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15663935 No.15663935 [Reply] [Original]

What is love? Is it just a friendship plus sexual attraction or is there more to it? Why does it feel special/the way it does when you touch your partner or the person you love?
Is there are literature that explains love both on an emotional and a scientific level?
I never had a partner so I don't really understand love.

>> No.15663940

baby don't hurt me

>> No.15663944

7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.

12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.

16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

>> No.15663950

If you keep donating your Stabucks paycheck to leftwing Patreons someday someone will realize what a good person you are and you'll find love. Now cough up the dough, it's a $5 commitment to hear the latest joke about Biden.

>> No.15663951
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>> No.15663952

>and a scientific level?
Reject scientism and empricism

Only in the modern time have we started to compartmentalize and atomize everything because we deluded ourselves that that will help us understand the Above, and its making us go mad to say the least. No other civilisation ever even recorded history as madly and obssesively as we do

>> No.15663957

There's a BLM protest if you'd like to go
You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go and you stand on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home and you cry
And you want to die

>> No.15663966
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who hurt you anon?

>> No.15663967

To add onto this, although our conciousness, at least as we understand it today, seeks infinite knowledge, not everything warrants a rational straightforward explanation. Accept and embody the absurd, only then will you accept and understand everything else

>> No.15663971

And how should I understand then? I mean I guess it feels good but that isn't really enough.

>> No.15663990

It's a Smiths song, bro.


>> No.15663999

The greeks understood different types of phillia, not just romatic phillia. Understand by not understanding, in Aristotle's words; "I know that I do not know"

>> No.15664004

I think understanding what love really is would help me with my approach to this topic. I recently had a girl tell me I don't understand romanticism and love.
I can feel it and I want to embrace it, but I can't really follow the way people describe love.

>> No.15664016

/lit/ truly is the better /r9k/

>> No.15664022

love is freedom

>> No.15664023

Love is the one thing I want to destroy with bugman scientism shit. That's right lovebirds, love is nothing more than chemicals that make you pairbond! Love ain't real, it's just lust so your fulfill biological imperative!

>> No.15664041
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>> No.15664043

your seething is also chemicals.

>> No.15664051

You're retarded dude, it's a political wave and the fact that everyone is pathetic is just beyond me. Eventually the fetish dies, it always does within a week or two

>> No.15664060


>> No.15664065

But doesn't love require commitment? How is that freedom?

>> No.15664071

no, you, in your prison.

>> No.15664080
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All you reductionist materialists will be the first to catch a fade.

>> No.15664084

Yeah but I’m picky and need to get it just right or else it’s wrong and impossible to be passionate for

>> No.15664087
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Do you not think that love can exist for a long time when the conditions are met? I would love Joi into eternity.

>> No.15664101

You may only understand it by accepting to not understanding it, I know its pretty hard to wrap your head around it

>I has no significance until it becomes the you to whom eternity incessantly speaks and says: you shall, you shall, you shall.

>There are a you and an I, and there is no mine and yours! For without a you and an I, there is no love, and with mine and yours there is no love but “mine” and “yours” (these possessive pronouns) are, of course, formed from a “you” and an “I” and as a consequence seem obliged to be present wherever there are a you and an I. This is indeed the case everywhere, but not in love , which is a revolution from the ground up. The more profound the revolution, the more completely the distinction “mine and yours” disappears, and the more perfect is the love.

>> No.15664112

>If it were so, as conceited sagacity, proud of not being deceived, thinks, that we should believe nothing that we cannot see with our physical eyes, then we first and foremost ought to give up believing in love. If we were to do so and do it out of fear lest we be deceived, would we not then be deceived? We can, of course, be deceived in many ways. We can be deceived by believing what is untrue, but we certainly are also deceived by not believing what is true. We can be deceived by appearances, but we certainly are also deceived by the sagacious appearance, by the flattering conceit that considers itself absolutely secure against being deceived. Which deception is more dangerous? Whose recovery is more doubtful, that of the one who does not see, or that of the person who sees and yet does not see? What is more difficult—to awaken someone who is sleeping or to awaken someone who, awake, is dreaming that he is awake?

>> No.15664136

From what text is this?
Gonna take a while until I understand it, English isn't primary.

>> No.15664151
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The only people I have been in love with I never really knew. They were either oneitis girls I never interacted with, e-girls online (years before tiktok was a thing), or 2D.

Gracian was truly correct when he said the familiar is worthless, but the distanced is divine.

>> No.15664169

forced commitment or by free will? why men do love women? why women do love children? because no competition.

>> No.15664179

love is a mixture of familiarity and dependence, simple as.

>> No.15664197

But isn't love strongest when it is new and unfamiliar?

>> No.15664207

But I still don't see why love would make you more free.

>> No.15664209


Love exists so that you'll make babies that's the long and short of it
Love only ever lasts a relatively short time it's self terminating in a sense but people get very confused they mistake love for many things companionship, obsession, desperation, codependency, the list goes on

>> No.15664211


>> No.15664223

How does one get past only loving ideas they created themselves of other people? How do you love things that are real and full of holes?

>> No.15664231

>they mistake love for many things companionship, obsession, desperation, codependency, the list goes on

You are conflating the intrinsic concept of love in and of itself, with the modern view of it which is dependant on MANY other factors. You are the product of your time, and you can not view the world outside the cultural zeitgeist that formed the collective weltanschauung

>> No.15664262

no. infatuation is not love.

>> No.15664269
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I believe a better question would be about how love was perceived before the peak of romanticism and idealized love. I don't have the knowledge to say, but maybe love as we understand it today wasn't always the norm.

>> No.15664273

>e-girls online (years before tiktok was a thing), or 2D.
You are conflating the infiniteness of potenitality with actuality of being, I don't think that's what he meant

The simulacrum and hyperreality are rotting the core of existence

>> No.15664290

Love is an unvoluntary response to a virtuous person. Everything else is just being attracted to a symetrical face and hawt body or desperation.

Also the greeks had differentiated love into 7 different categories.

>> No.15664304

The ancient Greeks had seven words for love that corresponded to different types of love, ranging from physical love (eros) to purely spiritual love (agape). Here are the seven kinds of love accordingto the ancient Greeks.

1. Eros: Love of the body

Eroswas the Greek God of love and sexual desire. He was shooting golden arrows into the hearts of both mortals and immortals without warning. The Greeks feared that kind of love the most because it was dangerous and could get them into the most trouble. Eros is defined as divine beauty or lust. Eros is mainly based on sexual attraction and it is where the term “erotica” came from.

Example of Eros love:A young couple that meets and immediately feels attracted, and lustful, towards one another.

2. Philia:Love of the mind

Also know as brotherly love,Philiarepresents the sincere and platonic love. The kind of love you have for your brother or a really good friend. It was more valuable and more cherished than Eros. Philia exists when people share the same values and dispositions with someone and the feelings are reciprocated.

Example of Philia love:Two friends talk about how deeply they understand each other, and how that security and openness causes them to feel comfortable and taken care of.

3. Ludus: Playful love

Ludusis the flirtatious and teasing kind of love, the love mostly accompanied by dancing or laughter. It’s the child-like and fun kind of love. If you think about it; this generation loves Ludus more than anything else.

Example of Ludus love:Modern love at its finest, Ludus love is best described by thinking of two people who just want to have fun together, with little need for security or roots.

4. Pragma: Longstanding love

The everlasting love between a married couple which develops over a long period of time.Pragmawas the highest form of love; the true commitment that comes from understanding, compromise and tolerance. It is pragmatic this is why it is referred to as “standing in love” rather than “falling in love” because it grows over time and requires profound understanding between lovers who have been together for many years.

Example of Pragma love:Think about your grandparents, and how they have endured so much, but have always chosen each other.

>> No.15664306

Our minds are products of our times, but neither our minds nor intrinsic concepts change, only the angle at which we view them does

When the greeks and romans wrote extensively about love it was not much different, the intrinsic thing-in-itself has remained the same

>> No.15664318

Because its more satisfying to love someone that is exactly how you want them to be.

I wasn't really responding to anyone, I was just talking about "love." I don't think there is anything wrong with my experiences, though I suspect the average normalfriend may disagree.

>> No.15664322

5. Agape: Love of the soul

Agapelove is selfless love, the love for humanity. It is the closest to unconditional love. The love you give without expecting anything in return reflected in all charitable acts. It is the compassionate love that makes us sympathize with, help and connect to people we don’t know. The world needs more Agape love.

Example of Agape love:The person in your life that is always giving to others, and needing nothing in return. This is the way they show their love, and this is the way they are energized through love. By giving all that they have, and all that they are, to those around them, they find beauty in life.

6. Philautia: Love of the self

The ancient Greeks dividedPhilautiainto two kinds: There is one that is pure selfish and seeks pleasure, fame, and wealth often leading to narcissism and there is another healthy kind of love we give ourselves. Philautia is essential for any relationship, we can only love others if we truly love ourselves and we can only care for others if we truly care for ourselves.

Example of Philautia love:Selfish Philautia love is the kind of love that takes and does not give back in return — this is someone who only uses others to excel in life. Think about the social climbers of the world. On the other hand, the positive kind of Philautia can be seen in a couple that is a union, not a melting pot. They both do their own things, but they come together and support each others own growth.

7. Storge: Love of the child

Storgeis the love parents naturally feel for their children. It’s based on natural feelings and effortless love. Storge is the love that knows forgiveness, acceptance and sacrifice. It is the one that makes you feel secure, comfortable and safe.

Example of Storge love:Think about the kind of love your mother gives you, or your very best friend. It is rooted in friendship, and understanding, but there is also a deep emotional connection there.

>> No.15664334

Oh trust me anon I'm definitely not a normalfag of any kind

>> No.15664368

I wasn't implying it friend, I just think that most people are completely unable to understand love in any form other than person to person physical contact with someone you know.

There is no reason the other person has to physically acknowledge you for it to be love.

>> No.15664385

Is love reserved for attractive people?

>> No.15664404

Attraction certainly plays a part, but there are many other factors. So I think it isn't, atleast theoretically.

>> No.15664411

I'm not saying one *must* acknowledge one for it to be, however I believe that the other must also exist, be and have the propensity to become, and the simulacrum is the deceit and falsehood of that in its purest form, and it therefore cannot exist

>> No.15664430
File: 2.40 MB, 4032x3024, 5080BC33-851B-4795-AC6F-69A354C900C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there are literature that explains love both on an emotional and a scientific level?

Pic related

>> No.15664436

it is very vague what "propensity to become" even means. An e-girl could, hypothetically, become my girlfriend, but it is extremely unlikely. If you want to use modal logic and possible worlds, then even a 2D waifu girlfriend has the potential to exist in some possible world.

>> No.15664450

What a great picture

>> No.15664480

One is a simulacrum, and the other is not. Well probably

My point is really that hyperreality will be the death of us

>> No.15664496

Why is it a "simulacrum"

the notion of an e-girl or a 2D girl has a pretty clear basis in everyday reality. It is modeled off real relationships and then just abstracted so as to give the viewer more control in its representation.

>> No.15664504


Well I should really say people don't mistake love for those things they mistake those things for love
Love in actuality makes up the smallest part of human relations
People so commonly have this belief that love is irrational you don't choose who you fall in love with etc... but that is precisely because there is no actual limit to it anybody can in fact fall in love with anybody else but it lasts a very short time regardless
To me the modern view of love is bizarrely couched in the idea that people are naturally repulsed by each other and so they must become willing to love in order to overcome it something which I find highly nonsensical
The old view is the one that seems instinctively obvious that humans are naturally attracted to each other everyone will experience love inevitably and it is love itself which at times must overcome external forces
Think of Romeo and Juliet vs. modern love stories
In Romeo and Juliet the love is never in question whereas in modern love stories it is often always in question

>> No.15664524

free to tell what you think, free to smile, free to hug, free to cuddle, free from larping, doubts. man, if you don't wanna hug a kitten something is very wrong with you.

>> No.15664567

A simulacrum is the intentional distrotion of reality, a copy of reality which means its not the thing-in-itself anymore and instrinsically deceitful, the highest possible form of deceit possible, lacking any truthful iconic representation

>> No.15664572

I don't think I can love anyone romantically anymore. I kinda did in highschool, but then in college I never felt anything close to love anyone and even less for people after I graduated.
I have pretty high standards now though.

>> No.15664595

>thinking like this

>> No.15664608

I know what is means. I just don't see how it applies given what I have stated. It is also very odd to see you talking as if you want to impress me. This is a casual conversation on 4chan lol

>> No.15664623

>how do pixels on a screen amount to hyperreality and simulacrum


>> No.15664633

Try NoFap

>> No.15664639


>> No.15664647

What happens next author

>> No.15664667

> because it is on a screen it isn't real
Do you really believe this? An e-girl exists. A 2D girl exists. The only thing that is different is how they are interacted with, not their reality.

>> No.15664691

You're just proving my point by the fact you can't differentiate anymore between it.

>> No.15664713

lol just talk to a girl you bitch

>> No.15664721

No, in fact I am not. The fact that you avoid explaining yourself and just throw around the term simulacrum in every response just shows a lack of philosophical seriousness.

Once again, how exactly is something "not real." I can interact with it, see it, and think about it. To imply that anything visible to the senses is unreal is preposterous.

I am not implying their is an ontological equivalence, rather I am simply saying that is exists with its own separate category of validity.

>> No.15664782

I try to devise a plan in which I obtain someone cute that I can groom to be my ideal partner in line with my standards, who I can then pour all my love and devotion into. But, despite my research my planning goes pretty much nowhere....

>> No.15665173

Living happens off the page, Monroe. I’ve got too tiny of a tiny bladder to will holding it like that

>> No.15665381

Based. I'm still in love with an Armenian girl I met on a train from Valencia to Barcelona.

>> No.15665502

27 khv reporting in.

>> No.15665629

Came to write this.
You must he a fellow interllectual.

>> No.15665783
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I'm no expert myself 2Dbro so take this with a grain of salt but I think he means to say that the anime girls and e-girls are nothing more than images that offer an erroneous view of reality while mimicking it just enough for the two to seem like they're in relation. Since hyperreality is the point where simulacrum and reality become near indistinguishable the concept of falling in love with a being that has no fundamental ontological existence in reality, which fits for 2D and the image set up by e-girls, falls under the category of hyperreality (at least provided we're thinking of love in the traditional sense and not some other feeling that would likely benefit from using a different word anyway).

>> No.15666049


A mammalian drive

>> No.15666205

A temporary lapse in judgement

>> No.15666568
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i've had the same question for some time—that is, what it means to love (i assume you mean romantically) in modernity. it's a difficult question - is love transcendent? is it objective or subjective or what? how is love mediated? I DO NOT KNOW! what makes the most sense to me is that there's some kind of transcendent kernel to love—the roots of love are anchored in some place far beyond our reach, which is why sensual/sexual attraction seem so much bigger than we are and provide this out-of-control feeling. (and sure you could launch into the whole oxytocin thing but why then does science only explain what HAPPENS when we are in love and not what love is? "the benefits are nice so we do the thing to get the benefits and the thing is a benefits-generator" imo fails to explain where the thing comes from)

i've done a bit of reading on this (a lot of attachment theory, bell hooks' all about love, bauman's whole liquid modernity shtick that he extends to love, etc. it goes on) and right now i'm reading rilke on love and other difficulties w/ translations and considerations by john j. l. mood. (the rilke book is to-date the most worth reading, but i also favor rilke in general) and the common thread between all of these (and what most speaks to me) is that love is a process, a verb, something constructed from the force-of-nature that is attraction to another person. we can feel the desire to befriend, to nurture, to touch, to fuck, but to love is to recognize someone's wholeness/to see their individuality and to invite them to live in their individuality alongside you—mutual recognition. here's some passages from rilke i really liked:
>all companionship can consist only in the strengthening of two neighboring solitudes, whereas everything that one is wont to call giving oneself is by nature harmful to companionship: for when a person abandons himself, he is no longer anything, and when two people both give themselves up in order to come close to each other, there is no longer any ground beneath them and their being together is a continual falling
>love…is a high inducement to the individual to ripen, to become something in himself, to become world, to become world for himself for another's sake, it is a great exacting claim upon him, something that chooses him out and calls to him vast things

love generates chemical benefits, but the initial call to begin the process of loving someone seems transcendent, and then the process itself is a labor/ability of the subject. i think it is a lot like friendship, but with sexual attraction, but in modernity friendship has lost so much meaning that romantic love is now understood to have a depth that friendship lacks.

>> No.15666649

Love is the best feeling possible, humanity's greatest aspiration and the only true answer to the unbearable loneliness of the conscious mind.
>but muh chemicals in the brain
Life is just breathing and a beating heart and that fact changes nothing about its nature.
Even if love is a lie, it's the greatest lie ever told and far better than any claimed truths.
Love, be loved and have sex.

>> No.15666693


>> No.15666725

If you want a girlfriend just to make yourself feel less sad or depressed then you're chasing after a phantom. You need to learn to love yourself at least somewhat before finding someone who can love you back.

>> No.15666741

Thats not true. Absolutely hate myself and still found a gf (years ago). Also some flings. Though good advice in parts.

>> No.15666780

>still found a gf (years ago). Also some flings.
That's what I'm getting at though. You might find a girl, but you won't find one that's actually compatible with you until you understand and appreciate yourself. How will you know what to look for in someone if you don't know what parts of yourself you want them to find attractive?

>> No.15666790

No good girls it feels atm, also men like me dont deserve stuff like that anyway as genetic dead ends, we should have died on a battlefield as cannonfodder.

>> No.15666811
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> just be confident and love yourself bro!
That advice just does not work.
Looks are all that matters. If you are attractive, it doesn't matter how much you hate yourself. If you are ugly, you will never be seen as a romantic option by a woman.

I haven't been depressed in years, have fine hobbies, stable life as a student, have some friends (female ones as well), yet consistently get denied.

I have never been on a date in my life. I am not going to go out and hate everyone because of it, but your platitudes just don't apply.

>> No.15666848

>No good girls it feels atm
Because all the "good" ones aren't flashing off that they're available to guys. You're gonna have to look for them and get the courage to make the first move. You gotta take time off and reevaluate your own self-worth though first. It's more confidence than it is looks anyways when it comes to picking up girls.
>Looks are all that matters. If you're attractive, it doesn't matter how much you hate yourself.
Not true at all. Sure, looks can greatly help if you're interested in superficial girls who will probably get bored of you after a few months anyways. No girl wants to be around an Eeyore though no matter how good they look. Despite what YA romance novels might tell some people, guys who are sad and gloomy most of the time are actually a much bigger turn off to girls than ugliness.

>> No.15666875

Most girls I got to know, either some I something with or just by the way of talking, were your typical sluts atleast in the romantical way. They were different character wise but none apart from a few who were either with a partner for a long time and happy or abstinent but all others were polyamorous

>> No.15666877

Well I am neither sad, nor gloomy and in my entire life I have yet to have a single romantic experience with a woman.

I make friends fine, so it is not my personality. I think it is pretty clear what one can deduce from what has been said until this point

>> No.15666920

>or abstinent
Unless they're nuns they're not gonna remain that way forever.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you two are both either still in or just finished college. I didn't start dating until a year after college and even then it was more by random luck since I met my gf at work. Most worthwhile girls tend to shy away from serious relationships, and dating in general, until after college. You shouldn't write yourselves off in your twenties just because you haven't found someone yet. People are pushing off marriage and dating right now because of a number of societal factors, don't let that be an excuse to just call it quits and give up on the hope of ever falling in love.

>> No.15666973

I am the first guy you replied too. Yeah they will not remain that way, but for guys like me who only fuck and dont do relationships theyre too much of an investment to make even if they like one. Can be true, I am not american but I can tell you most women I know here in that age bracket either go from fling to fling or relationship to relationship, only a few settle at that age. I am actually quite happy when I get to know couples like that and hope they stay together. And as I said, some men are just better off dead than living, for themselves and others.

>> No.15667021

There is nothing wrong with giving up and cutting your losses. Some people are going to be alone that thats fine. Not everyone is attractive enough.

I still find issue with the fact that you retain this belief that "you just have to be confident." Not only is this not the case, but it actually BAD advice for the average person who is struggling. He is more than likely just ugly if he has had no experience his entire life. If this is the case, encouraging him to be confident is just going to make him be made fun of and look like and idiot.

>> No.15667025

Well, I guess we both just have opposite views on romantic relationships then.

>> No.15667037

Yeah but that doesnt really adress the rest of my post no ? But np mate

>> No.15667082

>I still find issue with the fact that you retain this belief that "you just have to be confident."
I'm not saying you just have to be confident. Obviously you have to take care of yourself physically as well as mentally. But I have never once met a girl who would date a depressed, suicidal mental burnout even if he looked like Ryan Gosling or Chris Evans.

>> No.15667095

I am the other guy but there were girls up for this, or atleast fun, with me. And no I am not chad. I am even a manlet.

>> No.15667105

It sounded like you're a "one-night stand" kind of guy, and I've argued with enough of them in person to know we'll just never see eye to eye on these issues. I have much less confidence either of us will come to any agreement on 4chan about a topic as vague and complicated as romantic love.

>> No.15667127

Well I am that way because I think its something I have to get out of my system. But now I more and more come to the realization that most women are just more pain than pleasure in a relationship so its not worth it anyway.

>> No.15667130

So they knew you were more depressed than you were happy, suicidal, and you had no hope for your future? I'm not talking about you're typical depressed anon, I'm saying bottom-of-the-barrel, literally on the verge on kicking the bucket guys are never gonna be found attractive by any girls no matter how good they look except the most batshit crazy ones out there. There's a lot of crazy broads, but only a real nutcase would tie themselves down with someone like that.

>> No.15667139

Well the one that tied me down was batshit crazy yeah. And the others were just fun. But yeah, they went for me though they knew I was a miserable, suicidal, selfloathing, whining manlet lol

>> No.15667150

Regardless of why you're "that way" I'm not gonna bother trying to change your mind. If you're content with it then best of luck to ya, like I said we're clearly just not gonna see eye to eye on this.

>> No.15667161

I hope you find a good girl mate. A happy romantic relationship really isnt compareable to anything else.

>> No.15667168

> even if he looked like Ryan Gosling or Chris Evans.
Even in your phrasing you are clear that looks are vastly more important. Given how mentally ill someone like Kurt Cobain was and how romantically appealing they were to a fair amount of women, I don't think your statement even applies.

I just don't see any reason to give this sort of advice. It just fosters a delusion in people

>> No.15667172

Thanks, I hope you find happiness in your life as well if you haven't already.

>> No.15667176

I have found refuge in my eventual suicide. Have to look my best for that haha

>> No.15667188

i just want a girlo to love

>> No.15667204
File: 372 KB, 621x404, heyanon!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why do good girls like bad guys?
I had this question for a real long time
I've been a bad boy and it's plain to see
So why do good girls fall in love with me?

>> No.15667223

love is death
of the individual

>> No.15667225

I'm saying even if you're a 10/10 guy, girls aren't gonna want to be with someone who has zero self-esteem. Cobain got married before his first suicide attempt, and I highly doubt he was suicidal when dating Courtney Love. If you think it's a delusion then that's your take on it. Like I told the last guy, everyone has their own view on love; I can't make you accept my view, but I ardently believe self-esteem is the biggest, but certainly not only, factor in finding a girl.

>> No.15667266

of ego...

>> No.15667288

As I said in my own example thats just not true. Have seen it with other guys too and these were objectively good looking. Zero self esteem, it hindered them sure but the girls still wanted these guys, just after a thought more than would have been usual.

>> No.15667337

I knew I was in love when I went to her house and the main thing I felt was concern for how terrible her living conditions were.

>> No.15667345

I guess we're looking at different crowds then.

>> No.15667351

I have everything, admittetly more mentally ill people but also normal ones, and the normal ones are the worst at times with their relationship stuff.

>> No.15667441

I know nothing on the subject but I love my girlfriend and she loves me. It's not perfect, we argue rearly but we do, I have been watching porn over qurantine which she dosent like but I told her and she's ok with it, I love LSD but she worries a lot but we talk about it and it's cool. It's difficult and im not as free as I was (i was a gravitys rainbow by day cocain and metal concerts by night kinda guy) but I am free to choose and I choose her. She's lovly, kind, generous, she spends her time working for charity and with animals. Shes pretty which is a plus. Love is fiction and the word is as arbitary as any other. But my being is excited when I read Sheakspear and Blake, the empty words become life. She brings me to life, she gives the word meaning. I'm no one to talk, A fool among fools but I know our love is real.

>> No.15667452

>Love is fiction
>love is real


>> No.15667479
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>> No.15667504

I may be mentally retarded, but im loved so it's not so bad.

>> No.15667510

Enjoy your pleasures chad, for thinking is not your realm

>> No.15667518

I love you all, may god be kind.

>> No.15667547

Loving not what it is but what you convinced it ought to be? Ultimately you are loving the infinite within yourself, thus, loving yourself as no one would.

>> No.15667775

I realm of mutual longing and hope that is only open to the young, innocent and beautiful.

>> No.15667995
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>> No.15668027
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>> No.15668034

>reject empiricism
You couldn't even if you really wanted to. How do people get this retarded?

>> No.15668382
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Thanks bro
Just when i was thinking this thread was wasted.

>> No.15668540


>> No.15668747

So how did people exist before empricism was a concept

>> No.15668919

32 kissless virgin here

>> No.15668930

It's really impossible to hit lower levels than current day r9k

>> No.15668981

Very good

>> No.15668992
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>Love is an unvoluntary response to a virtuous person
I would absolutely like to know what you mean by this

>> No.15669020

>may god be kind.
Toss a coin

>> No.15669033

>Is there are literature that explains love
Plato, Symposium
Plato, Phaedrus
CS Lewis, The Four Loves

>> No.15669108

> Because its more satisfying to love someone that is exactly how you want them to be.
So how do you get past that?

>> No.15669164 [DELETED] 

Read "On The Metaphysics Of The Love Of The Sexes" by Schop. The individuation of the love instinct is an illusion such that it expresses itself as a fixation on a person of desire. This is not to dismiss its power and profundity for only a true sage can overcome this drive. For the rest of us, we are doomed to perhaps understand it in the abstract but be powerless when it actually possesses us.

>> No.15669170

Read "On The Metaphysics Of The Love Of The Sexes" by Schop. The individuation of the love instinct is an illusion in that it expresses itself as a fixation on the person of desire. This is not to dismiss its power and profundity, for only a true sage can overcome this drive. For the rest of us, we are doomed to perhaps understand it in the abstract but be powerless when it actually possesses us.

>> No.15669381


>> No.15670318


>> No.15670326

I came here just to say that

you should read CS Lewis

>> No.15670345

Fuck, I wish I could reimburse the suits and whatever else. I feel bad keeping them when I dislike him so much. I want them to live a good life far away from me. You will meet some people in life who dislike you. Move on and live a happy life.

>> No.15670358

Nice someone screencap this

>> No.15670803

What people call “love” is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it.

>> No.15670814
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>> No.15670816

By coming up with retarded explanations to everything. That's how we ended up with religion in the first place.

>> No.15670844

There is infatuation. That's what convinces you to breed (it's usually risky decision, you probably wouldn't do it without).

I think love is when you cherish something or someone for what it is or something inherent to its nature.

>> No.15671080

Audible chuckle

>> No.15671569


>> No.15673252


>> No.15674775
