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/lit/ - Literature

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15650501 No.15650501 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me some times where your time spent reading literature has helped you IRL

>> No.15650503

I'm sorry lit for the bad spelling and grammar I am not a smart man

>> No.15650521
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>Be le me
>Be reading le greeks
>Le gf walks in
>Derp anon wut r u le readin??
>It’s le greeks you le slag

>> No.15650546

yeah one time this woman tried to hit on me so i bashed her on the head with my ereader
then i fucked her dad lol

>> No.15650558

While studying psychiatry and mental disorders (in this case, narcissism) I learned a few things. I learned how to control the direction of a conversation to get what I want. In a group argument, I can also work out the dynamics, using body language and hints, to get more people on my side so that I ALWAYS win.

One of my favorite techniques is called the “word salad” wherein when somebody brings something up, I can successfully change the point of the conversation and/or have it drag on long enough that everybody forgets what they were talking about in the first place.

>> No.15650562

did you also learn that you're a narcissist? because you clearly are and clearly need help.

>> No.15650604

I’m not a narcissist by the general definition (thinking highly of oneself, and/or delusions of grandeur). I just learned how to incorporate some of the narcissists techniques in day-to-day conversations.

I don’t have delusions of grandeur, and I don’t think I’m better than anybody else. I just manipulate the flow and direction of conversations on a small-scale when I feel like I need to. It’s so subtle that nobody ever notices.

>> No.15650610

>I'm not a narcissist, I'm just an asshole
Are you satisfied with that?

>> No.15650630


>> No.15650660 [DELETED] 

When you want to do something, it helps to have the other person believe that they came up with the idea.
>how do you do this
Look at your own thought process for how you came up with said idea, and then say outloud some of the thoughts preceding it, and they may come to the same conclusion by thinking about it themselves. For example, if you want to go see the new joker movie but don’t have money to pay for it yourself. You can manipulate them into buying you both tickets, by making them think they want to see it and that going was their idea. To put this specific idea in their heads, just start talking about movies. Start talking about how the new trailer looked badass and hyping it up, only then mention how “heard it’s in the theaters right now, sucks that I’m broke” if you hyped them up for it enough, they might come to the conclusion that you want. “We should go and see it”

They will want to do it because they believe it was their idea, when really, you put it into their heads without them noticing. If you had made the suggestion yourself, they would’ve been less likely to want to go. But by making them think it was their idea, they became more attached to the thought. This becomes easier the more you know a person. It does not work on everyone.

Cry me a river

>> No.15650758

its not narcissism its just manipulation to your favor :v)

>> No.15651026

No you definitely are by the standard definition, you've just deluded yourself into thinking otherwise. Classic symptom.

>> No.15651057

>Mention off hand that I write
>Boss finds out and asks me what I read
>Mention Blood Meridian was really cool because I just read it
>Turns out he worships Cormac McCarthy
>Rest of the time I worked there I was automatically in his good books

>> No.15651068

My boss at my boomer IT job also loved McCarthy. If an old man reads, it is always him.

>> No.15651072

The positive impacts of literature on my life are mostly abstract, as in contributing to my general growth as a person and my well-being, as gay as that may sound. But literature is also a great topic for conversation, and it helps me make friends and smash girls.

>> No.15651087

Who isn't a narcissist in the 21st century?

>> No.15651111

Quite a few people man it’s not healthy behaviour

>> No.15651115

I helped a buddy bag an art hoe by giving him a list of authors to namedrop.

>> No.15651123

Do you perhaps like wearing fedoras too?

>> No.15651165

It makes me feel good and it helps to feel good

>> No.15651170

>you denied being an arachnophobe, that means you are one

>> No.15651473


I've read a Martial Arts book on Jeet Kune Do which has helped me lose weight before.

>> No.15651499

It has kept me from killing myself for another year.

>> No.15651952

Can I have the list too?

>> No.15651990

thats a stupid argument. clearly phobias and narcissism are different conditions

>> No.15652901

makes me funnier, it's easier to make humorous observations and quick witty connections if i've been keeping up on reading and not doing drugs. it's my only redeeming quality and is enough that people forgive some of my weirder social quirks.

>> No.15653012


>> No.15653431

I read The entirety of The Lord of the rings and it has turned me into a man whose ambitions have turned out for the better more wholesome. The story of the lord of the rings is one of the purest and truest ever told and nothing is gonna change that. I love this book. I don't even know what Im typing.