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/lit/ - Literature

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1565387 No.1565387 [Reply] [Original]

going out of town for a day or two and i'm just going to leave the computer here

hopefully i can read a novel or two

leave me messages for when i get back

>> No.1565398

I broke into your house while you were gone and left a surprise under your bed.

>> No.1565401

Damn you Scruffy, bad dog.

>> No.1565421

I broke into your bed while you were gone and left a house under your Scruffy bad dog.

>> No.1565424

Don't be a hero out there. We want you back in one piece. *shoulder punch*

>> No.1565428

this is terrible compared to my 'at the office' thread.

me and VW will do our utmost to get you at least half as many replies as it though.

>> No.1565433

Is that like the thing where protagonist and antagonist join forces to accomplish some greater goal?

>> No.1565439

also stay safe.

why am i the antagonist? :/

>> No.1565445

I love you man.

>> No.1565449

Enjoy your Bunburying!

>> No.1565453

/lit/ - /tripfag/
>hides thread and blocks all trips who posted

>> No.1565551

Why wouldn't you be? Aren't you far and away the most obvious choice?

>> No.1565641

This shouldn't be a tread.

>> No.1565644


You and Fabulous are clearly the same person.

>> No.1567345

i wonder when fabulous is returning

>> No.1567393

bump for tripfriends

>> No.1567418

I'll be you when you're gone

>> No.1567421

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>trying to guess his tripcode

>> No.1567422


>> No.1567423


>> No.1567425

Hey guys do you remember this one tripfag called fagulout i wonder what happened to him

>> No.1567429

hey guys do you remember this one philosophy student that had no life so he just played COD and spent all his time on here?

yeah, I really wanted to read his call of duty fanfics.

>> No.1567440

Hey guys do you remember that comp sci student who had no life so he told himself he had hapsburgers or whatever deluded nonsense insecure teens tell themselves as coping mechanisms these days?

no me neither

>> No.1567453

op gets back to find his tripfag parents fighting again

>> No.1567606

That is a real mental illness that a lot of people suffer from. You shouldn't make fun of it

>> No.1567857

what is that anyway

>> No.1567874


>> No.1567879

> it happens when you eat a burger full of bees.

>> No.1567933

Someone told me to post here.


>> No.1568004
File: 319 KB, 1142x730, itty-bitty willy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1568014

>Oh cool, a page from an illuminated medieval manuscript! I love those things!
>what is this I don't even

>> No.1568016
File: 27 KB, 547x529, pfffpffpfffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1568162


>> No.1569974

>leave me messages for when i get back

>> No.1570056

come on fabulous we're waiting for you here

>> No.1570102

I'll be back tonight

until then lurking as anon

>> No.1570591

don't believe u

>> No.1570836


your posts make me swoon

you've been rather agreeable lately

and I, you

just as expected


let me alleviate you of your anxiety


confirming that was me, no need to be skeptical brownie, but thank you for your concern

>> No.1570848

>confirming that was me
lol when i dropped trip ppl could still tell it was me.

>> No.1570849

nothing about that post was characteristic of me or my style

this is because it was tiny

and the only reason people could recognize you was because you whine all the fucking time

>> No.1572020
File: 1.69 MB, 320x240, poo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phew thanks Fab, almost missed this thread (page 13 i think it is atm)

>> No.1572028

what a gif