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15658567 No.15658567 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about 9/11 or other terrorist attacks?

>> No.15658612

>(((Terrorist attacks)))

>> No.15658621

The 9/11 Commission Report

>> No.15658632

>terrorist attacks
Are you retarded

>> No.15658694

I'm actually reading that right now. It's extremely interesting how disorganized the communication was between all the various government departments (FAA, NORAD, ATCs in Boston and New York), and how truly unprepared aviation bodies were for having hijackers use planes as weapons. There were protocols in place to deal with hijackings in general, but nothing for when planes themselves get turned into weapons.

>> No.15658743
File: 35 KB, 350x499, B4F9A29F-6ACB-48D8-8F8C-3503E18A686E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you need to know about 9/11. RIP Judy

>> No.15658785

CIA attacks, stupid pederast.

>> No.15658792

b.s. stands for bullshit, and ph.d. for phaggot degenerate.

>> No.15658798

Anatomy of Terror by Ali Soufan. I heard him speak he was part of the FBI team that orchestrated the takedown of Bin Laden

>> No.15658803

Does anyone here remember 9/11? What was it like? I wasn't born yet, but all the videos online I've seen look really crazy.

>> No.15658827

Lol I forgot how young this website always is. Weird to think new kids are always coming

>> No.15658841

I thought Franzen's the corrections and freedom are the best books on the early aughts culture, defined almost entirely by the 9/11 attacks and their cultural fallout. Otherwise, delillos essay. Falling man I think.
But what do I know, my sole knowledge of literature is hanging around this board nigh a decade or thereabouts.

>> No.15658863
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>> No.15658866

Could be like 19 years old anon, the year is 2020.

>> No.15658868

if you don't remember 9/11, you are permanently younger than 18

>> No.15658876

I've read this it's really good

>> No.15658887

The Co-chair of the 9/11 Commission in no uncertain terms accused President Bush of facilitating the 9/11 attacks.

>> No.15658899

I'm from New York. I was attending pre-school at the time and all I really remember was getting out of school early that day.

>> No.15658922

Ok jew

>> No.15658942

More importantly, does terrorism work?
The answer might surprise you!

>> No.15659456

i was at work. in the uk it was mid afternoon when it happened. every news website was overloaded. we had to watch the news on australian websites. i remember laughing, not because it was funny, but because it was so utterly surreal, like they had announced that godzilla had stomped tokyo or something.
my company had people flying to the US that day. their plane was turned back mid atlantic. i was due to fly the week after. i didn't go.

>> No.15659630

>Bin Laden Statement 2009 13 September

"THE ISRAEL LOBBY. The details of this that are explained by two of your fellow citizens. They are John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt in their book The Israel Lobby in the United States.

After reading the suggested books, you will know the truth and you will be severely SHOCKED at the magnitude of deception that has been practiced against you"

>> No.15659645

Bleeding Edge

>> No.15659651

Here is an anecdote of the attack


>> No.15659670

unrelated but does anyone else find it fuckin hilarious how hard dfw tries to paint himself as just a regular guy in his essay on 9/11. listening to sports in the shower, going to church... Lmao

>> No.15659890

Ghost Wars for a good history on foreign intelligence operations in Afghanistan 1979-2001 and how the US/CIA fucked up big time