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15650139 No.15650139 [Reply] [Original]

I have a tendency to victim blame women and I want to get out of it. Any book to help my transition?

>> No.15650155

You mean you have a tendency to expect women to be well rounded and accountable adults with their own agency? That’s not a bad thing, though a tad naive

>> No.15650232

I have a tendency to panic. sign in a room said don’t panic

>> No.15650250

he often wandered peacefully through the woods, playing a pipe, but when accidentally awakened from his noontime nap he could give a great shout that would cause flocks to stampede

>> No.15650358

Women are just trash bro lmao.

>> No.15650368
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>> No.15650398

I have a problem with victim forgiving women and I want to get out of it. I know I shouldn’t reinforce bad behavior but a part of me just wants to comfort them.... Any books to help my transition?

>> No.15650400

You could loosen your butthole until you walk in a way that keeps you from leaking anal discharge, this will make it obvious to all you are indeed a faggot. This is why fags walk the way they do.

Once you live the faggot life, you'll see how weak women truly are. They are faggots without man ability. They are literally as garbage and awful as you, but they lack any ability to act on their own because of physical limitations.

They are retard slaves but they live in a nightmare world where you have to try to convince them they arent because it would dissolve their reality otherwise and you have too much empathy to put the retarded sluts through that

>> No.15650406

I’m super edgy because I am actually a little bitch in person

>> No.15650439

That’s a great thing anon! It means you are polite to strangers while still entertaining socially improper ideas in the appropriate company. I commend your ability to balance intellectual independence with proper civil conduct

>> No.15650678

king warrior magician lover

>> No.15650679
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Trust me

>> No.15650722

The critic Camille Paglia called Against Our Will well-meaning, but nevertheless dismissed it as an example of "the limitations of white middle-class assumptions in understanding extreme emotional states or acts."[12] The behavioral ecologist John Alcock writes that while Brownmiller claimed that no zoologist had ever observed animals raping in their natural habitat, there was already "ample evidence" of forced copulations among animals in 1975, and that further evidence has accumulated since then.

>> No.15650726


paglia is a dumb whore

OP read dworkin

>> No.15650739

Simple, believe all women. If you find yourself not believing a woman, stop, take a breath, and start believing.

>> No.15650773

Women simply aren't concerned with the same things men are. All men, even 94 IQ beer bellied retards who spend their free time in front of a TV, have an innate thirst for knowledge and truth (to know to live a fulfilling life), which women mostly lack. This is why women can be awfully smart on a handful of any subjects but are otherwise consistently ignorant. Mass media (especially now social media) is the worst thing to ever happen to the female sex because they're like sponges and absorb whatever they're told from a position of authority. However, they are have a far greater capacity to be dutiful and gender to those close to them.

Really, just stop putting them on a pedestal. The Rational Male is cringe PUA stuff but explains what you should know pretty well.

>> No.15650811

If I was alone with most of you I would absolutely dismember you. I do not have a very high opinion of you and I couldn't care less if you died.

>> No.15650818


>> No.15650826

What's to fix? Women are garbage.

>> No.15651002

do any of you have any contact with women on a daily basis

>> No.15651239
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yeah and honestly I fucking hate it. you have to do retarded shit like snapchat them stupid pictures of your face, call and text them so you have the privilege of listening to their absolutely riveting stories about how some other roast beef vagina at work ignored her during lunch, or some dumb fucking makeup product she ordered from amazon. all the while you question every single minute of the day why you're doing this shit. you just want to be left alone to work on your autistic interests. if you ever have a moment of clarity and decide not to do all this retarded inane shit for someone you barely care about, you get the pleasure of this overgrown child throwing a temper tantrum asking if you still love her and if you're cheating, presuming a whole bunch of shit that couldn't be further from the truth. there's no one else. you just want to be left alone. you can feel the slow decay of your mind as your braincells wither away from listening to the daily drone of this subnormie's speech. finally you almost reach a breaking point. a moment of such pure clarity you can almost taste the freedom. just as you're about to leave the clutches of this sorcerer-wench, she flaunts her sexuality, the only weapon she has. of course you get aroused and that retard lizard brain takes over to remind you why you made that wet hole between her legs into your god. you cum and experience 2 seconds of pleasure. after this the cycle begins again.

>> No.15651250

Notes From Underground and Othello

>> No.15651258

Garbage bags* ftfy, and garbage bags are useful for... garbage. Such as your genes, garbage. I’m sorry but you are recycle of the earth. But don’t worry, filling up these bags will feel good, the truth sets you free. Free to feel good.
Now u kno

>> No.15651266
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>All men, even 94 IQ beer bellied retards who spend their free time in front of a TV, have an innate thirst for knowledge and truth
go outside for once

>> No.15651279

People like you consider themselves to be intelligent and like to look down on others, even though you're really not and are in no position to. Just lmaoing on your ass, nigga.

>> No.15651364

he's unironically right

>> No.15651439

the only thing they thirst are pussy and sports. just get a menial job and see for you

>> No.15651718

Nihilists deserve to be all round up and publicly executed

>> No.15651738


>> No.15651979

If this is accurate then we are clearly dying as a people.

>> No.15651981

You stupid fucking coon, stop using ebonics. Monkeyspeak is half the reason everyone hates niggers.

>> No.15651986
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>> No.15652008

>tfw at the stage where even the pussy doesnt work on me.

>> No.15652150

agreed. last days at hot slit is a good intro to her

>> No.15652785

yes, there are roughly equal amounts of retarded men and women. most people are zombies concerned with status and fucking, it's not exclusive to women. men tend to be less empathetic and measured, while women are more likely to waffle and be indecisive. there are incredibly smart women out there but they're out actually doing things and not interacting with myopic 4chan retards

>> No.15652837
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And do you not know that you are (each) an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the devil's gateway: you are the unsealer of that (forbidden) tree: you are the first deserter of the divine law: you are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God's image, man. On account of your desert--that is, death--even the Son of God had to die.