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15653706 No.15653706 [Reply] [Original]

I felt an intense intellectual omnipresent pleasure when I finished reading Plato’s Symposium in original Greek. Intellectual pleasure seems to last longer than bodily pleasure.

>> No.15653718

And then everyone clapped!

>> No.15653733

wholesome 100

>> No.15653773

I finished flight school in GTA SA

>> No.15653860
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Sauna, good album, salty meat and cheese, pleasant low level crossfade, dancing, lifting, not during but directly after a solid cardio sesh, hikes and walks.
Most sublime physical pleasure I'd ever felt was sitting in a hot damp basement in AP US history in the back row, and a cool breeze carrying the fragrance of the jasmine groundcover outside entered through a recently opened window and graced the back of my neck, curling around to my forehead. I instantly knew I would remember it for the rest of my life.

>> No.15653873

Reading Ortega y Gasset. Had to stop every few pages and jump around the room because it was too overwhelming

>> No.15653880

Reading Latin gives me a boner, unironically

>> No.15653896

Reading the Zhuan Falun was the most powerful and transformative thing ive ever done and ever will do.

>> No.15654024

music and cuddling

>> No.15654430
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>The Revolt of the Masses is Ortega's best known work. In this book he defends the values of meritocratic liberalism reminiscent of John Stuart Mill against attacks from both communists and right-wing populists

>> No.15654461

This is the most based post I have read all year, thank you anon :,)

>> No.15654467

I looked it up and it seems interesting... but what the heck is Falun Gong?

>> No.15654501
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>tfw Odysseus kills the suitors

>> No.15654525


>> No.15654532

drugs and intimacy, falling in love

>> No.15654534

I took 200ug of acid and laid on a blanket in my garden on a beautiful summer's day.

Initially there were mild visuals; everything seemed to be more vivid and high-fidelity, the movement of plants was particularly engaging.

Eventually I lapsed into some form of semi-consciousness where I manifested as a ball of static energy, buzzing at an incredibly high frequency. I was connecting with other spirits (everyone on earth was the same, our bodies were a distraction). The energy and connection with others was so intensely pleasurably that my body and musculature was straining as never before, I had the most intense smile i've ever had and the pleasure was like an orgasm to the power 10, it was intensely powerful.

Hours later, coming down all m muscles ached and I suspect I experienced a mild gran mal seizure.

That is the most intense pleasure I've ever experienced. My first time coming up on MDMA, and sex on ketamine are a distant second and third respectively. Maybe it's sad that all three involve mind-altering substances... i've probably been 'happier' at other points, but in terms of 'pleasure' its probably these.

>> No.15654548

>What are orgasms/ highest pleasures you have experienced besides sex?
When reading Vedantic and other non-dual writings and it suddenly becomes as clear as day and you experience oceanic bliss

>> No.15654565

This and nothing else.

>> No.15654569

you larping or does this really happen to you?

>> No.15654579

Occasionally when I meditate I’ll have a feeling of pure euphoria pass over me. I’ve done some drugs so I know it’s real and not just in my head. It feels a bit similar to opiates I think. Online I’ve read it’s because I’ve broken through some chakras, I’m not sure it’s some hippy gobbldeegook like that but it sure is fantastical to me.

>> No.15654583

It does really happen to me, what would I gain from larping to anonynous strangers online about something that didn't even happen?

>> No.15654594

Listening to Mass in B minor on acid

>> No.15654618
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it's almost a meme at this point, but getting a good pump. to feel the blood flowing as it engorges your muscles. to see your veins trickle out like a spider web. that one spot in the gym that maximizes the anabolic lighting to showcase the ephemeral size and beauty of your pump. there is something visceral about it. and for that small window of time, it can be oh so glorious.

>> No.15654699
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Back in university I did summer school for a couple of the summers because it’s kind of rough to going back to living in the oppressive household of your parents.

Not a lot of people were around besides the Chinese students and black football players so I was mostly by myself but I found this lifestyle quite peaceful. There wasn’t a lot of work in the classes because there were a lot of retarded football players in them that needed to pass, so I genuinely enjoyed a lot of the ones I took, which were mostly natural science classes like weather and disease. The classes were I think extended to 2 hours long but after that I’d just have to go to the library and complete the little hw they gave in 15 minutes and spend the rest of the watching Reading (mostly Yukio Mishima then), meditating, watching YouTube, browsing 4chan, then playing vidya. I liked this better then when I was a full on beer in a while because it made me feel I did at least a little work which made me feel productive and good. As well it gave me an excuse to walk around the beautiful campus on those beautiful summer days (my class was about 15 minutes walk from my dorm).

I was also able to get the most fit I’ve ever been in my life as well going to the gym 4-5 days a week, so I felt physically amazing, and I hope this doesn’t sound narcissistic but I was a long haired ripped 9/10 twink, so it felt good to look in the mirror.

It’d always be comfy to walk to the gym in the evening, workout in the mostly empty gym, and then walk back to my dorm taking the long way around past a field where there were fireflies out flashing their mating signs during the days twilight.

And then I would order some pizza, get high, watch some anime or read some manga, and wake up around 10 the next day for another comfy summer school day.

The only thing I regret was there were a few really tall Amazonian girls from the women’s basketball team in my dorm, that I never had the balls to try and interact with and get snoo snoo’d by.

That summer was easily the most peaceful, and among the happiest times of my life.

>> No.15654709

*when I was a full on neet

>> No.15654718

Sounds comfy indeed. How are you doing now?

>> No.15654735

Neet now living with my parents trying to get a job during a pandemic straight out of university.

>> No.15654796
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Also another thing that added to it was the previous semester had been probably my hardest at university in terms of workload, so the contrast almost overnight to go from that to living like Tom Sawyer was exquisite.

>> No.15654965

IV crystal meth was pretty up there ngl

>> No.15655008
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Physical exertion to the point of puking. Coming home to a soft bed after a long camping trip and sleeping in until 10. Just the feeling of having a girl flirt with you. The head buzz from being very high on marijuana, or downing a few cups of coffee after a long period of abstinence (i have a high tolerance to both so I try to save them for the right/social moments). I’ve never done psychs, but I’m waiting until my later twenties to try them and weed again, unless I get diagnosed with a terminal illness before then

>> No.15655013

When I moved to CHAZ.

>> No.15655046


>> No.15655098

Actually impressive.

>> No.15655303

>having to look him up on Wikipedia

>> No.15655308

what drugs

>> No.15655331
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because there are sick fucks out there that will do anything for a (You).

>> No.15655357

Someone should put (you) over all the cookies

>> No.15655382


Heroin. Only tried it once but that was better than any other feeling I've ever had. It's indescribable, pure pleasure.

>> No.15655434

>Only tried it once
How did you manage to do that?

Is it true that it greatly diminishes your enjoyment of everything else in life because it just doesn't hold a candle?

>> No.15655486


mdma and cuddling a really soft girl in the post orgasm glow is probably the closest thing to heaven on earth. mdma and a person you like is 10/10. even a
with a friend you can bare your soul to easily under the influence, and have a more intimate understanding that carries over into your sober relationship. probably one of the only worthwhile drugs on earth along with LSD/mushrooms and alcohol.
use in moderation or you'll get brain damage tho

>> No.15655521

the feeling after a 7 hour bike ride is heavenly. it's like being drunk but you're not tired and everything is funny. it's beautiful:)

>> No.15655529

Alcohol for me. Being with a girl I like and being drunk are the two things I care most about in life because they make things bearable.
When sober and alone, only reading can offer slight consolation.

>> No.15655550

Why do i have to share a board with these dopamine chasing druggies.... ugh.

>> No.15655558

You don't have to, feel free to leave.

>> No.15655578

I felt that last one

>> No.15655650

>wanting to be happy is the same as being a junkie.

>> No.15655750

Oh, plenty
>Playing with dogs
>Listening to music and jumping around, punching, running while on a manic episode while it's -24° celcius outside
>Making everyone laugh in the classroom for the first time (actually everytime)
>Watching the movie Fight club for the first time
>Getting really drunk, almost to death while my brain wasn't used to alcohol
>Laughing without being able to stop the first time I smoked weed
Other pleasures involve relaxing and just vibing and feeling alpha, there's probably at least one thing I still haven't mentioned.

>> No.15655854


>> No.15656308

>How did you manage to do that?
He did it once and then not again

>Is it true that it greatly diminishes your enjoyment of everything else in life because it just doesn't hold a candle?
Maybe when actively using but it's fairly reasonable to have a normally enjoyable life after being clean for a while

>> No.15656424

holy shit, the helicopter mission was impossible and brought me to stop playing the game for a while

>> No.15656776

yep,especially the one where you have to shoot the trucks and then turn around and shoot the moving cars

>> No.15657183

Okay you faggot smartass

>> No.15657913

How can I end up doing molly with a girl, anon?

>> No.15658130

sex, twice.

>> No.15658308
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Some moron at my uni left his ID at the library during finals and I looked kind of like him so I took his orgo final and purposely bombed it. While taking the test my entire body radiated pleasure and I had to fan myself due to excessive sweat. Thinking about the power I had over him in that moment and my control over his future made my toes curl. I tracked him down on move out day after grades came out. When I handed him the badge he knew immediately and looked at me with rage and helplessness. I just smiled at him and said “hey bud I found this in the hallway earlier today” tears welled in his eyes and as I walked away I almost passed out in bliss

>> No.15658319

Laughter, mourning

>> No.15658654

I've read Revolt of the Masses at least 3 times. That's not at all what it's about.

>> No.15658684

Actually amazing anon

>> No.15658699

I'm not going to lie, when I'm working on a and come up with ideas that connect all the dots in a interesting way; I get practically manic.

>> No.15658703


Sex is only the highest pleasure if you're uncircumcised

>> No.15658890

I did a dopamine fast and after about a week with no computer/television/fapping I drank a cola and my eyes rolled back into my head. Then I started drinking sodas all the time and realized I got such an addictive personality I could cut out everything and still get addicted to something as silly as cola.

>> No.15658924

Rough primal SEX but on weed.

>> No.15658945

>What are highest pleasures you have experienced
Giving gifts to loved ones; hugging my friends as a kid.

>> No.15659011

What's wrong with you

>> No.15659024

that is awesome

>> No.15659179

Sitting on a steam boat in New Orleans on a cool evening after a hot, humid day. Eating bread pudding and drinking a cold beer on the deck with your friends while listening to a jazz band playing. You just spent the week doing a terrible landscaping job you got from a temp service. You're a bit sore but your muscles just loosen and you relax in your chair. For the first time you think life really is good.

I have never felt so content in my life. Not even after being released from jail. Its my most vivid memory. I can feel the cool breeze, hear the music. I knew in the moment that it was a special moment I'd never forget.

>> No.15659331
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Standing in the shower and putting my hand on the ceramic tile and affirming its reality, contemplating on its coolness and the water droplets, of its texture and substance. Intentionally imprinting the moment in my memory.
Another moment, the first such moment, in the last spring of kindergarten I sat in a large window and had my first experience of 'existential dread', some kind of self-aware sadness. One might question what this has to do with pleasure, but the point is that in moments like this is when I've felt most 'real' or aware of existence and my own mind. And each of these moments remind me of the others which then amplify each of them, as if I have returned to those days and again sit there in the window.
Like the last night that I held my now ex in my arms, knowing that "this is the end of this", savoring it such that I can still feel it 6 years later, even though we hooked up a few years later after, that was merely degenerate lust and nostalgia, not love.

>> No.15659338

Once I was struck with a fever of 105, lying nude on the bathroom floor, delirious, was the best feeling I've ever had.

>> No.15659339

That time one of Borges' ancient Roman allusions clicked

>> No.15659385


>> No.15659420

take a net break

>> No.15659606

Spitting out a loogie and taking a huge shit after holding it in for a while are both feelings that are better than having an orgasm

>> No.15659691


>> No.15659697

Reading Finnegans Wake while high as fuck is an indescribable experience.

>> No.15659710

Cutting myself, intense laughter, and beating Dark Souls for the first time.

>> No.15659765

To add to that: I also felt a similiar pleasure when I got gold on drifting in SA. I was very satisfied for a few hours

>> No.15660093

>entire body radiated pleasure and I had to fan myself due to excessive sweat
hope you go to hell you edgelord

>> No.15660132
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Meditating and evaporating into non duality

>> No.15660159

Having orgasmic anti-sexual pleasure from energy during meditation.

Very peculiar.

>> No.15660191
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>> No.15660336

However if you hadn't taken that final he would have been marked down as not having attended, which would have been worse. You actually helped him anon. Congrats.

>> No.15660394

I'll add my /shizo/ post as well.
For the past year I wore a necklace of a specific demon. During the (((crisis))) I've spent much time reading and found my way back to "god". On a particular day I woke up with scratches on my body that I could not explain. Since I am not completely stupid I did not consider it to be caused by "supernatural" powers but it continued to linger on my mind for the rest of the day which lead to me putting the necklace in the cupboard next to my bed. In the middle of the night I woke up feeling extremely frightened. Untypically for me my first reflex was to pray so I prayed to god. My fear immediately went away and turned into a joy that I can not really put into words. It was like multiple orgasms, but nothing sexual. An Immense heat that went through my body in waves. It was so strong that I even whimpered out of joy. The closest word that I have found to describe the feeling and which actually comes close, when not in the same intensity, is "frisson". I am able to induce "frisson" simply by thinking about it (I'm sure many of you can as well). Imagine that goosebump feeling but way more intense.
This is not a larp and I am not saying that it proves that a god exists. It was a very real and spiritual experience for me that I am still trying to decipher. Researching "Jesus burn" lead me to similar experiences.

>> No.15660567

When I won my first horse race bet, my horse was actually in 2nd place until the leading horse fell in the very last hurdle.

>> No.15660622

every single post in this thread is utter cringe
you have "My intellectual... stimulation was nigh on intellipalpalble... if you'll endure the worldplay......." then on the other side of the coin you have people talking about doing sex while having drugs and talking about their dopamine meta tricks. disgusting and banal

only based post in this thread desu

>> No.15660630

Yeah, buddy. Only based post in this thread is yet another dopamine metatrick. Fuck off, gymcel

>> No.15660678

it was based because i giggled at it and its got a picture of arnold schwarze on it

and you see, you might be tempted to say "But laughing is just dopamine, right?", first of all, no laughing is a differnet thing,but second ofall, yes i am stuck here being flesh andbone with youaswell

but watching this behaviour from the third person motivates me to do.............. *looks around shitifly*
something REALLY rash

>> No.15660695

I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger and I didn't find it that funny

>> No.15660717


>> No.15660791

>The few amazing track/xc races I had in hs and college. Felt like I was floating or high afterwards. Kinda sad to know that most people won't have this sort of experience.
>Many parts of Gravity's Rainbow but especially finishing it and then re-reading the first chapter. Felt empty afterwards
>Doing acid with best friends in college shortly before we parted ways. I'll never have a trip that good again.
>first time on robo and the afterglow.
>Listening to "Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished" by animal collective
>Getting a totally unexpected text from a girl I'd thought I'd never hear from. (This fell through later should I try for it again?)
>Having a physics theory I'm working on fall into place very nicely.

>> No.15660999

sheer luck, frequenting raves or trance/techno clubs. if a girl does those activities she's done or is willing to try molly. though adventurousness in women strongly correlates to promiscuity so if that bothers you you're probably shit outta luck

>> No.15661180

You're just salty because you've never beaten flight school in GTA

>> No.15661201

what the fuck is robo

>> No.15661220


>> No.15661230

i almost had a hands free orgasm when i almost got a pentakill playing league of legends during its peak

im still sad i didnt get the pentakill, i can only say i almost got a hands free orgasm (that wasn't a wet dream).

>> No.15661246

Attending king crimson concert Last year.
Also a lot of other concerts gave me way more pleasure than sex, it's a different kind of pleasure though

>> No.15661260

I had just moved back to florida after being away at college. As i got off the plane, the first thing that hit me was the smell of cut grass and the overwhelming humidity. I remember as i got home and excused myself after hugging and greeting my family i went to go take a shower. After i was done it was late afternoon and the suns orange rays were shooting through my half closed blinds and i turned on my overhead ceiling fan on and just laid down on my small twin bed while thinking about my future. The experience of the light coming through the blinds, air hitting my wet body, mixed with being back home in my old room, i just started to feel a great wave of nostalgia,pleasure,hope and so many more indescribable feelings and emotions.

>> No.15661300

While bored out of my mind at home, i spotted my next door neighbor in her twenty's hanging laundry on their first floor balcony. Me being in my early teens i got excited and curious as is i could see from the third floor of our apartment that she was wearing very thin pajama bottom pants along with the fact that she had an amazing pear shaped body,now this was why i was excited because at the time another neighbor across our street would park his car in his garage every time he would arrive from work so instead of my dad parking his car (blacked out back seat windows) in front of our building he would park it with a perfect view across the street from where this gorgeous girl was hanging these wet clothes. cont.

>> No.15661310

So long story short i would find an excuse like i forgot my book in the car and slip in and watch the show, my favorite time that i used to replay all the time back then was when one day for whatever reason the clothes she was hanging were very wet, so as shes was going about her chores with me in the hot car watching in awe, her perfectly shape butt presses on a wet bed sheet and as she moves away her thin pajama pants are soaked through revealing a wet t shirt like view of her butt with details like what her tan skin looks like underneath and the fact she was wearing panties of a dark color makes me cum one of the biggest loads of my life and as I'm resting there in the car feeling a little ashamed she goes around the clothes line and presses her butt in between the balcony railings with a bar right between her cheeks while she clips a few shirts on the line, my god to relive those days makes me get jittery.

>> No.15661355

This, I went to their 50th anniversary show in Atlanta, I was the happiest I've ever been when they started playing Red

>> No.15661631

How long of learning greek did it take you to reach that level of competence? I began just a few weeks ago.

>> No.15661644
