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15649218 No.15649218 [Reply] [Original]

Why do fantasy authors keep taking stuff from LOTR but not the books that inspired the series?

>> No.15649227

I saw X and clapped!

>> No.15649239

Actually most modern fantasy authors take from Wheel of Time and other books that took from LotR, but they don't really take from LotR directly.

Also, don't underestimate the influence of video games and tabletop games on nerds. A lot of faggots have shit like Orcs or Mithril in their books, not because of Tolkien but because they first saw it in Runescape or WoW, MTG, and shit like that.

>> No.15649268

I feel sad for him, he wanted to revive ancient traditions but he only ended up non-directly inspiring a shallow consumerist culture that shits all over those traditions and doesn’t thank them for it

>> No.15649277

Don’t worry there are those who can appreciate Tolkien and the ancient works AND not be retarded consumers.

>> No.15649285

He's probably the most ripped off author of the last century. And so much of what followed was fucking cringe.

>> No.15650274

Didn't Tolkien himself steal from the Finns?

>> No.15650476
File: 884 KB, 1000x562, j-rr-tolkein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else think that the fact that so many modern fantasy authors are hardcore atheists is part of the problem with modern fantasy?

I feel like if you want to properly write fantastical literature, with magic and strangeness and powerful spiritual forces, you need to be somewhat spiritual yourself. Tolkien, of course, was a devout Catholic and had a really powerful love of the Divine. But I feel like just SOME spiritual sense, ANY spiritual sense, is what you need to write really good fantasy, because you need to be able to properly conceptualize something above and beyond the material. That's what makes for really good magic. Ursula K. LeGuin was deeply interested in Taoism and Buddhism, and Gene Wolfe was a Catholic convert, and both of them wrote really good fantasy, too.

Whereas it seems like so many modern fantasy writers are just dull materialists with no transcendent idea of reality, and their fantasy suffers as result. They don't have a grasp of the mysticism that would necessarily suffuse any world where magic was real, where gods and fairies and spirits and other such things are real.

>> No.15650485


>> No.15650654

He was heavily inspired by the Kalevala.

>> No.15650976
File: 12 KB, 265x400, Fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pretty dumb take, anon, ngl
The problem is that any fantasy writer who is not an American writing about fireballs and dragons and shit gets called "Magical realism". And god forbid if they occasionally write non-genre stuff. Surely, you must ONLY write genre fiction to be a genre author...

>> No.15650983

Christ, what kind of ultra-shit-tier genre books have you been reading?

>> No.15651133
File: 628 KB, 1032x1566, DungeonsDragons0cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually most modern fantasy authors take from Wheel of Time and other books that took from LotR, but they don't really take from LotR directly.
Hit the nail on the head, The Wheel of Time and Dragonlance were very influential (for better and for worse) and sold like gangbusters.

>Also, don't underestimate the influence of video games and tabletop games on nerds.
I'm kinda amazed at the longevity and influence that Dungeons & Dragons continues to have on fantasy, but considering how mainstream nerd culture has gotten maybe I shouldn't be so surprised.

>> No.15651285

Your take is way dumber than his. Yours is barely even a take.

>> No.15651292

lotr and dune inspired by lsd or mushrooms.

>> No.15651304

Of course it is not a take, it is the trivial truth

>> No.15652090

That always happens in these sub genres, it happened to science fiction, it happened to anime, it happened to historical fiction, and it'll happen to whatever comes next.

>> No.15652198


t Finnish Heritage Agency

>> No.15652242

because that's how contemporary fantasy works.
first-second wave get their ideas from classics, new wave got their ideas from the first wave and other literary fiction, contemporary fantasy got their ideas from the outcomes of those waves and products of those waves such as video games, comics, tv shows, etc. they have no link with literature, they are for an audience which hears/sees not reads.

>> No.15652244

Religious can't write non manichean stories for shit. They are litteraly garbage tier writer and Tolkien is the living proof of it.
You can have the best, most detailed universe on your hand if you can't write characters with nuanced personnalities and ambitions you're forever kiddy author material

>> No.15652261

SanderHACK is a Mormon. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.15652280

How? The mormon holy books are literally entry-level highschool science fiction; not exactly high mysticism.

>> No.15652312

what about mystic underpants?

>> No.15652578

Ever read Tolstoy?

>> No.15652685

russians are based so it doesn't count

>> No.15652814

Someone hasn't read Brideshead Revisited

>> No.15653700

Can this be a pseudo sffg? I finished LotR a few months again and frankly I'm too scared to start new fantasy because I won't be as awed. I had the mignon and I don't want to go back to the McDouble .-t American