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File: 40 KB, 350x350, touch dictionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15654967 No.15654967 [Reply] [Original]

When will physical books have the feature of instantly looking up the definition of a word bros?

I'm telling you, despite the fact I hate reading on screen, I keep coming back to the kindle for this ONE feature, one single feature. It's just so convenient, bumps up the reading experience so much more.

Is there anyway to replicate this experience to physical books reading?

>> No.15654979

get a dictionary

>> No.15655011

wow so innovative.

>> No.15655729
File: 504 KB, 1263x643, dan1592666805006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read on my PC and just double click to highlight, RClick+S to google it

>> No.15656051
File: 481 KB, 800x800, Kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know the definition of sentimental
You and your iPad deserve each other anon

>> No.15656091

read much faster on a kindle too

>> No.15656101


>> No.15656115

Why do you hate reading on the screen? I can barely read physical books. I have to like hold the pages apart with my thumbs or else they flop back together like a snapping turtle. Also the texts like curves inward at the spine, so all the text is bendy. Scatters all the light on the page strangely as well. Like you said no dictionary either, so some books are just Klingon. And you cant even pirate it?? You have to fork out money for some ancient tree pulp shit
I think boomers are just used to this abuse making them luddites towards ebooks.

>> No.15656159

I’ve been thinking about buying an ereader, any recommendations?

>> No.15656215

that's a bad practice though, you'll forget the meaning after a minute

>> No.15656230


What’s the best way?

>> No.15656250

When will e-readers have the feature of BOOK SMELL? Also, I just like the aesthetic of a nice and neat bookshelf full of my favorite books.

>> No.15656349

>Also, I just like the aesthetic of a nice and neat bookshelf full of my favorite books.
I need an app for this desu

>> No.15656393

understanding it through context, write it down, look it up on a dictionary when you finish reading, write down the definition.

>> No.15656411

Who cares. Just infer the meaning of a word from its context. What kind of autist looks up every single word they don't know?

>> No.15656420

WRONG. People say that looking up a definition and writing it down is what helps someone remember. But in fact whenever you look up a word in your kindle it stores the word in its 'vocabulary builder'. All of the words you've ever looked up are stored there, and you are able to practice them with an in-built flashcard function. I've learned over 500 words (it marks them as 'mastered' once you've learned) from doing this alone. E-readers are superior in this matter.
What a stupid method. You won't even understand what's going on while you're reading.

>> No.15657212

>Why do you hate reading on the screen?
Less retention

>> No.15657239

you are a brainlet.

>> No.15658440

Kindle Paperwhite, Oasis, or something from the Kobo line, like the Clara or Forma.

>> No.15658488

Support your local library. Without libraries we'd have no sexy librarians, and that is a super sad world.

>> No.15660262

I just found out that if you enable "archive personal document" on the kindle, amazon will save all the pirated books you sent via email. All these years I've had to re-sideload my device every time I got a new one, while I could have downloaded my books straight from amazon.
>sexy librarians
Never existed, made up by hollywood.

>> No.15660743

>Never existed, made up by hollywood
>He thinks power kinks were made up by Hollywood
Cart before the horse there, anon.

>> No.15660760

Only on computer monitors.

>> No.15661305
File: 223 KB, 1440x1593, Screenshot_20200621-152557~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15661334

Why would I give a shit about a year old comment by some guy somewhere on the internet, why don't you actually prove what you're claiming

>> No.15661906


>> No.15661957

Here you go

>> No.15662031

What's something that is
>Relatively cheap
>Able to use PDFs
>Doesn't have ads
>Doesn't glow like a normal screen, like the first gen Kindles
>Isn't in a walked garden
>Let's you customize fonts and stuff

>> No.15662042

Oh, and can't do anything other than display books and the book store

>> No.15662064

Retard just infer the words meaning through context.

>> No.15662231

closest is one of the earlier gen kindles i guess, 3 or 4. little font customisation though, and pdfs still can be inconsistent