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15663477 No.15663477 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people misread him so often?

>> No.15663480

Because he wrote in german

>> No.15663481
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>> No.15663483

Because they don’t actually read what he wrote and instead read what others wrote of his ideas

>> No.15663493

Because he was very literary, not often very clear in what he said and contradicted himself a lot.

>> No.15663506

Because there is no coherent or consistent philosophy advanced in his work. All readings of him are equally correct/incorrect.

>> No.15663575

>contradicted himself a lot.
That's just people failing to read between lines.

>> No.15663687

Nietzsche was not a nihilist. The view comes from his early work. You have to read all of his stuff to understand how to overcome nihilism. People usually only read the introductory stuff because of it's presence in pop culture. You have to get deeper into it to understand properly.

>> No.15664874

Because a small cult of personality arose, and to a degree, it began to feed into his later work, and then ballooned in size.

>> No.15664922

How did Nietzsche become the only post-Greek philosopher to become a figure of pop culture (besides Marx)?

>> No.15664932

Because of the cool mustache

>> No.15664998

They read in translation instead of taking philosophy seriously and reading in its target language.

>> No.15665008

How did Marx ever rose to prominence before le internet?

>> No.15665099
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what i overcame nihilism before reading Neetzsche?

>> No.15665104

if i*

>> No.15665116
File: 63 KB, 740x675, Schoppower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any foolish boy can stamp on a beetle, but all the professors in the world cannot make a beetle.

>> No.15665151
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>he didn´t overcame nihilism at the age of 12

>> No.15665200
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>> No.15665988

>Because his prose and aphorisms are ambiguous, like his philosophy and sexual orientation.

>Because the edgyness that meant to be chosen by Hitler as the model philosopher has made him quite famous among teens and young adults that are not familiar with philosophy in general and just jump on the Nietzsche bandwagon.

>Because it's easier to understand him if you've read Schopenhauer and Kant before, and such teens and young adults can't read shit, so they jump on to read TSZ missing a lot in the process.

>Becuase everyone wants to be a superior man, so most identify with him and think they become or are in their way to become one just by reading TSZ, idealizing Nietzsche as a superior man in the process.

Honestly it is because his writings are almost all too ambiguous. No one misreads Schopenhauer, he was clear in writing his ideas, Nietzsche essentially made his own Philosophy for Princes like Leibniz did it for princesses.

>> No.15666156

They don't misread him. They just don't read him. He's not difficult to grasp so long as you sit your ass down and read through his books patiently and thoroughly.

>> No.15667948

Onions un hombre de negocios pero no me digas nada más. El problema es que se trata sobre los efectos del alcohol y la verdad es una herramienta de comunicación.