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/lit/ - Literature

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15668899 No.15668899 [Reply] [Original]

What literature explains why it feels so good when a girl feels bad/sorry for you?

>> No.15668910


>> No.15668931

I don't think you need "literature" to understand why.

>> No.15669122


>> No.15669125

I surely dont feel good when others pity me

>> No.15669198

Read this scientifically researched book

Not this outdated, scientifically unsupported bullshit

>> No.15669205

This doesn't feel good to me

>> No.15669215


>> No.15669222

Very based picture. Do you have more like that?
I want pictures of very confident girls in shorts in sunny urban areas showing carefree attitude. It's probably the hottest thing I know (that's not sexual). Is there a name for it?
The hottest pic I've seen which I now lost was one of a similar girl in rollerblades with shorts but nothing above it and small boobs. Extremely hot.

>> No.15669223

It feels much better when a girl tells you how retarded you are, I have no need for pity from a whore.

>> No.15669258
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Not OP but a token for your trips from my large collection of pretty people

>> No.15669264
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>> No.15669278

Anon, those are anorexia thighs.

>> No.15669281
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>> No.15669292
File: 18 KB, 315x362, yotsubaman crying tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman at the library giggled at me because I was confused at the new way they organized lender due to Corona. I've been feeling happy all week because of it. I'm so fucking lonely.

>> No.15669348


>> No.15669354

Read this exceptionally talented, rational and experienced author.
Avoid this unbased politicized pulp garbage written by women and cultists.

>> No.15669369

I honestly kind of like it when women find me cute/harmless. It very rarely happens, but it feel so good when it does.

>> No.15669377
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>> No.15669388

I love you anon.

>> No.15669398
File: 512 KB, 822x785, 1592759372609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two years ago I went to a small bookstore and the qt at the counter made an ooooo noise when i brought up my book
still think about her a lot

>> No.15669406

Lmao, her calves are bigger than her thighs.

>> No.15669794

need to find me a bookstore with a qt cashier
it's almost always old hags

>> No.15669813

>I'm so fucking lonely.
imo im the same way but i acknowledge that happiness i feel in such situations trumps the real thing (i have experienced the real thing many a year ago)

>> No.15669885
File: 8 KB, 497x483, HOTGIRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to add to your collection.

>> No.15669903

seething fatty

>> No.15669929


To OP you sounds like you had some mommy issues or someshit growing up. Faggot, take this shit thread to /soc/ with the other trash .

>> No.15669990
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>What literature explains why it feels so good when a girl feels bad/sorry for you?
I just like the fact that for a moment, a female pretended that she cared for me.

>> No.15670015

>didnt hit on her

>> No.15670019


>> No.15670104

Kek, “you’re so dumb” really does translate to “put it in me now please”

>> No.15670149

you are saying this just to harm me. trying to conjure up some alternate reality of how things could be - impossible, completely unrealistic cartoon world.
i said thank you and good day and left. never went back and i will never see her again. that's how it was meant to be, and that is why i can treasure this experience in my heart forever

>> No.15670161

there is nothing but pretending

>> No.15670233

You were scared that she wouldn't be the ideal woman you wanted her to be, so you chose to set up a "completely unrealistic cartoon" version of her in your mind to masterbate yourself with it daily, you will never truly connect with someone until you change that mindset.

>> No.15670260

no, not at all?
you have the thing entirely backwards, you must live life very differently from me
>you will never truly connect with someone
i am aware

>> No.15670271

You are clearly underage so I will be kind but that is not at all what happened to him. He was scared because he knew he was inferior to the men who she hangs around with, and she was just being friendly. Every sign of friendliness isn’t a sexual invitation. Sure if he wasn’t a beta he could have tried but I don’t think he is mentally in any position to get rejected without harming his self-esteem. You are different probably, try to understand this

>> No.15670582

>Sure if he wasn’t a beta he could have tried but I don’t think he is mentally in any position to get rejected without harming his self-esteem

There is no other way. It's not like every person on the planet is together with the first person they ever asked out. Getting rejected is a normal part of life and the sooner you experience it and realize your life is still the same, the sooner you can get over yourself and try again.
Your self esteem is never gonna get better from wallowing in self pity. There is no way to know if the cashier was "used to superior men", she could have been a loser for all we know.

>> No.15670625

>scientifically unsupported bullshit

Why yes I am retarded how could you tell?

>> No.15670642
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>> No.15670657

Which book will help me cope with the feel I get when I see ops picture

>> No.15670666

I fell for this girl at uni I'm friends with this last year, like, fell really hard for her. I invited her to my place, and stayed there for a week, during which I completely fell in love. This last weekend I was at her place, and it would be the last time we would meet in person because she is moving in July across the country. I started crying as I was leaving. She hugged me and said "I know it's hard to say goodbye to someone you love, it's okay to be sad about it."

I've been crying on and off since then.

>> No.15670729

A German boy never cries

Didn't your father teach you to never cry you spineless worm? Weep before God, not before men and especially not before w*men

>> No.15670748

I tried not to cry, but as I was leaving, I looked at her, and as I tried to say goodbye, I just started sobbing uncontrollably.

>> No.15670809

But can’t you see that this is something that should happen naturally? Forcing it isn’t natural. Every experience I had with a girl was natural when I got over my issues. Before then it wasn’t meant to be because I wasn’t ready, even if I got them out there were problems because I was full of doubts about myself.

Now if I meet a girl that is attracted to me it feels right. There is not a bunch of doubts, what ifs, anxiety. This is the way it’s supposed to be

>> No.15670810

The way you wrote the post made it seem like you were a beta and crying like that was not an uncommon occurrence. Also, the girl's comment seems to me in a sort of disdainful tone, like a girl feeling sad for her male homosexual friends (AKA harmless children, emotion valves, in her eyes)

>> No.15670889

I've talked to her about my problems before, but this was the first and only time I've cried in front of her. I'm autistic so Idk if it was meant disdainfully, but she seemed fairly distressed that I was feeling that bad about it from her look.

>> No.15671124


>> No.15671222

Awful lot of projecting, don't you think?

>> No.15671446

You unironically need to talk to someone

>> No.15671458

Holy based

>> No.15671465

I talk to /lit/

>> No.15671483

He's not that bad off, sounds like something I would do and probably most of /lit/.

>> No.15671541


don't listen to that other dude lol. He's got issues.

>> No.15671551

i hate women so i do not interact with them. they can keep their pity.

>> No.15671556


>> No.15671593

Men have an inherent drive to be valued by a woman but, due to the commodification of sex and relationships, our society doesn't have a system in place for assuring that that drive is met so it leads men who are unable to fulfill that need fetishizing basic human interactions with women.

>> No.15671779

It was so nice. I had wanted to hug her for a long time, just as friends, because I do that kind of thing with my friends, but I was always afraid to be "that guy" because I had admitted I had feelings early on in our friendship. She's so nice and compassionate, I just wish she loved me too.

>> No.15671797

FFS man

>> No.15671808

Yeah, I know, I'm pathetic.

>> No.15671820

it doesn't feel good it's annoying, leave me alone bitch I don't want to talk about emotions with you

>> No.15671821

Change it. If you cant, kill yourself, but before you reach that point become the most handsome and best you can get so you leave a beautiful corpse behind.

>> No.15671838

I'm already handsome, she's actually told me that a lot. It's just that I have autism, I'm bipolar, and I have borderline personality, and had a distinct lack of human interaction growing up. She was really the first friend I had had in a long time, so she means a lot to me, and with my borderline personality, I fell in love and got attached very quickly.

>> No.15671841

Someone will love you, anon. Just be honest with women and never give up.

>> No.15671847

I have BP too. I stand by my recommendation and youre probably not as handsome as people tell you, I know that from my own experience.

>> No.15671849

>Someone will love you, anon. Just be honest with women and never give up.

>> No.15671858

>Just be honest with women
bad take

>> No.15671867

As another Autistic person my biggest piece of advice is that you stop defining yourself by your disabilities. View yourself as a person with some eccentricities rather than some broken automaton.

>> No.15671879

Not all women are cunts, guys.

>> No.15671899


>> No.15671908

Anon, I....

>> No.15671910

most women aren't cunts but they are shallow and selfish, just like most men. If you're lucky enough to find a good one I'm not gonna fault you for it, but we really need to get away from western culture's cringey chivalric attitude towards women. They're human beings, and anybody with a little bit of experience with people knows it's best not to be honest all the time. If you're looking for an ideal woman who perfectly meets your personality and worldview then by all means, be honest, but don't expect a lot of success.

>> No.15671920

I don't disagree with anything you said. Honest may have been the wrong word.

>> No.15671967

99% of guys could get a femcel gf if they try

>> No.15671979

She was honest with me about her life, I owed it to her to be honest about mine. We made ourselves emotionally vulnerable to each other in doing that, and that's why we're close.

I mean, I think that I'm kind of ugly, but every girl I've talked to says I'm handsome. Most girls when they find out I've never had a girlfriend are visibly surprised and assume I'm some super religious person until they find out about the asexuality and autism.

>> No.15671997

Same experience more or less. Women are kind, atleast when talking to you. Some mean it but dont look for verbal affirmation from a women, look at what she does not says. Had to learn that too. Youre probably not ugly mate.

>> No.15672015

The one I mentioned earlier who I cried over, the week before the whole rona hit was very flirty for like a day we were together for, that was when she said she was considering dating me, but she said she had a big hang up about my asexuality and had to think about it longer, but over the like 2 months we didn't see each other, and with her move away coming up, I guess she lost interest.

>> No.15672025

I had some flings with girls I thought that didnt have any interest in me verbally, and some who were flirty didnt do anything. Dont overread it too much.

>> No.15672041

Basic human interactions are saying hello in the grocery line, a girl feeling bad for you is verging on some kind of humiliation sexuality that I don't care to explore. Sounds like OP should become normal or kill himself.

>> No.15672092

Imagine willingly interacting with women, ever. Absolutely pathetic, hope you will enjoy your inevitable disappointment and many annoying problems.

>> No.15672102



>> No.15672193

To desire sympathy is pretty universal. The emphasis on the source of that sympathy is the fetishized part.

>> No.15673410
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based alice poster

>> No.15673441

Are you serious? I feel nauseous when girls pity me. Few things are as humiliating. Being respected is what feels good.

>> No.15673451

is it autistic if I only interact with women to learn their behavior patterns and how to incorporate them as characters in fiction