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15658165 No.15658165 [Reply] [Original]

more novels about anarchism?

>> No.15658181

This is anti-anarchism btw. Anarchy is degenerate.

>> No.15658193

yeah whatever

>> No.15658208

Degeneration of the semitic values that form present western "traditionalism" is an immutable and absolute good

>> No.15658216

Nah. It ends with faggots wanting order and government. Cattle can't survive in this mindless masturbatory idea.

>> No.15658226

A rousing defense of anarchy if ever I've seen one!

>> No.15658232

It's barely even about Anarchism. I don't know if GK knew what Anarchism was even was about.
Still a great book though, what a ride

>> No.15658343

>5th Chesterton thread in less than 4 hours
So, which YouTuber namedropped Chesterton?

>> No.15658353

He's not kosher so that's unlikely. Chestertonbros are loyal to his work, that's all.

>> No.15658429

use your words anon, it is degenerate obviously, but a better way to put it would be that anarchy is a pseudo ideology fueled by nothing but blind fantasy that in reality creates virtually prehistoric levels of chaotic tribalism and instability that is pushed by literally no one but young childless manchildren and women often with a plethora of substance abuse issues and other mental and physical health problems who simultaneously seek to continue their downward spiral instead of improving, thus they appear to have nothing to lose and everything to gain from a devolved state of society where they believe they will be able to destroy themselves and everything around them without the interference of authority figures (though everyone with an above room temp IQ knows real anarchy such as that cannot exist for long because they will be dominated by another communities authority figures that are more structured and thus more powerful)

>> No.15658465
File: 584 KB, 1200x1795, AC652A72-82B6-483D-94C5-CC10EB773743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News From Nowhere
The Dispossessed
Caleb Williams
Desert Solitaire
The Gospel of Anarchy. Though I hear it’s not so good.

>> No.15658478

The Secret Agent by Conrad

>> No.15658489
File: 22 KB, 220x369, 220px-Dhalgren-bantam-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this book presents anarchism best

>> No.15658494

>le wacky negro mutt
I pass.

>> No.15658495

Sounds more like a drug trip

>> No.15658525
File: 90 KB, 957x621, 1591039169575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was forced to read a short story about eunuchs astronauts being worshiped by fetishists written by this niggerfaggot. Was expecting a normal english class even though it didnt post the syllabus instead had to read degenerate shit like that and Heinlein's time travelling self-fucking hermaphrodite short story.


Humanities departments should be burned and the clowns passing as professors tarred and feathered.

>> No.15658537

>no you have to buy middle class suburbanite values and shit out 3 kids and make money for your boss until you die!!! if you dont you're a degenerate!!!

>> No.15658556

I study humanities and even I attest to this lmao. Why are humanities professors such weirdos

>> No.15658579

I too remember being 17.

>> No.15658616

*cums on your hair*

>> No.15658677

Even the most idealistic anarchist is less neurotic than the young men pretending to hate "degeneracy" on 4chan. Spending your formative years exposed to gore and porn on 4chan and then pretending to get offended by trannies because you decided you were a classy reactionary intellectual 7 months ago is immensely gay.

>> No.15658783

enjoy dying young and alone with nothing to comfort you but some drugs and products to consume, i guess? im sure that will be very fulfilling for you once you pass 40, for me personally the life style already started to get old when I hit about 23 or so and most my peers had either moved on to build real lives for themselves or were still perpetually acting literally the exact same way we did when we were teenagers in highschool

>> No.15659105

The nuclear family came into existence so people would consume more product

>> No.15659213

>implying these tourists were on 4chan before 2016

>> No.15659353

I think you mean Police officers pretending to be anarchists.

>> No.15659482

Homage to Catalonia

>> No.15659662

are "nuclear family" and "complete and utter meaningless hedonism" the only options that exist in your world?

>> No.15659673

My diary desu :sunglasses:

>> No.15660396
File: 1.42 MB, 987x1500, OWC-Twenty-Thousand-Leagues-under-the-Seas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this

>> No.15660431

The Secret Agent by Conrad would be a good match for the Chesterton novel anon.

>> No.15660505


>Not wanting to be a part of any institutions, traditions or states - the origin of all degeneration - is degenerate


>> No.15661969


>> No.15661975

sounds like projection

>> No.15662189

You’ll still die alone when your kids move out and go somewhere else for work. Some might come back when you get really bad, but the best most can hope for is getting put in a hospice. Making life decisions based on your fear of death is idiotic.

>> No.15662230

>Making life decisions based on your fear of death is idiotic.
Sounds more like the fear of getting old than fear of death. Fear of death is common sense.

>> No.15662269
File: 30 KB, 220x350, 59D1F0FD-1239-49F8-BAEB-4FE4B01F736C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard that this story may have originally been written by Louise Michel?

>> No.15662278

Yea, and Shakespeare was a black transexual monk.

>> No.15662298

Institutions, traditions, and states create the dichotomy of culture versus degeneracy in the first place.

>> No.15662631

No. He was a balding bisexual. With a family, just like Oscar Wilde.

But really, there’s some circumstantial evidence that shows she wrote the first draft of it. Verne Was under a contract to write an insane amount in such a short while, he regularly bought stories from ghost writers to help meet his quota. TTLUtS may have been one of them

>> No.15662861
File: 17 KB, 259x399, Demons_(Fyodor_Dostoyevsky).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15663577

The Dispossesed, News from Nowhere, the Humanisphere

>> No.15664617
File: 22 KB, 220x326, Illuminatus1sted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the spiritual sequel

>> No.15664759

I agree, you should check out his Heavenly Breakfast book if you liked Dhalgren.

>> No.15664832

Jee, I wonder who is behind this post?