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/lit/ - Literature

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15648468 No.15648468 [Reply] [Original]

The Irish race possesses the greatest literary talent of mankind. All else is cope.

>> No.15648482
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I did not care for Ulysses.

>> No.15648484

Not really. It's because you have such a small grasp on what constitutes as literature that you aim to venerate works that have been appraised by people far greater than you.

>> No.15648489

Anglos invented gayness

>> No.15648527
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Cú Chulainn is peak of lit

>> No.15648577

irish aren't anglos

>> No.15648587

I know.

>> No.15648601

The two guiding forces of history are the gayness of the anglos and the culture of the Irish.

>> No.15648617

Irish Americans, included.
mitts like Faulkner
don’t deny Faulkner was Irish, look at how he drank, lads
so many

>> No.15648622

>13th generation American
>Ancestors were Irish indentured servants on the Mayflower
>nobody takes my ancestry seriously
>I'm just "white"
Time to write a book about taking a walk around town before killing myself I guess.

>> No.15648638
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The Irish are not white.

>> No.15648655

>evolutionary materialism

>> No.15648701

Bulgarian reporting in

>> No.15648703

>Irish Americans, included
You are just white, mutt. Remember that the true Irishman has always been a strong supporter of the black and native struggle, so called Irish-americans like to forget this.

>> No.15648705
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The Irish are also good fighters by nature

>> No.15648738

The afro-american is only oppressed by the cultural destruction of liberal America, not racial hatred.

>> No.15648775

The race issues of the USA - which only make sense in the USA - are subverting the Irish consciousness. The African American is not our ally - most will never think of Ireland and none will fight for our cause.

>> No.15648802

Foreign media is corrupting the soul of the Irish nation, and every gombeen traitor in a position of power is happy to support it.

>> No.15648878

Americanised liberalism is a cancer that has come into Ireland in recent years. Pearse's work is a refutation of this desire to become foreign and universal.

>> No.15648928
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Anglos live in cope.

>> No.15648941

Rooney still won't send feet pics even if you lie

>> No.15648961

Every day we live in the shadow of those who gave their lives for Ireland. I wish I could be like him.

>> No.15648999

I’m glad you enjoy them
They’re very good, and I know the taste for their writing
Finnegans Wake
Had to be Irishman to come up with that

>> No.15649172

they probably all are desu
"celtic" people are no longer real

>> No.15649212

The Irish are ethnically and culturally distinct from Anglos

>> No.15649225


>> No.15649243

>The perfidious Anglo is the source of almost all >gayness in the world today.

>> No.15649335

The Irish nation is the greatest in existence. It has superior music, literature, and history.

>> No.15649381

read the greeks

>> No.15649409

Read Pearse

>> No.15649699

That was a retarded thing to type

>> No.15649707


>> No.15649749


>> No.15649765

I know this is rare for an American but I’m 100% Dutch. My grandparents are fluent. Is there anything cool about my culture or is it just a product of enlightenment era nationalism?

>> No.15649768
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>> No.15649781

not really. you're a meme culture, distinct from anglos as leafs are a distinct culture form burgers, which is to say the only distinctions are superficial.

>> No.15649785

I know a sound Catholic Dutch guy.

>> No.15649788

because micks are the niggers of europe

>> No.15649801

Us Irish and Poles are the non whites of Europe

>> No.15649805

faulkner was only a good writer with the qualification "for burger literature." what a faggot he was too.

>> No.15649817

My gg grandfather was one of the first Dutch reformed ministers in The US, kind of cool from a theological perspective.