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/lit/ - Literature

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15666177 No.15666177 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to write Don Quixote

>> No.15666179

someone already did

>> No.15666180

Go for it Anon yeah!

>> No.15666196

Can someone convince me to read it because I am pretty sure it is just hundreds of pages of a nigga hunting windmills

>> No.15666236

it's a metaphor for the modern man

>> No.15666521

I'm going to write a screenplay for a Don Quixote themed Spaghetti western

>> No.15666541

Good luck, Pierre.

>> No.15666544

Ok Pierre

>> No.15666554

Pierre Menard already did it best

>> No.15666567
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Make sure you understand this one first. Writing ahead of your time requires a strong metaphysical grounding.

>> No.15666597

That's one moment like 80 pages in.

>> No.15666954
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Francis Bacon beat you to it, pal...

>> No.15666978

Hunter S. Thompson typed out all of The Great Gatsby, word for word, just so that he could get a better feel for what it’s like to produce sentences like that. He claimed it helped his prose by a good margin

>> No.15667110

>Tfw only two anons got the borges reference and one of them is fucking butterfly
I am disappointed in you lit

It’s a incredible read the relationship between Sancho and Quixote is one of the best relations in literature remember that all his wacky shit isn’t comedic it’s messianic Quixote should be seen as a hero not a fool. Quixote is a super nova of life and human creativity. Really pay attention every time him and sancho speak to each other you’ll realize he’s not just larping as a knight

>> No.15667125

D&G are already obsolete. You can tell because they have many disciples in the universities.

>> No.15667534

Sure pierre

>> No.15667980

Okay, Pierre Menard

>> No.15667984

Fuck you, you goddamn clever bastard

>> No.15667988

Fuck I should try this. I was always jelous of the prose there.

>> No.15668058

Not if I write it second

>> No.15668095

nope, there's still yet no metaphysical tomes that have dethroned them. D&G have had disciples in the institution while they were alive, this is not the important question. Anyone can have disciples on the inside, because the inside has to maintain the illusion that it is everything, so it will entertain any thoughts. The only thing the institution will not entertain is the things its selected to be impotent, and therefore unnecessary to integrate within itself to pacify, such as a fascism.

The question is, do they still have disciples that are outside it that are willing to destroy the institution, and the answer to this question is yes.

Perhaps if they are dethroned, suggest a better and more recent metaphysics to me, then.

>> No.15668108

My faith in this board has been restored after having it beaten down for so long. Or at least, it's been restored just a little.

>> No.15668218

Do you think this would actually work/be worth your time? Seems like a lot of work for something I'm not sure would necessarily help.
Would it help in ways other than prose too?

>> No.15668525

Pierre Menard already did it.

>> No.15668594

Yeah, at least some poeple here actually read

>> No.15668608

>look I have read Borges! I'm such an intellectual and an avid reader

>> No.15668902
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There there fren we'll get through this

>> No.15668986
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I understood that reference

>> No.15669016

And you'd prefer what, another 30 Nietzsche or Marx threads from people who haven't read them. Fook off you smelly bastard

>> No.15669031
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Emulating is a great way to create. In fact I'd argue creation is inherently a failed emulation based on failed interpretations and your own experiences.
Many of my poems start with my misinterpretation (or reinvention) of a poem I've read, and they're actually good too

>> No.15669072

Based Bloom-poster.

>> No.15669119

That's where you're wrong bucko, he hunts watermills to. According to Unamuno, he hunts factories, telegraph lines, machine guns and tools for hysterectomy as well. Unamuno basically reads Heidegger's entire technology shtick into Don Quixote, and looking at the chapter on the Art of Combat, where Don Quixote decries how naval artillery and gunpowder have reduced men from an entity of quality to an entity of quantity, he's not entirely off the mark, if a bit reaching.

>Quixote should be seen as a hero not a fool.
Honestly, he should dissolve the distinction like any good Shakespearean fool. I remember nearly dying of laughter at the episode where he is assaulted in his chambers by a cat, and throws it out the window. But I agree with the rest, there is great wisdom in him, and a very peculiar dialectical relation to modernity - he is something as strange as a revolutionary reactionary - baptizing himself and crowning himself a feudal nobleman in a modern self-constitution of subjectivity. It's incredibly funny.

Sometimes a shibboleth is good, when it seems that the board has been taken over by /pol/posting illiterates who want to feel smart.

>> No.15670194

Two people already did

>> No.15670229

Guys, i just today downloaded ficciones by Borges 'cuz it looked good. What am i in for?

>> No.15670323

>Don Quixote should be seen as a hero not a fool
people always give this opinion but nothing in Don Quixote has convinced me that Cervantes wanted you to see the guy as a hero

>> No.15670347

though he isn't a hero in a traditional sense (and often makes things worse for those around him), his relentless human spirit and conviction in the face of a world that constantly spits in his face make him very admirable. at least thats what i gathered, i only read the book once and haven't read around it that much

>> No.15670360

Some fuckin banging shit lad. Although if you're like me and have a single digit IQ, you might not like them too much the first time round. Just warning you and that in case you're not too much of a fan of it at first.