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File: 162 KB, 1407x1599, 2015_11_zizek_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15653634 No.15653634 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me one (1) reason why you shouldn't be marxist in 2020.

>> No.15653642


>> No.15653653

What about him?

>> No.15653659

Because Posadism exists.

>> No.15653666

Communism means just Waging for some peasant Commune, usually in terrible conditions

Social democracy is thousand times better
I’m living a very comfy neet life in a based western eu country and get everything I need
Why would I want to wagekek like a peasant for some filthy commune lmao

>> No.15653672


>> No.15653679

Capitalism is inherently contradictory and simple regulations cannot fix it from eventually collapsing on its own.
Social Democracy lives off wealth stolen from third world nations.
Cope more

>> No.15653682
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>> No.15653681
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>lived a degenerate lifestyle
>most of his ideas were refuted
>his masterpiece, communism, is a dismal failure in practice
>only his predictions and critiques of capitalism remain

Can we just forget about this old fucker?

>> No.15653688
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He really liked cats.

>> No.15653693
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>> No.15653698

There's money to be earned anon

>> No.15653703

I like not living in a second world shithole

>> No.15653705

>his masterpiece, communism, is a dismal failure in practice

only a brainlet can ignore how central planning and socialist policy greatly improved living standards in the 20th century. like it or not, you cannot deny that it worked.

>> No.15653720

So communism is when government do thing?

>> No.15653724

No one was able to apply Marx's ideas successfully. Lenin was the first to fail.

>> No.15653732

>Kołakowski concluded that Marcuse's ideal society "is to be ruled despotically by an enlightened group [who] have realized in themselves the unity of Logos and Eros, and thrown off the vexatious authority of logic, mathematics, and the empirical sciences
>thrown off the vexatious authority of logic, mathematics, and the empirical sciences
leftists don't even believe in objective reality so I see absolutely no reason why you would except opportunism or mental illness.

>> No.15653734

>>lived a degenerate lifestyle
Alcoholism, cigarette addiction, and writing-induced poverty are /lit/ as fuck
>>>most of his ideas were refuted
Like what?
>>only his predictions and critiques of capitalism remain
You've never actually read Marx have you newfriend?

>> No.15653744

not that guy but
>do thing for people

>> No.15653753

How did lenin exactly fail?

>> No.15653757

Capitalism made the world what it is today and that's a good thing.

>> No.15653758

Marx is a genius. He came up with a perfect system: one to make morons enslave themselves. He was a better troll than Freud or Chris Langan, and killed more subhuman Slavs than Hitler ever could have dreamed.

>> No.15653759

capitalism has no contradictions

>> No.15653760
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Literally who..? Why are you quoting wikipedia? People who don't read books don't belong on /lit/

>> No.15653761

A dictatorship of the proletariat is essentially a form of that. Material conditions under tsarist russia were awful, and the soviets greatly improved them.

>> No.15653772

it's boring

>> No.15653782

>>>>most of his ideas were refuted
>Like what?
Like communism. We found out it didn't work when Russia, Cambodia, China, Cuba Venezuela, North Korea and Yugoslavia all tried it out and didn't work not in a single one.

>> No.15653783

It did, and none is denying that. Marxists do not claim that capitalism is inherently evil, most of them would prefer to live under capitalism than under feudalism and see it as a good progression, but that's it, society progresses, and capitalism is only getting worse and worse due to its inherent contradictions.

>> No.15653798

To my knowledge he was unable to implement socialism, so he passed the New Economic Policy to try to go back and try again, which would establish some sort of state capitalism. He died before he could do more, then Stalin came into the limelight. Not to mention that the other failures stemming from Marxist-Leninist thought.

>> No.15653805


>> No.15653806

Hasnt social spending been a thing idk since forever? Have we always lived in a communis?

>> No.15653810

>communism didn't work in russia
*goes from poorest nation in europe to the second largest superpower, despite being attacked by the nazis and america*
>communism didn't work in china
china, thanks to the industrial base built by mao's government, is gonna have the biggest economy on earth in just a few decades, compare it to someplace like india
>communism didn't work in cuba
cuba despite being under embargo, has some of the best education and healthcare systems in all of latin america

Stop swallowing liberal ideology, and pick up a book.

>> No.15653817

>poorest nation in europe
Russia was already an empire that could fight off France

>> No.15653823

Also China is mostly capitalist and they're functional because they have a high average IQ, Chinks are successful in capitalist countries too.

>> No.15653824

If it was so good, people wouldn't have wanted to revolt.

>> No.15653827

But Maoism didn't work though, it was only went China had liberalization did massive economic growth happen.

>> No.15653831

>opinion discarded

>> No.15653832

Reminder that Marxism and communism are not the same and although many forms of communism rely on Marxist the reverse isn't true. Marxism is purely descriptive and not prescriptive.

>> No.15653833

similarly if the USSR were good it wouldn't have collapsed and if Mao's economy had functioned they wouldn't have privatized

>> No.15653834

I'm going off of what I read from a Zizek book a while ago btw.

>> No.15653840

Why didn't liberalization help india so much though? China was a feudal shithole before mao took over, it had 0 industrial base, if not for the government building it, liberalization wouldn't have done shit.

>> No.15653841

Well the Chinks are racist as shit themselves, so you have to discount the entire country I guess

>> No.15653845

the soviet union didn't "collapse".
switching to liberalism only made the country worse.
read: "Socialism Betrayed: Behind the Collapse of the Soviet Union"

>> No.15653848
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>Reminder that Marxism and communism are not the same and although many forms of communism rely on Marxist the reverse isn't true. Marxism is purely descriptive and not prescriptive.

>> No.15653849

>>his masterpiece, communism, is a dismal failure in practice

Marx barely wrote anything significant on communism. Even the Manifesto only deals very superficially with communism and Das Kapital not at all.

>> No.15653850

Simple: they're out of touch

>> No.15653851

not really. you think they gave a fuck about peasants in the feudal ages?
stop thinking about communism in black and white terms where one end is no social spending whatsoever and the other is giving a homeless guy a ferrari.
you're not wrong many modern societies that we'd deem comfortable to live in have communism's influence in them.

>> No.15653854

>the soviet union didn't "collapse".
I see it must just be hiding

>> No.15653859

you should die but you are already invalid

>> No.15653863

In a 1991 referendum, 77% of USSR citizen wanted the union to continue.
You can't say it was rigged, because that same government ignored the result and dissolved the USSR.

>> No.15653874

I read books, but not books by people who deny objective reality, because why the hell would I? They deny reality.. It's a well known quote and herbert marcuse is one of the most important thinkers for modern leftism. You are a teenaged commie?

>> No.15653878


>> No.15653885


>> No.15653889

It's true. Marxism describes the capitalist mode of production theorize historical materialism and that's it. Contrary to what people think it does not states communism should be established and doesn't describes communism in any way. That's why Raymond Aron, Nick Land or the French new right can be Marxists while not being communists.

>> No.15653893

You should give everyone a chance Anon

>> No.15653895

that was 1 state i bet you're some "expat" teaching english in asia fucking invalid

>> No.15653897

did anyone give the Russian peasants a referendum over wanting the empire to continue? no they just told them what to do, which invovled a lot of them dying funnily enough

either way it collapsed, it no longer exists

>> No.15653906


>> No.15653907

>Amerifats are so fat they believe China has US style states in a federal system.

>> No.15653912

You're right but surely because the two are so associated with each other it would be foolhardy to ever say such a thing?

>> No.15653916

Humans have value beyond work

>> No.15653923

you're still invalid don't get killed saying the wrong thing in the wrong place while you're there
its a colloquialism call it a state a province whatever you want cunt

>> No.15653935

>defending muslim concentration camps
based racist

>> No.15653944

how are they "concentration camps" ala nazi germany?

>> No.15653965

>19th century theory
fuck off

>> No.15653966

no they just steal their organs

>> No.15654001


>> No.15654008

add me on discord ys#3062
i guarantee if we meet irl or you meet someone like me you're going to die

>> No.15654014

He.... Quit swallowing castrist propaganda you fool.
Healthcare is shit there, doctors do get proper education. Not the same thing. A doctor in Cuba earns 60 dollars a month.
A taxi driver makes more.
You are an idiot.

>> No.15654017

yeah capitalism is going to collapse any day now bro

just like you guys have been saying for 150 years

>> No.15654036

to kill communists one does not need to be a communist

>> No.15654046
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>china, thanks to the industrial base built by mao's government,
LMAO, it was only thanks to the fact they accepted capitalism, otherwise chinese people wouldn't even exist today due to all starving to death

>> No.15654048
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>> No.15654055

>cuba despite being under embargo, has some of the best education and healthcare systems in all of latin america
Literally nobody in latin america wants to live in Cuba. Unless you are friend with government elites.

>> No.15654056


Compared to the american healthcare system? It is shit, yes.
But why don't you compare it to neighboring capitalist nations, why hasn't capitalism worked in haiti, guatemala and panama?

>> No.15654061

i lift and do mma.
add me anytime you grow balls tranny

>> No.15654065

Collectivism is Degenerate

>> No.15654075

>why hasn't capitalism worked in haiti, guatemala and panama?
Doesn't matter, capitalist northern europe is trillion times better than anything in cuba.

>> No.15654076

how can you cope with the fact that china is still lightyears ahead of its neighbour india, despite being relatively similar economically during the late 40's?

>> No.15654079
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Hey commies explain
I worked hard -saved some money up and managed to make it thanks to crypto, I took the risk with all my savings and I don’t see while I should share it with some leeches who don’t have any clue about managing their finances or how the economy works

>> No.15654085

Because anarchism is better

>> No.15654087

Don't care.

>> No.15654091

I like having food.

>> No.15654099

Because the most important thing is that the vegetables are all tidy on the shelf, right?

>> No.15654100

Capitalism isn't inherently evil or bad, anon.
What marxists believe is that it is inherently contradictory, it seeks only profit and needs infinite growth, in a finite planet and where profit doesn't always equal human need.
not everyone has equal chances either, do you think you would have made it, if you were born in capitalist bangladesh, or congo?

>> No.15654107

Are you a dumbass? You clearly have no idea about Latin America. Populist gob+socialist agenda have been around latam for more than 100 years now. Capitalism was never allowed to work. Chile had an amazing economy before the socialists took over. Also take into account we had many commie dictatorships around.

>> No.15654115

Also Cuba is not even communist.
Name one thing you think it makes it a communist country.

>> No.15654116

>it seeks only profit and needs infinite growth, in a finite planet
Kardashev scale, infinite growth is possible, that the planet is finite it doesn't matter.

>> No.15654118

If Chile had good living standards, people wouldn't have voted for the socialists in the first place.

>> No.15654124

Socialist counties always have neglected infrastructure and everything is half assed
Singapore is a great example of a tidy neat and clean country and how a country should look like in general

>> No.15654125
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Wow, looking up that boomer meme was a rabbit hole. Found some treasure though.

>> No.15654127
File: 65 KB, 850x400, quote-it-is-necessary-that-i-should-die-for-my-people-but-my-spirit-will-rise-from-the-grave-adolf-hitler-133-84-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who else won by vote xD

>> No.15654137

lol you'll get shot in your face you dumb fuck

>> No.15654140

I'm pretty sure that the picture at the top is a socialist-esque but American farmer's market, and the bottom one is a still American chain store, but something something fuck Obama..

>> No.15654144

Capitalists seem to be neglecting things such as space travel, and saving our planet because it is not profitable for them currently.

>> No.15654148

you in america? if we're in america i'll shotgun your fucking face off tranny pussy boi

>> No.15654157

course you will lol. now keep sucking commie dick

>> No.15654160
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Give it time, nothing happens instantly like a light switch.

>> No.15654161

>capitalist northern europe
>especially when talking about healthcare
Let me laugh some more...

>> No.15654166

I was cynical

>> No.15654173


>> No.15654180

i will.
only one sucking dick is you tranny pussy boi add me anytime

>> No.15654182

lick Xi's boots bitch

>> No.15654194

Because I hate industrial society

Get fucked

>> No.15654195
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incel thread.

>> No.15654196

No, just that Northern Europe has socialist af healthcare.

>> No.15654204

Actually no. When people start having good living standards is when socialist ideas flourish. Look at the US. People begin to feel uncomfortable for their 'privilege' and they are easy to manipulate through egalitarianism, 'and so on and so on...'
I'm all for change, but socialism just does not look like the wisest option. Even people who are pushing socialism know this, this is why it is being redefined and hidden behind progressivism.

>> No.15654214

Y u hate trannies anon?

>> No.15654217
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>socialist af healthcare.
Bruh northern europe have the most capitalistic nations in the world.

>> No.15654245

This thread is the equivalent of a pol thread, Jesus Christ enough with the political bait nonsense and the fuck out.

>> No.15654252

how do you define what is equal? does that mean everyone should have exactly the same? what about the crippled guy in need of a wheel chair -- do we now all need wheel chairs to be equal or should we all be without them?? or should we all get something that is equal to a wheel chair, but in that case how do we decide on what is equal to a wheel chair??? hmmm.... maybe if we had some token to split among us and let scarcity and necessity of the item decide the value of that item....hmmmmmm-------

>> No.15654255

Yes, early 20th century russia and 40's china were the peak of human civilization.

>> No.15654259

>economic freedom is capitalism
>healthcare can't be socialist in a country with high economic freedom
Big assumptions.

>> No.15654264

>In a 1991 referendum, 77% of USSR citizen wanted the union to continue.
That just means they wanted to remain a massive state and not break up into separate nations. Communism was on it's way out and everyone knew that

>> No.15654272

Yet you still participate in it. Curious!

>> No.15654274

see >>15653849

>> No.15654285
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>inherently contradictory
name one

>> No.15654294

I can't. Landlords are the devils.

>> No.15654297

Chinese "organ harvesting" is a longtime misinformation campaign that Falun Gong has pushed long before Xinjiang, and the China Tribunal is a front group using liberal European media figureheads initially hired on to work on their newspaper. Aren't you motherfuckers all about 'fake news'? Why the fuck are you trusting NBC

>> No.15654300

>economic freedom comes from the liberal tradition emphasizing free markets, free trade, and private property under free enterprise.
All of the countries in the list are the most capitalistic in the world, there is no assumption.

>> No.15654304

the tendency of the rate of profit to fall despite the wealth of any given nation

>> No.15654305

>economic freedom
Why is the US so low?

>> No.15654306

Marxism is a slave ideology. I’m not a slave.

>> No.15654308

You are comparing two different things. One thing is earlier socialism another thing is what we have now. Quit holding on to old ideas. There is now way to pitch in socialism to someone who knows what it its to live in a very poor, socialist country.

>> No.15654310

Because Islam is the truth.

>> No.15654318

>implying the living standards in the US weren't better in the past, when the middle class was much larger.

>> No.15654324

Countries above the US have less economic restrictions, there is 181 countries in the list, it is still at the top of the list.

>> No.15654330

What does less economic restrictions mean in the context of the study? What factors are they looking at?

>> No.15654332

Lenin failed to bring the world any closer to communism. Without the Bolshevik revolution then today we would have a capitalist Russia, thanks to the Bolshevik revolution we instead have a capitalist Russia.

At best the USSR could have been a beacon to inspire an actual communist revolution in an actually capitalist society but it patently did not do that. Every 'marxist'-Leninist revolution was little more than an anti-imperialist bourgeois revolution by the native bureaucrats of whatever colony it emancipated.

>> No.15654352

>Capitalism isn't inherently evil or bad, anon
muh oppressive system that exploits the working class.
Marxism does not talk about a contradiction but an emotional response to a hierarchy they do not consider legit.

>> No.15654355

Just read it yourself, I did enough making you aware of it.

>> No.15654357

So the US has less economic freedom than Chile?

>> No.15654360

I will thanks <3

>> No.15654361


>> No.15654369

According to that data as of 2020, yes.

>> No.15654377

>argue against me in favor of my strawman please

>> No.15654384

But >>15654118
It's socialist in 2020. Is the US therefore socialist?

>> No.15654390

Should be for >>15654369 not >>15654361

>> No.15654397

“Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.Workingmen of all countries unite!”
No strawman commie.

>> No.15654400 [DELETED] 

Chile hasn't been socialist for many years, it's neoliberal as fuck. It's gotten to that point on the list after decades of austerity measures and privatizations of previously nationalized industries

>> No.15654402

So legal drugs and prostitution and lower reflgulations on immigration would be factors in giving those countries a higher score

>> No.15654403

Don't know what you mean? Chile is socialist? No it isn't.

>> No.15654407

What? Chile had socialist government long before 2020...
Are you gonna make a point for marxism or ...?

>> No.15654425

To clarify
>2006-2010 Socialist gov.
>2014-2018 socialist gov

>> No.15654456

Force of the Majority is slightly more centered socialist, they also supported Bachelet (sp?) in 2013

>> No.15654464

Damage control.

The US is socialist, it ranks lower on your capitalism ranking than a socialist country.

>> No.15654469

>the soviets greatly improved them.
By...killing everyone?

>> No.15654470

What? What socialist country?

>> No.15654477

You Americans and your huffing of heavy metals...

>> No.15654480
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>> No.15654496

Im not american.
Also, what?

>> No.15654497

Bachelet is a social democrat who worked with the already-existing, largely right-wing governmental bodies through one of the most economically stagnant periods in the country's modern history; she passed some basic transportation and economic security reforms but the lack of progression in worker's rights actually increased by a lot of basic metrics (such as wages) under her leadership. Now she pushes regime change propaganda against actual socialists in the UN.

>> No.15654510

>so braindamaged he forgets what country he's from

>> No.15654516

So you cant discern the difference between critique and open propaganda.

>> No.15654524

She might be a social democrat but she definitely belongs to a socialist party.
Yes. Constitution did not allow for much change. This is why they are pushing for a 'constituyente'(the ones Maduro liked a lot) .
When I say them I mean the socialist party

>> No.15654531

Why do you guys think this is a valid argument lmao. They fucking said it didn't they

>> No.15654533

Thank you for admitting that any marxist is basically a liar.

>> No.15654577

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make? 8 years of presidential reform in Chile does not mean it was a socialist country. (I wouldn't say it was under Allende either but he did turn the tide much more strongly than the party has been able to since)

the US would barely change it's position on an 'economic freedom index' under a Sanders presidency as well

>> No.15654595

Sanders isn't considered a socialist outside of the US m80.

>> No.15654597

this type of shit existed before Marx was even on the scene of politics. Marxism doesn't make any positive assertions that weren't already in politics in the first place. it just adds the critique of Capitalism to the picture.

>> No.15654604

Exactly; my point is that Bachelet is no more a socialist than Sanders is and Chile was not a 'socialist country' because she was elected

>> No.15654649

Gotta put things in terms that will ignite the revolutionary spirit. Doesn't mean their inst theoretical theory supporting revolutionary actions.
Even if you disagree with Marx. He understood that books alone will not change the world but theoretical framework is still required.

>> No.15654776

Stop peddling Bolshevik myths.
By 1914 Russia was the world's 4th economy, 1st or 2nd by growth rates (that's counting both developed and developing countries around the world). It was on par with France in terms of electricity production, it had a very rich cultural life, a working justice system (something that ceased to exist in Russia after the revolution), very good higher and middle education, and was well on its way to solving the problem of illiteracy. It is known that Russian development was a major concern for Germany, probably serving as one of the reasons for WW1.
It was no heaven on earth, but every Bolshevik achievement would have been achieved by mid-20s without their inteference.

>> No.15654797

Bro your God, Karl Marx, could not solve the transformation problem to save his fucking life so I wouldn't be acting like he completely knew what he was talking about. He wasn't retarded but for some things he's straight up wrong

>> No.15654798

It also had slavery

>> No.15654810

Because capitalism is too powerful to be defeated

>> No.15654824

Because capitalism is better in all possible metrics, unless you are a total loser and not worth living anyway.

>> No.15654846

>Commie keks and nazi keks will forever be a commodified puppet to capital.
Damn, liberal chads win again, I love social Democracy.

>> No.15654864

>Bachelet is no more a socialist than Sanders
That's nonsense.

>> No.15654881

I can and I will
Marxism/Communism is not when the government does things

>> No.15654905

If you want to discuss Chile's politics then say so.
I do think they did a lot of damage to an already declining economy.
I was born in Guatemala and Chile used to be a paradise for people in latam. We all wanted to go there and get a better lifestyle doing the exact same thing

>> No.15655074
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I cannot fathom the state of this board nor the state of this website as a whole. Everyone spouting their ideological one-liners, not willing to read anything beyond their horizons such as, say, Marx or X "right wing" author. Every single post is either a strawman or an ad hominem. Nonetheless, there are anons out there who still try to get things discussed on this god-forsaken place; sadly, there are greener pastures out of here (IBs). On the other hand, Americans are so brainwashed against Communism that it is extremely easy to name who is who here. To them, it seems like there is no option other than this monstruosity we live in, all of it driven by profit, wageslavery and the generation of wealth by its own sake, leaving behind human affairs because, let's face it, they are not as profitable as humans humanely profiting from other humans's fair work. Say Communism and their brains just shortcircuit. It's all so tiresome...

>> No.15655298

russia already was a superpower, and woudl be bigger without gommunisb
russia was never attacked by the USA, every european country got atacked in WW2
china became great after a liberalization, and is by no means communist.
cuba is a shithole and has shit tier education and health if you are not rich.
pick up a book retard

>> No.15655314

>wanted the union to continue.
>union of countries is communism

>> No.15655329

The working class are perpetual cucks so they deserve everything they get.

>> No.15655337

>russia already was a superpower
Read a book
>russia was never attacked by the USA
What is the cold war?
>china became great after liberalization
Because it had its base built by communists
>cuba is a shithole
Because of the sanctions

>> No.15655358

serfdom was abolished

>> No.15655361

Zizek is not marxist. He describes himself as "hegelian"

>> No.15655370

You read a book. Russia was a superpower even if gdp/cap was low, faggot.
Cold war=no atacks from usa to russia
Still, china is not communist and it hardly ever were

>> No.15655405

the g*rmans deserved it

>> No.15655425

This is a great trick by the system. We claim to be anti-imperialists, but in actuality it is just doublespeak to the masses, meanwhile we harvest the most valuable resources off other continents and call it humanitarianism.

>> No.15655439

If you have assets exceeding six figures

>> No.15655448

check 'em

>> No.15655455

Communism isn't Marx's idea.

>> No.15655472

A superpower that got btfo by fucking japan.

>> No.15655474

>A system that has internal contradictions impossible to solve is better in all possible metrics.

>> No.15655510
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your are absolutely right and I wholeheartedly agree that it's useless to have a political discussion on lit. americans and europeans might use the same words but they mean entirely different concepts all the time. the best strategy is keep a discussion along the lines of a certain book or author, so all anons use the author's definition.

tl;dr: read the fucking sticky, new kid

>> No.15655519

Because you could be a Georgist instead

>> No.15655526

America built itself on business, on the expense of the native americans, taking their land and ressources to feed the Capitalistic machine. Of course they won't criticize the system that benefited them so much. Americans and chinese will probably the last to criticize Capitalism, the former because it is their craddle, were they were born, the latter because they have hive mentality, and just do things, without even realizing what it is they are doing.

>> No.15655639

Yes. It's either that or mass graves for the kulaks and dissidents.
>people go hungry, therefore capitalism is evil
You know, the wild thing is, there are absolutely no restrictions on voluntarily sharing wealth under capitalism. Crazy, right?
>but my LARPing system that results in millions of people shot in the head because their name appears on a list for seemingly no reason is better and freer and less oppressive
Listen to yourselves. Of course capitalism has its flaws. I think Bill Gates should be fucking killed. But Communism is not something to strive for.

>> No.15655723

Socialism isn't inherently authoritarian, the countries you are speaking of weren't democratic before socialism took place in them, the socialists didn't just "destroy" democracy in tsarist russia, or in batista's cuba.
capitalism isn't inherently "free" either, augusto pinochet for example, was a tyrant who also happened to be a capitalist allied with the us.
and even then, most socialist countries kept their governments not by choice, but because it was literally a necessity, since they had the world's largest empires trying to fight them.

>> No.15655823
File: 126 KB, 550x600, -0-0-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not a team player.

>> No.15655944

>working hard
You mean gambling on shit coins is hard work?

>> No.15655954

I don't remember this Kafka story.

>> No.15655970


Two wrongs don't make a right, you ANTIFA scum.

>> No.15656018

It is founded on humanist beliefs, humanism is not compatible with the properties of life as we currently understand it, i.e. a constant competition to succeed to the detriment of others, thus making humanist societies unstable long-term

>> No.15656044
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Because I believe in private property and individual rights.

>> No.15656199

What are some good alternatives? Any forums with less ideological prejudice and absolutism and with more high quality discussion?

>> No.15656264

look mum, the orange man taught me a new word!

>> No.15656318

This isn't the early 20th century pal, whitey doesn't just roll up and enslave native peoples. We trade with them and they come out ahead from where they were. They are not exploited. I would not consider China's nation-building investments in Africa exploitative. Consensual trade can never be exploitative.
>t. Soc Dem

>> No.15656548

It seems like the spouted right wing alternatives are shit like BAP atm though. You'll see Nozick mentioned enough and Burke and so on, but Evola, BAP, Kantbot are jokes, Marx is an actual important thinker. Also the person Marx seems to have hated the most intellectually, Stirner, is mentioned plenty.

>> No.15656698
File: 453 KB, 1276x6157, 007_discussion_logical_fallacies_3_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's useless to have a political discussion on lit
Because this is a literature board. Political 'discussion' just derails real discussion i.e. /lit/ related
Yes, Americans have made use of Capitalism extensively and, because of it, they are the top 1 (the percieved enemy, the dearest ally, etc). It does not justify the ammount of brainwashing Americans have gone through against possible actual alternatives and McCarthysm is to blame here. The Chinese are about to outplay the USA at their own game. It is no wonder, for countless American factories (and from other developed countries too) have moved to cheaper China a long time ago.
To name alternative forums or IBs here would be like killing them asap and that's the reason why I won't share them with you (sorry mate). Provided you're an avid searcher and there's an actual need for an alternative inside of you, you'll eventually make it.
Every political position, if ideological, is just a pile of burning shit waiting to be eaten, used and then spouted out as "truth". It's ironical, though, that the world has been engulfed in "truth". Imo, one has to trascend the limitations of thinking in dicotomies if one is to achieve actual, factual discussion about relevant issues. Left-Right, Capitalism-Communism, and other examples of thinking in dichotomies (white and black thinking) are just a form of "moral hemiplegia", as José Ortega y Gasset puts it (Revolt of the Masses).

>> No.15656699

the problem is, that those deals are done with corrupted governments that don't give a fuck about their people, they sell all the resources of the country to get some money in their pockets leaving future generations fucked forever
Inb4 >those where elected by the people
yeah because the elections on third world countries are totally legit and not rigged in any way. Also the population is poorly educated, because the resources that should be used developing the country both socially and economically are wasted building useless stuff to stole money from the country

>> No.15656709

>Imo, one has to trascend the limitations of thinking in dicotomies if one is to achieve actual, factual discussion about relevant issues.
That's EZPZ, just read Derrida ;^)

>> No.15656809

Can you email me the names of these alternate literature IBs if I give you my email?

>> No.15657796

The Cold War

>> No.15658074

Marx's endorsements of capitalism and his assertions of inevitability have been extremely detrimental to leftism in the US. It encourages the laziness and complacency we see in the American left today, where self-proclaimed revolutionary MLs are content to write in Bernie every four years and spend all the time intervening complaining on reddit and /lit/. Western Marxists are a dangerous, hypocritical cancer- endorsing a methodology that only works in the colonies and the periphery and doing exactly zero praxis or organizing. They are happy to sit on their fat asses, consuming and exploiting shamelssly while rooting for China and Cuba online like it's a fucking team sport. It reduces people who would otherwise be ardent revolutionary leftists into social incrementalists- effectively into liberals. It's a useless doctrine in a country where late capitalism has entrenched itself so deeply, and if it continues to infest the American far left, we will have no communist infrastructure in place if/when a revolutionary moment arrives.

>> No.15658145

other than IQ I totally agree, the Chinese system is a de facto Capitalist system disguised as a Social Democratic system. I mean just look at the way their market works and how their companies operate.

>> No.15658200

>Social Democracy lives off wealth stolen from third world nations.
Might makes right

>> No.15658506

He's right, you really think this is the 19th century. Foreign capitalists aren't as interested in cheap resources nowadays as much as they are in having a modernized, growing country that can function as a market for their goods and offer opportunities for investment. And few despotic regimes can just sit back and collect money, you need foreign support and you need support of key segments of the population, power doesn't exist in a vacuum. That's why some of the most brutal despotic regimes of, say, the Middle East, have also created welfare systems and mechanisms for wealth redistribution that you'd be envious of, and they collapsed when they failed to deliver reforms or keep sustained growth. Power today implies a consistent effort to grow, modernize and fit into certain international standards, they're not just tribal leaders in villages who happen to own the guns.

>> No.15658527

because it's 2020

>> No.15658622

>Hong Kong
Oh nonononono

>> No.15658623

It failed in Cuba because of the US embargo. They literally threatened every nation not to do business with Cuba.

>> No.15658629

Socialism doesn't work.

>> No.15658644

the top looks like goods being horded, the bottom looks like goods distributed.

>> No.15658650

ancient twitter meme from like 2 weeks ago.

>> No.15658665


>> No.15658686

Sucks to suck

>> No.15658732
File: 973 KB, 1539x1213, Zizek&#039;s Merger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you're post-marxist "marxist", isn't even a marxist; he's a radical-reactionary hybrid.

the friction you see today is due to the lack of synthesis between the 20th century ideologies. hence's the push by the avant-garde (like Zizek) to facilitate this post-ideological synthesis so we can move on to a more sophisticated post-political worldview.

>> No.15658793


>> No.15658817

Bachelet's goverments were neoliberal at worst, socdems at best. Not even close to socialism fuck off.

>> No.15658832

Yeah, it's all so tiresome to be honest. Since /pol/ colonized this board, it went to shit.

>> No.15658846

your face, Anon. you fuck pigs.

>> No.15658853

Why are there so many commies brigading /lit/
This board is literally just race bait, off topic, and politics threads now

>> No.15658871
File: 41 KB, 657x527, 1587856801893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not a single reason to not be a Marxist and this thread is proof of that. Not a single logical argument.

Capitalism is an artificial general intelligence (AGI).

And I say this as a Marxist. Marx already knew this but of course at the time he didn't have the terminology we have now. Let me tell you about AGIs. Computer scientist are actively trying to find ways to make an AGI safe to implement. So far it is not safe because no matter the AGI's objective function, it would tend to do shit we don't want it to do. For example, it is proven that if you give it a simple objective function like collecting stamps, it will start consuming all our resources, eventually reaching the point where it will start to kill living organism to use their atoms to print more stamps. You can think of ways to avoid this but you'll probably fail since the scientific community still hasn't found one.

You see the problem we face now? We already built an AGI: capitalism. We know where this leads: complete resource repletion, out-of-control positive feedback loops, basically the AI apocalypse. In theory, we have no idea how to stop it an AGI. In practice, you should become a communist.

>> No.15659055

> t. Elon Musk's Nick Land replicant

>> No.15659071

how does communism keep its self from collapsing?

>> No.15659087

They were doing quite good in many aspects prior to that, though. It was precisely because of that that the embargo happened. The US was scared of other LatAm nations following suit.

>> No.15659100

Marxism just replaces one form of elitism with another, also man is naturally greedy.

>> No.15659129

>(1) reason why you shouldn't be marxist in 2020
The company one would be forced to keep.

>> No.15659163

horrible ugly aesthetics

>> No.15659210

If you're an actual marxist and embrace the dialectic then you would support trump and the right wing reaction right now. The idpol freaks are the tools of global capital

>> No.15659257

>bait marx thread no.915134 gets a pass
>thread about Bataille gets deleted because muh erotica
Jannies should be executed by a firing squand

>> No.15660162
File: 136 KB, 940x1419, 713NSp9NZdL._AC_UL1419_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to "be marxist" online almost always has as much intellectual depth as buying a che guevara t-shirt. for most people it's just fashion, while voting blue no matter who.

>> No.15660226

it's just one more ideology for people without a religion to reify as "the one true path," in lieu of whatever their grandparents believed.
meanwhile, young people growing up in the former soviet states have grandparents who believed in communism! (of course it's just as passe to them as evangelical christianity is to vast swathes of young americans.)
think for yourselves instead of outsourcing the intellectual effort of your best years towards sustaining ideologies you had no part in creating. have your own epiphanies, instead of ones marx might have had.
political ideologies are just brainworms at this point. they only exist to discipline people into conforming to a particular worldview to form a political bloc. decide to be an unconventional marxist and you'll soon see how much your "comrades" will abuse you.
look at the people in their 60s and 70s who've been writing for academic journals and niche leftist mags for decades to see where that path leads. and that's a best-case scenario: eking out a living reproducing ideology.
have fun, i guess.

>> No.15660251

No thanks

>> No.15660264

God he actually type all this shit thinking it was a clever insight

>> No.15660283

>have fun, i guess
Aka bainless hedonism
A fish could say something more substantial than what you said in this post.

>> No.15660288


>> No.15660344

>posturing superiority for the audience instead of answering a single point

>> No.15660354

fuck off to reddit, this place belongs to /pol/ now

>> No.15660411

what subreddit should i go to

>> No.15660413

r/Literature where the last bookfags who used to post here fled to

>> No.15660419

Its 2020. Why the FUCK would I need some jobless retards failed philosophy?

>> No.15660420


>> No.15660429

Because their observed methods of gaining power within established systems is deplorable and their blatant hypocrisy and ability to openly lie and mislead absolutely disgusts me.

>> No.15660435

Because the bourgeoisie vs proletariat dichotomy was a reductionism of the higher capitalist vs socialist struggle, and our modern society has synthesized into a merger of capitalism and socialism rather than a synthesis of the bourgeoisie and proletariat.

>> No.15660436

You're saying Marxism is not materialist?
What is it then?

>> No.15660438

No, industrialism improved them. Communists didnt even invent industrialism, they were so late to the party that it required absolutely brutal conditions to catch up.

>> No.15660463

sorry, I didn't mean to include your post
meant this:

>> No.15660484

Dude, you literally said >have fun I guess
That is textbook pea-brained hedonism. What do you expect me to think!?

>> No.15660524

How would communism be any different? Central planning conducted by humans, as in the USSR, has failed because i wasn't able to reach a sufficient level of complexity. For central planning to work you'd have to have it done by an AI or a quasi-AI able to cope with the crushing complexity of resource management.

Maybe you mean market socialism instead of planning then but you'd still get the same kind of AGI as with capitalism.

>> No.15660535

it was a sarcastic remark, directed at those willing to "become marxists," after the dire picture I painted of being an academic writer nobody pays attention to but their tiny niche - it did not mean "have parties," you colossal bore.

>> No.15660625

Then you said literally nothing in that post which is actually worse than brainless hedonism.

>> No.15660701

if you couldn't hear what I said, then I'll dumb down my points - just for you:
>people long for structure in perceiving the complex world, so ideologies that promise this sort of simplification are tempting
>however, instead of trying to process everything through a "system" and sacrificing your sovereign ability to think for yourself for the sake of a political ideology you imagine will be materially beneficial to you, it's more productive in the long run to come to your own conclusions
>marxists constitute the cattiest backbiting network in the world, and engaging with them as though you're one of them means either subservient conformity, or else eventually being exiled from the group for perceived crimes against their narrow orthodoxies

>> No.15660703

The Jewish nigger Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation. The chap would sooner throw money down the drain than lend it to a ‘friend’, even though his interest and capital were guaranteed. In this he bases himself on the view that he ought to live the life of a Jewish baron, or Jew created a baron (no doubt by the countess). Just imagine! This fellow, knowing about the American affair, etc., and hence about the state of crisis I’m in, had the insolence to ask me whether I would be willing to hand over one of my daughters to la Hatzfeldt as a ‘companion’, and whether he himself should secure Gerstenberg’s (!) patronage for me! The fellow has wasted my time and, what is more, the dolt opined that, since I was not engaged upon any ‘business’ just now, but merely upon a ‘theoretical work’, I might just as well kill time with him! In order to keep up certain dehors vis-a-vis the fellow, my wife had to put in pawn everything that wasn’t actually nailed or bolted down!

>> No.15660731

Kardashev scale is sci-fi and doesn't tell anything about "infinite growth". It just assumes that technology has a limitless room for development, which is delusional at best. I can make my own scale, "The Anon scale of Teleportation", which reveals that our world is at the value 0,6 of the scale and that when we reach the value of 10, teleportation will be a thing.
Also, the development of technology has consecuences that you should look into, that we're already seeing at a planetary scale, and i'm not talking about global warming but about cost effectivemeness. That's a crucial part of the contradictions Marx observed.
Now just stop losing your time and read a book or watch a documentary, even about the whales.

>> No.15660780

I think this put an end to all of the shenanigans spouted in here.

>> No.15660783

>however, instead of trying to process everything through a "system" and sacrificing your sovereign ability to think for yourself for the sake of a political ideology you imagine will be materially beneficial to you, it's more productive in the long run to come to your own conclusions
So you're saying brainless hedonism is a good system because all systems are good systems.


>> No.15660784

>things that people who don't know anything about marx say about marx

>> No.15660788

I think Marx was wrong in his attemt to add a vector to a whole society. It is too radical, egalitarian and bound to fail

>> No.15660794

Get a job, fag

>> No.15660796

I don't want to get stabbed by a Libyan muslim who arrived on a dinghi and got away with assaulting a judge because his skin is dark.

>> No.15660807
File: 125 KB, 1200x1200, Cathy Newman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you're saying brainless hedonism is a good system because all systems are good systems.

>> No.15660818

This was the same piece of sagacious wisdom given to Karl Marx by his wife before one of their children starved to death from his neglect. In a bold and defiant move, he told her no.

This same tradition of refusing to be a respectable and contributing member of society is carried on by his followers today.

>> No.15660834

So you're saying all systems are not good aka false?

>> No.15660839

>How would communism be any different?
Because you would set up the goals, which would act as limiting parameters? You would say I want X tons of meat and Y tons of milk and the machine would optimize the production process to minimize resources and labour needed; market doesn´t have those limiting parameters.

>> No.15660869

>''socialism is when the government does stuff''

>> No.15660870

In a Communist system, would I be able to pick lemons from my lemon tree, juice them and sell lemonade on my front lawn? This is what I really enjoy to do.

>> No.15660895

40 million people and counting have applied for unemployment these past few months in the US

>> No.15660909

It really depends on if the authorities care or not.

>> No.15660922

what I'm saying is based heavily on OPs question.
systems are imperfect creations. if they're good, they're only as good as what they allow us to understand or do.
using marxist analysis when you find it useful is fine - it's the "BEING a marxist" part I have a problem with. when people stop using it as a tool, and start using it as an identity.
learning to see like a marxist can be beneficial; learning to only ever see like a marxist is detrimental. it's a narrowing of vision, in my opinion.

>> No.15660929

And you werent one of them despite your parents wishes youd move out.

>> No.15660934

>needing an authorities permission to juice a fruit

>> No.15660946

But you have to choose a system, even if you think they're imperfect. It's impossible to live in empty space.

>> No.15660953

I’d rather be an anarchist

>> No.15660957

I hate this board now. /pol/niggers really are a scourge

>> No.15660970

Depends on system, but most likely you would just give it to the friends for free like mentally healthy people do.

>> No.15660980

>Implying children which do this are mentally ill.
I think you might be the ill one m8

>> No.15660990

shill confirmed

>> No.15660997

He died and was cucked by Papa Stalin

>> No.15661001

if you think it's impossible to refuse to play that game, then we can only agree to disagree at this point.
I've actually grown curious what ideology you subscribe to, since you've expressed disbelief any can do without one. also, what nation are you from? I'm from Canada.

>> No.15661005

Ok Hu Xijing

>> No.15661048

United States

Do you believe in your government?

>> No.15661068

go back kojeve

>> No.15661078

>Foreign capitalists aren't as interested in cheap resources nowadays as much as they are in having a modernized, growing country that can function as a market for their goods and offer opportunities for investment
>pillaging a country's labor/resources for dirt cheap and then selling them the products made from them at a price that destroys chances of local competition while benefiting a fraction of the population and corrupt officials

>> No.15661087

I'm surprised you answered "Christian," both because I genuinely expected I was talking to some Soc-Dem in Europe or something, and that you consider your religion to be an ideology - I'd consider a religion to be bigger than that.
>Do you believe in your government?
not trying to be a smart-ass - I don't know what you're asking here. do you mean, "do you believe your government is effective"?

>> No.15661107

>nO BuT MuH IMposSIBle teCHNologY
Keep up with times gramps, just 15 years ago, flip phones were the rule, today that isn't the case.

>> No.15661144
File: 43 KB, 540x405, 1526504221753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't follow trends you fucking sycophant

>> No.15661153

The whole of 20th century history

>> No.15661172

I haven´t seen any children doing that, apart from American movies. And Americans will be genocided.

>> No.15661177

Religion is technically an ideology, but religion is an ideology which directs us to the Absolute, whereas the majority of other ideologies, themselves, plainly indicate they are grounded in sense-certainty and give little indication otherwise.

>> No.15661183

American isn't a race. Try again.

>> No.15661259

I feel like it's pretty ridiculous we shot over a dozen posts between us before discovering we actually agree.

>> No.15661294

Good, it's nice to meet a fellow Christian on this board. Feel like I'm in the eye of the hurricane that is this board when I meet a fellow Christian.

>> No.15661528

well, I'd say it was a good conversation.
my main critique would be the needless insults at the beginning:
>A fish could say something more substantial than what you said in this post.
>That is textbook pea-brained hedonism.
>Then you said literally nothing in that post which is actually worse than brainless hedonism.
>So you're saying brainless hedonism is a good system because all systems are good systems.
I guess you can see where I was coming from now; but where were you coming from with all that?

>> No.15661610

All of that was true, and should not have been taken as insulting, unless you are insulted by facts. Notice I didn't call you a 'dumbass' or whatever.

>> No.15661646
File: 868 KB, 1578x1398, Gulag_montage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk. Maybe read up on the Gulag?

>> No.15661692

Kardashev is purely about energy consumption. I think the more interesting question around the scale is how humanities' relationship to the world and energy consumption will change. I don't think the only implication of being a type II is going to be trillions of people all playing bing bing wahoo on their xbox pi.

>> No.15661695

I have a lower threshold than you for what constitutes an insult, clearly.
but I mean, what does hedonism mean to you, and what made you think I was advocating for it? (spoiler: I don't)

>> No.15661705

I consider myself a very conservative marxist. But in all seriousness it’s because ideology makes everything worse and I believe any wise marxist eventually came to this conclusion

>> No.15661927
File: 729 KB, 500x3902, 1243536236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe any wise marxist eventually came to this conclusion
In fact, you are actually the most worst off.

>> No.15661937

Hedonism is one of the most simplistic 'ideologies' grounded in sense-certainty. Creatures with teeny tiny brains are motivated to do things because 'muh feels' or squirts of chemicals between their handful of neurons. And to tell people that their primary motive in life is 'have fun' heavily indicates that orgasms and drugs are ideals instead of seeking God Almighty. 'fun' should only ever be a side-benefit.

>> No.15662165

>second largest superpower
If by superpower you mean a third world shithole with a shit ton of nukes.

>> No.15662177

I am a Marxist I just want the Bourgeoisie to win

>> No.15662437

Great argument. Read a book, understand how capitalism works and stop getting all your politics from Banksy and Latuff cartoons.

>> No.15662442

I...I can't...

>> No.15663008

Hitler didn't "win the vote" he was appointed you fucking retard

>> No.15663041

you really dont understand why india cant compete with china? really?

>> No.15663049

>Capitalist liberal India feudal shithole with an insane nationalist dictator in power
>Communist evil China superpower that can compete with the USA

>> No.15663059

okay. you're baiting i dont know what i expected lol

>> No.15663064

Not an argument cracka

>> No.15663404

>he was appointed
By whom and how?

>> No.15664225

not that guy but
the captains of the german industry