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15653397 No.15653397 [Reply] [Original]

Since so few Old English texts survive, how do we know this wasn't the 10th century equivalent of airport trash?

>> No.15653408

Because we can read it and judge for ourselves.

>> No.15653413

Because people's brains didn't have the consistency of chicken broth back then

>> No.15653425

beowulf is ok,what makes it good is that it illuminates a time that is obscure ,

>> No.15653439

why did they larp Christianity then?

>> No.15653440
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At the airport. Anybody rec wangs world?

>> No.15653509

heaneys translation is airport trash.

academic consensus is different, but i suspect beowulf was a forgery... it seems too convenient in its supplying of england with a national work comparable to roland.

>> No.15653517

Well there was no concept of airport trash? Papyrus was expensive and the printing press was not invented.

>> No.15653519

>tips fedora.

>> No.15653525

A forgery? What is the Aeneid to you then?

>> No.15653533

It takes place in Sweden and Denmark though? It also seemingly has knowledge of that time and place.

>> No.15653542

their apparent monotheism is actually due to the fitrah

>> No.15653545

you never know. be a skeptic

>> No.15653548

Get the Gatsby pillow.

>> No.15653593

Get the book that says GREAT it might be pretty good

>> No.15653660

Kek I’ve been there before. I still have a little scorpion paperweight that my mom bought for me from that airport when I was a toddler. I’ve had it for almost 20 years now. Last time I was in AZ I tried finding another one to compliment it but I don’t think they sell them anymore

>> No.15654011

Because airports didnt exist in 10th century England

>> No.15654028

i'm a little uncomfortable with the idea of an irishman translating an anglo-saxon work

>> No.15654042


>> No.15654094

I think books were quite expensive at that time.

>> No.15654114
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he's fuckin smug about it in the intro too

>> No.15654134
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chill, mo chara, he's only bringing the literature home

>> No.15654172

It's only 'english' because of the language; it's not a chronicle of England at all. Like anon >>15653533 said, Beowulf was a geat, and the king whose court he finds himself in was a dane in Denmark.

>> No.15654186

Are there any other great English works about Scandinavians?

>> No.15654190

What an abominable post, literally everything you said is wrong
Ignore this shit anons

>> No.15654237

>how do we know this wasn't the equivalent of airport trash?
This is why I no longer cry over the burning of the Library of Alexandria. It was probably mostly garbage.
>inb4 COPE

>> No.15654431
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how does he see through the chainmail?

>> No.15654466

who would win in a fight, beowulf or gilgamesh

>> No.15654500

That's the back of his head.

>> No.15654523

Not sure. It seems to me that much of the connection between England and Scandinavia was lost after the Norman conquests and England's main foil became France. Nowadays, it is easy to forget that both the angles, saxons and jutes who made up the "Anglo-Saxon" were all from the same general and part of the same group as those who'd become swedes, norwegians, and danes.

>> No.15654538

Most likely! Just like the deleting of Exhentai was mostly furry porn and dick girls.

>> No.15654542

Gilgamesh defeated more powerful enemies, but Beowulf worked alone

>> No.15654544

OP can't read well enough to judge if a book is good or not.
Never gonna make it.

>> No.15654546

Definitely Gilgamesh.

>> No.15654588

What about Beowulf vs Odysseus?
I'd say in a cage match Beowulf would win, but in an open environment where Odysseus could use his cunning, Odysseus would win.

>> No.15655037

There was no equivalent of airport trash back then.

>> No.15655445

I thought it was a weird hill when I first saw it

>> No.15656340
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>he hasn't read Le Morte D'Arthur

>> No.15656401

This brings me back to the batman vs spiderman threads we used to have on /b/
>spiderman if it's just a brawl, batman if he can plan ahead

>> No.15656423

idk it really didnt seem all that impressive when i read it.

>> No.15656427

lmao what a little cunt

>> No.15657115


>> No.15658137

If you read the OP translation, then I can see why. That’s the “popular” version for normies.

>> No.15658149

What do zoom zooms force themselves to understand the world through meme false equivalencies?

>> No.15658161

The Irish are fucking unbearable when it comes to having a chip on their shoulder.

This is just embarrassing.

>> No.15658166
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>reading the Heaneywuld
I hope you newfags don't seriously do this.

>> No.15658175

what about the part where Heany self-proclaims he's a "great poet"?

>> No.15658511

The Norse seemed to recognise Anglo-saxon/Old English as the same language as theirs and not recognise Old High German as such. To do so they must've had a broader conception of language than our more political one today. Probably a purely practical one: 'can I understand this speech, with some intuitive adjustment/familiarity, or not?'.

Here's what I think:
>Long oral poem composed when Scandinavia was still in living memory for the once-migratory Anglo-saxon tribes. Possibly old enough to be composed IN Scandinavia or drawn from other stories/poems that were at least. Still connected to Scandinavia through trade and politics.
>Perhaps many versions derive from this as it is retold, or perhaps it itself is merely a branch of versions of something much older being recomposed and the language updated. This is not unlike folk songs.
>A monk decides to write it down in some empty space of another book, either condenses it himself (through recomposition), leaves out bits, or uses a version that was already condensed. It's possible this was a copy of another written version but given the timeframe it's most likely an original written version.

>> No.15659782

I did not but what it have to do with Beowulf?

>> No.15659807

What about Beowulf vs Sigudr (whatever version of his name you prefer)? I would say prime Beowulf would defeat Sigudr, but older will probably lose.

>> No.15659830

Great cover.

>> No.15659959

The last time I bought books at an airport it was Sense and Sensibility, To Have and Have Not, and Robinson Crusoe.

Airport security isnt forcing you to buy inoffensive contemporary fiction or Michelle Obama books

>> No.15659971

It didn’t just survive by chance, moron. Any Old English we have today has been safeguarded for generations precisely for its value as a text.

>> No.15660220

Generally Germanic peoples seemed to have far reaching correspondence before christianity, the Edda has many stories about king Theoderic and the Goths and Huns, runestones mention them and there is much Roman treasure in Scandinavia seemingly from people travelling south and working as mercenaries.

>> No.15660230

um yeah, think I'll go with the Tolkien translation instead

>> No.15660277
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Is this one good or not?

>> No.15660282

Also, language change necessitates recomposition especially phonological change. It is a poem after all. And of course fashions fade and a construction or word use may sound uncool.

>> No.15660285

Hercules or Thor?

This is a serious question.

>> No.15660444

That’s a really nice mix of holiday books

>> No.15660658

Thor and it's not even close

>> No.15660828

Beowulf has nothing to do with England.

>> No.15660849
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say it to me face

>> No.15660863

Because popular/mass culture as we know it today didn’t exist back then.
Not to mention that we only found ONE manuscript, while the more popular epics of the Middle Ages have manuscripts numbering in the 10s and 20s.

>> No.15660868


>> No.15660871

It's not the best, Tolkein himself admitted later that he was too young and inexperienced to give it justice. Happily its worth buying for 'the Monsters and the Critics' essay which is probably the best 20th-century essay on the poem.

>> No.15660897

According to this (https://deathtofanatics.wordpress.com/2019/04/07/christianity-and-paganism-in-beowulf/)) there is a little more than mere religious fitra in Beowulf

>> No.15660972

it doesn't have anything to do with England.
it has more to do with nedderlands or Denmark than England.

>> No.15661410

It must be noted that you are retarded

>> No.15661415

Better than Heaney, yes. Much, much better.

>> No.15661419

Hercules is kino and peak manly. Thor is just some faggot with a gay working tool.

>> No.15661426

lol no

>> No.15662607

I doubt you've read either

>> No.15663168

also being accomplished sailors meant that the north sea was more of a highway than a barrier

>> No.15663869

Thor is literal crossdresser, goatfucker and a retard. I wish I was kidding.

>> No.15663946

>literal crossdresser
You say that as if it's part of his character and not something he does reluctantly in a saga that plays it as a joke.

>> No.15664463

Doesn't Odin crossdress more to practice Seor?