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1564827 No.1564827 [Reply] [Original]

How do YOU interpret this poem?

a knack for drama
a nick for nothing
a dime for daises
a dozen for nothing

>> No.1564848

poetry is hollow and pointless.

>> No.1564851

that anything with subtance is not valued

>> No.1564853

It makes me think of an Asian woman in a white dress with hair blowing in her face.

>> No.1564858

The author is obsessed with zero-sum systems, and believe that they apply to more than limited-resource systems but even to some sort of pre-life distribution of characteristics such as one's situation in life.

Also, the author is having a hard time with another person who tends to draw attention to themselves, and the author would like to say that the drawing of attention to oneself is pointless, that there is no self to draw attention toward if there is that much effort put into drawing attention. If one just does what is moderate, then there will be rewards, but too much effort just kills personality.

Then again, I like
's explanation as well. Poetry itself is mostly what a given reader reads into it anyway.

>> No.1564880

Ah, made me think of the phrase "hollow and pointless" in a different light. If something is hollow then it has a volume to be filled, thus anyone can use something that is hollow for his/her own means, thus the love of poetry by many, for it's ability to apply itself to an unending array of situations, and much like almost everything these days. Movies, books, music; so much popular art today lacks any real conviction or opinion, and thus is easy to be taken advantage of by the mass to perpetuate their own selfish ideals with no basis for contradiction. Interesting.

>> No.1564892

Performers are mere knickknacks, and they come a dime a dozen. They are worthless. They deem themselves to be kings and queens and they pay their way into their thrown.
They are hollow, just like their own throne rooms.
Nobody is watching because the room is empty. Their words echo throughout the room.

The throne room is their theatre, and their dais their stage.

It could also be a metaphor for what is in a performer's head.

>> No.1564896

The progression of an actor's life. Hinges on interpreting drama as literal in a kind of arbitrary way

>a knack for drama
introduction to the speaker
>a nick for nothing
nick is slang for nickname, person gets a stage name, possibily friends.
>a dime for daises
The actor is preforming professionaly, but his sucess he moderate. He receives daises and not roses. Also a sort of death. Flowers for the dead. He's reached the height of his potential.
>a dozen for nothing
a dozen daises get you nothing. He's preformed dozens of times. He can't earn the typical dozen roses.
The speaker has realized that he's got his lot, and now it's what he's going to do. Also has "no voice." His talent isn't genius. He's just following in the trail of narcissus.

This poem is admittedly ambiguous enough that you might plug a number of things into it. This is why we consider very few short poems great, and those short poems we consider great we usually have contextual information informing it.

I like it though.

>> No.1564920

I wrote it.
So you like it?

I'm enjoying all of your interpretations immensely.
As of now it is nameless, which I feel is appropriate. All of your interpretations are valid.

I'm happy to see the word "daises" getting interpreted for two different meanings. Both of them are correct.

Anything that you would do to improve it?

>> No.1564929

It is meaningless and contrived OC disguised as actual poetry.

Read some Larkin and get back to us, OP.

>> No.1564937

Some crap about being forever alone because your over dramatic, have a lame nickname, buy cheap daisies and expect chicks to like them, and have an empty life that echos back at you every time you look out at the world, showing you how awesome your life could be, and the intense pressure of it crushes you like a dozen daisies, as in it's a perceived crushing that has no basis in reality, and therefore generate pity from those around you, causing the echo to become more and more pronounced because of the ever expanding emptiness.

>> No.1564946

>All of your interpretations are valid.

>> No.1564954

Valid ≠ correct.

>> No.1564969

I like it.

that's all.