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15648792 No.15648792 [Reply] [Original]

How come white people are the most racist race on earth and the most virtue signalling race on earth at the same time? Why can't they just be normal for once?

>> No.15648804

How come Jewish people are the most racist race on earth and the most virtue signalling race on earth at the same time? Why can't they just be normal for once?

>> No.15648815

Fuck off retard

>> No.15648824

Fuck off jew

>> No.15648858

white people are no more racist than other peoples in power and the belief in a specialness to "whiteness" is unbearably close-minded western-centrism.

having a black person tell me that only white people can be racist in a world where the chinese put uighurs in re-education camps, or where the indian government is attempting to deny citizenship to its muslim minorities, or where the japanese still do not accept korean families that have resided in japan for more than a hundred years, or where the malaysian government literally has a special citizenship class (bumiputra) for ethnic malays (~69% of malaysia) where they have access to special rights over the chinese and indian minorities, is INFURIATINGLY western-centric.

>> No.15648917

attributing special powers to white people (by saying shit like "only white people can be racist) is basically borderline white supremacy, as it implies that white people are somehow beyond the realm of other races (kind of like how antisemites accidentally attribute magical powers to the jews).

by accepting that any race or group can be racist you demystify racism (in-group preference and out-group dislike) as simply another cruelty of people in power.

>> No.15648938 [DELETED] 


this books seems to be a rehashing of frances cressing welsing's ideas

that's where all this white fragility bullshit comes from

>> No.15648945

Racism towards Jews isn't technically racism. It is good-will.

>> No.15648957

I prefer the term 'self-defensive counter-semitism'

>> No.15649182


>> No.15649198

How many threads about this stupid book are you morons going to make? Go bait /pol/ , this is not an interesting or even remotely productive conversation. It's shit-tier bait.

>> No.15649220

That's anti-Semitism. I'm calling the police.

>> No.15649275

How come Japanese people are the most racist race on earth and the most virtue signalling race on earth at the same time? Why can't they just be normal for once?