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15658989 No.15658989 [Reply] [Original]

Which books BTFO Marxism?

>> No.15659012

Damn that is a silly comment

>> No.15659028

woah...on the biopsychological level?! I fucking LOVE science!

>> No.15659317

Why is it that anti communists always have the stupidest fucking arguments?

>> No.15659320

The Big Book of Life

>> No.15659325

The Bell Curve

>> No.15659327

Obviously none that person has read.

>> No.15659336
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>Why is it that anti communists always have the stupidest fucking arguments?

>> No.15659347

holy shit.. it's that same guy who you coomers have been posting daily for years. Is every idea in your head just a series of 4chan images?

>> No.15659374

Exactly my point. Literally your only reply is just posting some ugly guy who has vaguely the same beliefs I do.

>> No.15659377
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You have to go back

>> No.15659380
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Honestly this shit is just a low hanging fruit. Nazis are such fucking midwits it hurts so bad.

>> No.15659389

Your only argument against communism is apparently that there are some ugly cringelords. Really destroyed us, buddy.

>> No.15659391

go back WHERE, retard? This entire website is filled with discord zoomers, redditfaggots, twitterposters. There's no barriers anymore, everyone is a crossposter. /pol/ was a crossboard for r/the_donald for pretty much all of 2015/6

>> No.15659398

Why are """""""""""""""""Communists""""""""""""""""" always some mixture of furfag/degenerate/immigrant/homosexual/sperg. I've never seen a communist who is a respectable human being or that even at least has a job.

>> No.15659401

being a "respectable person" to the system's values, when the system is just a death worshipping engine of nihilism is for fucking idiots.

>> No.15659412

dunno about "science" but its pretty obviously true cultural/tribal consciousness are more fundamental and powerful than class.

class is useful for mutual recognition of co-conspirators for your coming heist, but post-revolution goes back to offering no consolation.

fair enough as a tool of creative destruction, its only the utopian sentiments that bring eyes to roll

>> No.15659422

Marx didnt have a job either. Being losers was there since the beginning

>> No.15659427

>class consciousness proven to not exist on a biopsychological level
Bumping because now I'm interested.

>> No.15659428

>I cut my penis off and act shamefully because MUH SYSTEM

>> No.15659539

shameful to who?

>> No.15659549

People who aren't dregs

>> No.15659582

Wrong, but okay retard.

>> No.15659586
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dregs to who? We live in a fucking prison.

>> No.15659665
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>Lives with his parents
>In the same room he grew up in
>Never had to get a job or earn his keep
>Just sits around jerking off and playing video games
>We live in a fucking prison.

>> No.15660495

dregs to who?? who?? Who is it? Who is it? Who are the ones judging me? What is the source of your morality? 4chan images?

>> No.15660963

'Historical materialism' isn't even Marxist thought.

>> No.15662332

leftists don't even believe in science or objective reality anymore. according to leftism prioritizing newtonian mechanics over the words of some african tribal witch is oppression.

>> No.15662339


>> No.15662342
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>> No.15662348


>> No.15662623

If you were actually educated you'd realize that it's correct.

>> No.15662671

so when are you going to educate yourself by reading a micro-economics textbook?

>> No.15662710


>> No.15662712

That's because you spend all your time online

>> No.15662727

woah science disproved marxism? epic win! there are no such things as feelings anyways it's all just chemicals haha

>> No.15662737

"Homo economicus" is pure autism: you have to have never met another human being, or introspected about yourself, to believe in it. It's bizarre to me that liberals think reciting transparent lies is education, as long as you mathematicize them enough.

>> No.15662753

yes that's my favorite chapter in Das Kapital

>> No.15662755

>class consciousness was recently proven to not exist on a biopsychological level

give me 1 reason why STEM fags shouldn't be sent to labor camps

>> No.15662801

>dude just read "why rich people shouldnt pay taxes" by steven rubensteinhorowitzberg

at last i truly see... the higher a nation's GDP, the poorer the general populace should be... whoa... marxism BTFO......

>> No.15662820

So you haven't read any micro-economic textbooks, then?

>> No.15662838

not him but no i havent read any microeconomics textbooks because economics as a discipline is, at best, pseudoscience, and, at worst, mysticism for bugmen

>> No.15662846

sounds like you should read a micro-economics textbook.

>> No.15662885

>on a biopsychological level
So not on a socioeconomic scale, where it is quite evident. 'kay.
Liberals, Butterfaux. Send the liberals to summer camp.

>> No.15662960

It is the subtext of all sociology and sociology-adjacent fields.

>> No.15663035


>> No.15663122

Ah yes retarded college libs are the chief source of Marxist thought

>> No.15663123

Specifically anon, you should be asking for SCIENTIFIC proof, Newtonian if at all possible.

>> No.15663152


>> No.15663154
File: 34 KB, 333x500, images - 2020-06-21T011246.635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this Anon it totally btfos marxism trust me

>> No.15663232

>counterarguments presented by marxists ITT: 0

>> No.15663247

The Open Society and its Enemies by Popper

>> No.15663261

"Class consciousness" is a fancy term for wanting to lynch the bankers. Deep down, almost everyone feels it.

>> No.15663268

The unironic commies I've met in person are social outcast losers. It's strange.

>> No.15663287

Major league projection going on in this post.

>> No.15663300

Modern day radicals really have an image problem

>> No.15663472

refutations of narxism posted: 0

>> No.15663675

open a micro-economics textbook

>> No.15663686

>according to leftismprioritizing Newtonian mechanics over the words of some African tribal witch is oppression

you’re literally a walking strawman. How can I aim to be as retarded as you?

>> No.15663696

>open a micro-economics textbook
Opening an astrology book would be more helpful

>> No.15663702

they are failures

>> No.15663704

>implying anyone here takes threads by retarded poltards seriously

>> No.15663710

>win the revolution
It's just like my puter games!!!

>> No.15663734
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Nearly all of them

>> No.15663762

Just read Marx and you’ll be fine :)

>> No.15663772

>biopsychological level
lol, anglos stop it please

>> No.15663775
File: 28 KB, 738x415, images - 2020-06-22T005219.211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that even at least has a job.
Oh Noooo!!! Why aren..aren't you wagecucking i..it's not fair

>> No.15663781

in that case you should read Marx again