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15662946 No.15662946 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck your gender roles.

>> No.15662953

are biscuits male or female?

>> No.15662957

based incel

>> No.15662962

Based no role 4chan shitposter

>> No.15662979
File: 498 KB, 211x169, Buzz off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your frog collection

>> No.15663006

Based thread

>> No.15663011


>> No.15663018

in most languages it's a masculine term

>> No.15663030


>> No.15663040


>> No.15663043

Have Sex

>> No.15663050


>> No.15663052


>> No.15663066

take your meds

>> No.15663077

rent free

>> No.15663147

Don't you understand that the very concept of gender is a method of social control? Don't you understand that the gender binary is the establishment’s tool of tyranny? You can revolt against society by crushing those fucking sex norms. If a “man” is willing to wear a dress, he should. If a “woman” is brave enough to dress butch, she fucking should. Crush and resist the millenia-old fake-ass sexual mind control program until nobody even remembers what a boy or girl even is. Only then will we know freedom.

>> No.15663157

i want niggers to shit in my mouth

>> No.15663161

Extremely retarded take but at least you're advocating for a good cause!

>> No.15663171

if i give up my frog collection, do you think buttercunt will finally luv me back?
>also fuck off you fake, YOUR CHICANERY WONT WORK WITH ME

>> No.15663201

Fuck the binary, and fuck heteronormative culture

>> No.15663209

*listens to androgynous by the replacements once*

>> No.15663241
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>> No.15663250
File: 3 KB, 422x76, shithole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15663258


>> No.15663265

____ ____

>> No.15663321

What if I like cute girls and not 600 lb butch lardwhales?

>> No.15663334

Then you’re a slave.

>> No.15663344

This is the most onions onions thread Ive ever seen. ONION ONIOns IONS,SOU BOOKMER Bommer be deomner CRINNGE ceinge BASED based ZOOMER ANS LE DOOMER

>> No.15663459

>this is left up after being reported but threads on eastern philosophy and their writings are regularly deleted or moved to /his/
really activates my almonds

>> No.15663463

ok zoomer

>> No.15663732

The concept of gender identity is pure sophistry.
It's all based on the assumption that a universal, innate "gender identity", as separate from biological sex, is real.
However there is literally no evidence for this claim. As the term "gender" got redefined, "cis" people are implicitly being tricked into supporting this view as they assert they identify as male or female. Normal people however, do not identify as male or female based on some magical inner sense of belonging. Rather, they do so by observing their bodily sex characteristics.
>b-but muh male and female brain
There is no evidence whatsoever that having an atypically masculine or feminine brain by necessity causes gender dysphoria. Rather, it's induced by social mores, individual mental imstability, and/or sexual fetishism.

>> No.15664202
File: 1.00 MB, 480x480, 0D3F9B52-2CB1-4BD9-915A-1B430C4AA130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally dress butch, but I never frog post.

I’m all love, bby. But who are you quoting?