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15651144 No.15651144 [Reply] [Original]

Why do judges, lawyers, and cops hold such childishly naive views on philosophy and human nature? Why must society be ruled by those who do not read?

>> No.15651149

lawyers and judges usually know a lot of philosophy

>> No.15651204

I disagree, I can't imagine them not knowing at least some philosophy
They're retards, just like everyone else. There isn't some higher education required to become a cop, so they don't end up actually reading anything above highschool level. It's the same with pretty much any other public servant you could think of; most politicians, for example.

>> No.15651388

Politicians have often studied law and have absolute pleb opinions

>> No.15651389 [DELETED] 


>> No.15651396

That's because most politicians want popularity with plebs

>> No.15651404 [DELETED] 

That guy in the blue sweatsuit with the "choppa" looks like a ayy lmao, if i saw him i'd be laughin right before getting zapped

>> No.15651455

>Politicians have often studied law
some have, that's why I said most. A lot of them went through political science, business, history, etc. instead.

>> No.15651464

no they don't. their views are basically some sort of babbys first good for the state-good for me utilitarianism

>> No.15651469

Untrue. Most politicians go to good unis to study polsci or history, which naturally entails reading some philosophy and lit. Boris Johnson can quote a great deal of Homer in the original Greek.

>> No.15651472

Why do historians think they are able to commentate on society? They are some of the worst armchair philosophers.

>> No.15651475

>public servants working for the state to uphold the state’s laws
>they believe in the state

>> No.15651496

i didn't say it should be a surprise. just pointed out the child is indeed needed in the position

>> No.15651501

She took that shit like a champ honestly
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I wasn't saying that politicians weren't educated, I meant that weren't generally educated in law, or some other degree which entails a study of philosophy.
>history entails philosophy
Not sure how much I agree with that. There might be some "philosophical thought," but I doubt historians, especially from the ones I know, give a shit about philosophy at all.
Because you're supposed to learn from the past regarding society, and I agree for the most part. The problem is a lot of historians know how to see and learn history, but not how to actually process it then apply it properly to society. Philosophy, at least sects like ethics, are a bit better for this because they deal more with generalizations of human nature rather than specific events in history (which is why Plato said a philosopher king would be ideal, and why after America stopped having philosopher 'kings' like Jefferson, Smith, Hamilton, Franklin, Locke, etc. it started going to shit).

>> No.15651502
File: 11 KB, 480x360, AE4222F4-01CF-4269-B3D0-ADFAC51FB8BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to outdoor philosophers?

>> No.15651516

Most politicians are of middling IQ filtered through a corperate donor program that weeds out anyone with independence. Most politicians don't actually believe what they say they just use it as a half hearted justification for implimenting corperate policy via corperate/billionaire funded think tanks

>> No.15651682

you are very dumb

>> No.15651705

>Boris Johnson can quote a great deal of Homer in the original Greek.
Yeah anon, THATS what I’m looking for in a president. A man who can recite Greek Fairytales. I mean, why would I want a president that has read a great deal of political theory, economics, and philosophy when we have that?

>> No.15651735

>Why must society be ruled by those who do not read?
it's not.
it's ruled by those who have read enough to know how to manipulate the weak minded.

>> No.15652072

You can be turned down by the police academy for being too smart.

>> No.15652108

no. do research

>> No.15652366

Those occupations don't rule society.

>> No.15652469


>> No.15652678

Why do you want a president well-read in pseudoscience?

>> No.15652806

Alexander "Boris" Johnson can only do such things because of his Etonian education, it isn't reflective of his political prowess or studies within history and philosophy

>> No.15652851

>Why must society be ruled by those who do not read?
idunno OP, you posted a picture of Nietzsche, maybe you could read him? Maybe "The Genealogy of Morals" for a more thorough answer than any anon is going to give you here

>> No.15652869
File: 46 KB, 680x607, iqchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cops are submitwit and hence have more valuable insights than the clerks of Law. Scholars of common sense trump scholars of nonsense any day.