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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 475x319, 8e79a2f9412474f73e24f02e1d0dce3ff94ca090b84526088600f26d20757377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15665047 No.15665047 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag to this board here. I like coming up with stories to write but i hate reading with a passion. I realize that i need to read more in order to develop my stories and shit but i'm not sure where to start.
How did you guys come to love reading?

>> No.15665075

Just read YA that you like and intersperse it with the occasional classic. I recommend the Bartimaeus trilogy and the works of Steinbeck to start.

>> No.15665108

What have you tried to read so far? you probably need to find what interests you.

>> No.15665132

I'm guessing you either read trash or started too early with the classics; start somewhere in the middle, short stories and light novels and work your way up.

>> No.15665912

what do you hate about it?

>> No.15665974
File: 401 KB, 1600x2434, Plato Republic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this, zoom zoom.

>> No.15666019

This read fun stuff before you dive into weirdo shit.

>> No.15666024 [DELETED] 

Maybe you’d like some short stories to start with

No. Don’t fucking read this. People like Borges.
If you’re at all interested in philosophy check the history of philosophy podcast

>> No.15666041

Maybe you’d like some short stories to start with. People like Borges. Maybe you’d like George Saunders.

No. Don’t fucking read this.
If you’re at all interested in philosophy check the history of philosophy podcast

>> No.15666091

Not much like some comics here and there but i wanna get into the nitty gritty of reading. I do like action, horror, and adventure probably mystery too.
You guessed right i'll take your advice
That sounds pretty neat, i'll try it anons!

>> No.15666117

I don't know. I guess was just uninterested in stuff and not alot of books caught my interest. However i need to have a more open mind if i'm gonna start writing my own stories

>> No.15666220

Why are you so against the Republic, retard butterfag?
>Not recommending the Iliad/Odyssey first

>> No.15666354

Plato is overrated drivel. Besides, the man isn’t asking to go down the rabbits hole of philosophy

Homer is a better start.

>> No.15666383

>Plato is overrated drivel.
Overrated yes, drivel no. You should at least read the Republic before moving on to Aristotle, and some of his other works might be good to check out too so you understand what Aristotle is referencing in Plato's works.
>Homer is a better start.

>> No.15666389

>Not recommending the Epic of Gilgamesh first

>> No.15666408

Meh. I actually got me a free copy

>> No.15666480

Turn off internet, take ritalin. Go to cheap country to a hotel without internet, hole up for a month or two w just an ereader. They have apps. Read fun non fictions you like or some nice fictions. The issue is you haven't bonded w ur hobby. It's a bit much at first and goes through stages but it depends on your own journey. I got back into reading about 26 so it was definitely effort but I'd read 24/7 now. It's important to what I like to do and I treat it personally as a conversation w someone really interesting. The drawback to my relationship with reading is that I don't read as much fiction and if I do it's simply for historical or some contextual purpose

>> No.15666893
File: 198 KB, 523x607, nootropics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try adderall or modafinil

>> No.15666915

>Plato is overrated drivel.
You need to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.15667296


There are three steps that worked for me:
(1) Try to gage your reading level and limit the scope of books to things that are realistic by sampling the first few pages of a book that you think may look interesting.
(2) Evaluate what you're looking to read and why you're reading it. (entertainment, education, improvement of reading level, etc.)
(3) Make a habit out of it. Start with about 10 minutes each day and marginally work your way up to two hours a day or so over a long period of time.

Reading is like skateboarding or any other skill. You do need to practice in order to train your brain around silence, boredom, indecipherable sentences, and other little triggers that make you want to put the book down and pick up your phone.

>> No.15667301

Take an interest with the world

>> No.15668141

> Someone asks how to even get into reading.
> Bickering ensues over if he should Plato, Homer or Aristotle first.