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15671200 No.15671200 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't Arabs buy Taleb's Black Swan?

>> No.15671205

cringe but based at the same time.

>> No.15671211

>buying books
>current year

>> No.15671224
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>being a poorfag leech
>current year

>> No.15671253

>most Arabs read pirated books
What a fucking embarassing cope

>> No.15671257

>Mfw italians consoom mostly foreign books leaving their national authors relegated forever and selling shitty translations that have to be revised or translated again every few years

>> No.15671275

when i worked in riyadh i didn't see a single bookshop
i'm sure they must exist, but they're not anywhere central. given the amount of censorship in saudi arabia, i'm sure they don't stock anything fun, either.
i saw some good bookshops in beirut though.

>> No.15671281

>Arabs are dumb and don't read
>"That's not true, they're just thieves!"
The absolute state of the left in 2K books sold +20

>> No.15671291

Is this guy's marketing strategy to be the most obnoxious douchebag?
Everything i see from him is retarded.

>> No.15671301

It's okay. He can say that since he's an Arab.

>> No.15671309


It grows on you.

>> No.15671312

They're both correct. Not a lot of arab males read, those who do read mainly pirate pdfs.
I have a deep hatred of arabs thanks to my experiences with them in college.

>> No.15671326

he's not lol

>> No.15671335

This guy is OBSESSED. And he has the gall to cry about "IQ obsessed people".

>> No.15671337

jarir bookstore is everywhere faggot

>> No.15671350


>> No.15671353

>don't stock anything fun, either.
not true, they even have some stuff I was expecting not to find, generally I dont think they give a fuck in regards to books being sold

>> No.15671373

>continually insults Arabs
>they must be Cretins to not buy my product

>> No.15671392

Making a copy is not thievery.

>> No.15671691

Taleb is a pseud and irrelevant. See:

>> No.15671711

That's what an arab trying to defend his own, wasn't it? Anyways I don't think arabs feel good about taleb or want to give him money

>> No.15671742

It's not the copying of the physical text, it's the theft of intellectual property that somebody created with the intention of selling.
I hate publishers, but I don't pretend this dumbfuck argument holds any water. Just say you want free shit or you want to fuck over publishers (or artists).
I've actually never seen an arab reading a book. White people read relatively often. Blacks will read in white spaces to seem cultured, but I've never seen an arab read.

>> No.15671760

>working for other people gives me purpose

>> No.15671776

He is to everyone he meets.

>> No.15671827

Taleb is as usual a megamaniacal narcissist, but it's a well established fact that the Arabic world is comically disinterested in literature. I don't have them on hand, but the Arabic world is really only interested in translating Islamic jurisprudential literature from other languages into Arabic, and that's about it. For everything else, just learn a different language. There's also an incredible dearth of bookstores and libraries in the Arabic world, with, again, most of it being Islamic jurisprudence.

I'm curious if a similar phenomenon is reported among Orthodox Jews.

>> No.15671876

I guess i can call myself partially an Arab by being an Algerian. Why didn't buy the physical copy of his book? Well i mostly pirate books, it is just the way to get access to most knowledge in third world or second world countries and i don't feel sorry for doing so.

>> No.15671901

did they fuck the stacy that belonged to you ?

>> No.15671903

>intellectual property

>> No.15671914

>intellectual property
oh get off your high horse

>> No.15671928
File: 148 KB, 480x480, based dio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Levantine virgin BTFO by Arab BVLL

>> No.15671950

very good my rude little anon. i will keep that in mind if i am ever requested to visit there again. which i hope will be never, because it is the most fucking boring place on the surface of the earth

>> No.15671964

>writers should just give away what they've spent hundreds of hours on FO FREE

>> No.15671965

What difference does it make as to what their intentions are? Intentions do not impart meaning.

>> No.15671972

Calm down Diogenes

>> No.15671987

the only nigger here is you, sorry to say.

>> No.15672043

Okay nigger.
I was calling out a false reasoning--the actual intentions are meaningless to me.

>> No.15672046

I support artists :^)
They can buy food with the money I spend.

>> No.15672109

I'm just looking for an alpha man

>> No.15672131

I didn't say the author needed to give away copies, although doing so would likely benefit them.

>> No.15672376

Should've got yourself a job in Dammam anon, you can pop over to Bahrain on the weekend - Bahrain is slightly less dull than Saudi, can drink alcohol and laugh at 14 year old alcoholic expats falling in ditches.

>> No.15672912

yes i spoke to some long-term expats, quite a few of them actually lived in bahrain and just stayed in hotels during the week. apparently the road from riyadh to dammam then bahrain gets packed at weekends as people escape back to a slightly more normal life. i was only there a few months so i flew to dubai at the weekend a few times. mostly i roamed around the city. having uber available made it bearable.

>> No.15672953

>How dare you make such a sweeping generalization!
>The truth is, we simply stole your book online!
>Now apologize!

>> No.15672959

>14 year old alcoholic expats falling in ditches
Do the Brits really?

>> No.15672987

you think i work for others?

>> No.15672991

>Arabs don't read
How did Taleb manage to write a book then, did he just dictate it?