperg out. But I bet you'd sperg out even harder when your phone/computer breaks and you realize you're unable to fix it, and you serve technology, instead of the other way around.

>> No.15671564

partially correct but add some recomendations at least
Adorno's Minima Moralia
Heidegger's Queestion concerning technology
Bacon' New Atlantis
Higgs' Technology and the good life

There is also a lot of Decolonial, ecofascist and cyberpunk literature about it

>> No.15671589

I hope you mean deep ecology

>> No.15671616

i don't care what you hope for

>> No.15671635
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>> No.15671656

Amusing Ourselves to Death

>> No.15671662

Lol you've spent so much time on the internet you seem to think that 4chan style shitposting is the norm amongst intellectual circles.

>> No.15671675
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This one is from an indigenous brazilian.

>> No.15671685

Desert Solitaire

>> No.15671687
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>> No.15671703
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Byung-Chul Han.

>> No.15671717

americans are the most obese nation because it is the most driving nation. that is enough to understand a lot.

>> No.15671788

Thanks for the suggestions!
>Decolonial, ecofascist and cyberpunk
About the "ecofascist" part I was referring to pretentious normies all repeat the same thing, "thank you based Corona-chan for reducing pollution", while you know that when this shit ends, nothing will change in their habits.
Really interested in the cyberpunk suggestions, I love noir and fatalist aesthetics.
Please elaborate on decolonialism too (>t. cracka)

Noted, thank you.
I forgot to mention in the first post, established traditions of mysticism/spiritualism interest me too, such as the connection Native Americans felt with nature.

>the US is up there with a bunch of 3rd world countries
American exceptionalism indeed.

>> No.15671852
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One more. :)

>> No.15672426
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>> No.15672644


>> No.15673329

Kaczynski is not an anarch-primitivist but the charts still has some good books

>> No.15673361

The Imperative of responsibility by Hans Jonas.

>> No.15673387

Ted opposed more than just technology, he opposed systems. He disliked the idea that people could be conditioned to respond to a stimulus ala Skinner; no matter what others do in refutation, there is always part of us that responds to operant conditioning. Red means stop.

>> No.15673440
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all watched over by machines of loving grace by richard brautigan

>> No.15673865

The Social Ideology of the Motorcar, by Andre Gorz
Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Death of the American Dream by Duany, Plater-Zyberk, and Speck
The Death and Life of Great American Cities, by Jane Jacobs
The Situationist Theses on Traffic, by Guy Debord