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15645916 No.15645916 [Reply] [Original]

>Alaskan National Guard removes ‘Into the Wild’ bus from remote location that lured thrillseekers to their deaths

> After multiple search and rescue missions to save thrillseekers from the Alaskan wilderness over the years, the state National Guard removed a 1940s bus, featured in the 2007 film ‘Into the Wild,’ using a Chinook helicopter.

>In a joint mission between the Department of Natural Resources and the National Guard, soldiers flew to the remote location 25 miles west of the Parks Highway on Stampede Trail on Thursday, retrieving the world-famous vehicle known to some as “Bus 142,” or the “Magic Bus.” The vehicle was reportedly hauled to the trail about 60 years ago by a road crew.

>> No.15646129
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>> No.15646257

by /out/ accounts the guy was a naive retard, that bus was doing a good job of killing off him and his ilk

>> No.15646330

This is correct. He gets the folk hero worship because MUH PRINCIPLES but he was an actual retard.

>> No.15646378
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This guy was full of Nietzschean spirit.
Only wageslave bootlicking pussy faggots who are afraid to face their death hate this guy.

>> No.15646388

/out/ is full of retards though

>> No.15646420
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>/out/ is full of retards though

>> No.15646444

that image clearly explains he is a weeb and saw someone posting about campfires on /a/ you big gay retard

>> No.15646470

What is it with /a/ and burning shit?

>> No.15646643

He was a fucking retard but the way in which his retardation manifested itself was based. Shame the bus got moved, it's like toppling a monument

>> No.15648118


>> No.15648147

>it's like toppling a monument
That's all the rage these days.

>> No.15648224

incredible. would love to see what tutorial he read.

>> No.15648628


/out/ is filled with people who don't actually go out, like /lit/ is filled with people who don't actually read.

>> No.15649433

The guy was darwin award winner. spirit don't mean shit if you die like little faggot. That books that builds him up is only fit for ass wiping by /out/ anons when they got camping.

>> No.15649516

This. MUH MANUFACTURED-BY-MARKETS FEELS is no good if you're not actually serious about it and take it beyond its shallow, manufacturedness into legit skills, experience, and character.

>> No.15649570

here come all the armchair outdoorsmen to tell us what he did wrong

>> No.15649592

this. people should be encouraged to follow in his footsteps.

>> No.15651013

he literally just left society and slowly starved to death

he didn't even bring a map ffs

>> No.15651091

He would have been find had it not turned out that wild potato seeds he collected were poisonous. He started supplementing his diet with them, and they caused him to weaken and die by destroying his neurons and rendering him paralyzed.

Thing is, at the time, they were considered edible. Turns out that in small amounts they are, but in large amounts they are poisonous, and especially so when ingested by young men in calorie deficits who are physically active. And yes, those specific things are actually risk factors.

>> No.15651102

>kills moose
>ruins the meat

>> No.15651197
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Hiking alone is degenerate. Man is a social animal, you confront and conquer the wild as a mannerbund, not an atom.

>> No.15651219
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Has anyone here actually bothered to read the Anchor Edition with a new Afterword by Krakauer from 2015?

The mystery of McCandless' death has now been resolved for 5 years. He ate the seeds of Hedysarum alpinum, which lead to paralysis of his legs and general poisoning. In the ethnobotanic publications he obtained at the University of Alaska prior to his death, this plant was mistakenly declared to not be poisonous. So basically him picking up a faulty source was the key problem leading to his death.

The only really ignorant thing he did was not bringing along a map and see that the crossing of the river was only a few hundred meters away from the bus.

Still, it's probably one of the best books I've ever read. It is like a report on what idealistic and socially outcast young men looked like before vidya and the chans. I'm reluctant to call him an incel, especially because he was not socially unpopular or something, but the deep failure to understand the dynamics of modern society led him to do what he did. He might have made mistakes, but I respect him and Krakauer deeply.

My English teacher hated the book when I took it on the reading list for my finals. This book is a thorn in the eye of people who don't actually care about young male world views.

>> No.15651244

iktf anon

>> No.15651337

They never grew out of watching cartoons & playing with matches.

>> No.15651461

>So basically him picking up a faulty source was the key problem leading to his death.
His fault was sustaining himself on the limited supply of some fucking seeds.

>> No.15651500

Read the book. He didn’t bring a map because he wanted to escape from society entirely. He wanted the terra to be incognita

>> No.15651537

> eating potato seeds
Holy cow, are you people for real?

Kids these days, ayy lmao.

> Thing is, at the time, they were considered edible.

The potato plant is from the nightshade family and is poisonous, anon.

>> No.15651622


>> No.15651630

>Hiking alone is degenerate
Wrong, it's one of the most soulful things you can do.

>you confront and conquer
lmao you aren't conquering shit

>> No.15652876

What's stopping hikers from still going to the bus spot anyway? The bus might not be there but it probably won't discourage people from attempting to go to the spot.

>> No.15652967

Wild potato in Alaska are not nightshades, they are legumes. The name is a consequence of them also having edible roots. The wild potato in this case was called such because it had edible roots, not because it was a direct ancestor of cultivated ones.

>> No.15653009
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>> No.15653056
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>> No.15653070

what is this supposed "nietzschean spirit"?

>> No.15653084

McCandless threads are guaranteed to be filled with miserable bucket crabs.

>> No.15653087

cringy he-man larper

>> No.15653094

based, he put his money where his mouth is and died alone and in agony on his own terms. le darwin award. how else was he gonna go out, fighting sephiroth or something? fucking nerds man

>> No.15653114

The courage to stand alone.
Rejection of existing values and creation of your own values. Then living and dying by those values.

>> No.15653130
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Can they at least put it in a display or a museum? I sympathize with search and rescue having to waste their time saving dumb asses who get stuck trying to find this thing

>> No.15653142
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ever seen McCandless threads on /out/? never seen so many butthurt bucket crab niggers in my life. why does he make cattle seethe?

lol welcome to nature, I think he knew that was in the cards breh

>> No.15653144

You go into the wild to chop down plantlife and kill animals you pathetic mental peasants. Sodomise yourselves with a tree branch at home.

>> No.15653149

beautiful photo anon. this frightens the consumerist normie cattle

>> No.15653156

>switching your brain off is brave
Pathetic, go be a braindead animal.

>> No.15653163

>me man me kill things *farts*
cringe baby brainlet

>> No.15653165

Ah , yes, the values of being ignorant and unpracticed in outdoorsmanship.

>> No.15653174
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Man is an ape who kills.
You are just an ape.

>> No.15653197
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we're at the point where americans actually want to be retarded shit-eating chimps, and proud of it

>> No.15653209
File: 163 KB, 1080x1055, Screenshot_20200609-233651_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy died the same day I was born. Obviously this means nothing. But I can't feel like it means something.

>> No.15653211


Pretty much this
Just think about the fact that there's plenty of animals living out there right now that could easily outperform any human in any physical test
And yet they die all the time in unceremonious easily preventable ways
Nature is indiscriminate, unpredictable, and brutally efficient
Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you

>> No.15653284

Exactly, it makes no sense to me. he didn't suffocate in the mcdonald's ball pit, he starved out there in the Ground. it's nature.

>nooo he didn't have an epic final boss battle
Like dog what is this shit? handing out Darwin awards in Alaska? come on

>> No.15653285

> why yes a retard ignoring this natural gift of intelligence by not learning the most basic survival skills is truly what nature is about.
For fucks sake why are people like this? why do you fetishise stupidity?

>> No.15653294

>nooo he should have read the prerequisites in this chart then hit up the camping subreddit, I hear their FAQ is really good

>> No.15653305

This pic would be better if the dude was muscular.

>> No.15653308

>For fucks sake why are people like this? why do you fetishise stupidity?
Because they're insulated, so they lionize a caricature of independence and daring. This is why pure academics make bad leaders as well.

>> No.15653331

there's nothing more daring than striking out on your own and learning as you go, especially if you accept the risks. what can any of you say? nooo, you might die? Yes.

>> No.15653337
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That pic isn’t mine unfortunately, but there are some really nice spots near me where I can get a clear sky and see the Milky Way (pic rel). I don’t have professional camera equipment and I can never get the right exposure settings on my phone. I don’t understand how people can live in big cities where you can’t drive 10 minutes outside of town to see the stars, seems depressing to me

>> No.15653346

> yes I, do not believe in the gathering of knowledge as a means of improving oneself.
> one should always trow himself into situations he is unprepared for before learning how to deal with them.
> why read books? experience life as nature intended. Without the crutches of literature and other people's knowledge to aid you.
Yes I will go out to the nearest rives and jump into it's currents before learning how to swim THAT IS HOW NATURE MADE HUMANS IS IT NOT?

>> No.15653358

>there's nothing more daring than striking out on your own and learning as you go,
nobody with half a brain does this, animals don't do this, they are fed and taught by their parents to hunt fight and several other skills before going out on their own.
He was stupid and you are stupid for worshiping his stupidity.

>> No.15653373

>especially if you accept the risks
The man was not competent enough to even understand the risks. What he did was like trying to learn gymnastics in front of an oncoming train. If you think this is admirable behavior I fully encourage you to follow his example.
> learning as you go
requires a foundation of skills to springboard off of, skills which he did not have. Lacking a solid base will mean you just eat shit and die, which he did.

>> No.15653379

Same difference except /out/ will also go "if you BOIL da WATER for FIVETEEN HOURS it's all fine bro". You'll get better advice on /diy/ but mostly because me and a couple of other anons who post on there did/do WASH stuff.

>> No.15653384

I've talked with people who have admitted to me they've never seen a full sky of stars before. Unimaginable.

>Yes I will go out to the nearest rives and jump into it's currents before learning how to swim THAT IS HOW NATURE MADE HUMANS IS IT NOT?
yeah retard is it not? it stands to reason the first swimmer learned in a trial by fire, while you sit here and suck on the teat of knowledge provided by men who took greater risks than you.

>h-he should have listened to more ted talks
the sheep goes baaaa

>> No.15653394

They are just basement dwelling loud pussy faggots

Every day tons of people die from diseases, accidents, suicide, climate catastrophes, homicide etc. People live their whole lives procrastinating their goals and dreams then die regretting for not doing anything. Who gives a shit right?

I don't care how naive he was, he knew that he might die but the guy still had the determination to go ahead, live and die by his values.
I am sure most of the young men dream about being Nietzschean or Van Gogh or Kafka but how many people have the courage and determination?
His story inspired countless people from all around the world to reconnect with nature and invoked a rebellious spark in a pessimistic society.
I have a lot respect for this man.

>> No.15653395

Sorry dude, are you living his life for him or something? if he starves, do you starve?

>> No.15653409
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Let's pretend his passion was Nascar driving...

Christopher McCandless sets off, from California in an old car he rebuilt himself (he replaced the fenders and painted it), on a trip to the Daytona 500. He only gets across the state line when he runs out of fuel because he forgot to fill it up. Instead of simply walking to the nearest gas station or flagging down help he decides to push his car over an embankment and set it on fire. He then proceeds to walk on foot to the nearest car lot (which happens to be in Mexico for some reason, mostly because he burned up his map in the car and he's been taking backroads.) He finds an old bicycle in a garbage dump and uses that.

He finally gets to the car lot and buys a fixer-upper for $50. Before leaving the car lot he has to change a tire, which he replaces with the solid rubber donut. He buys fuel and heads off to the Daytona 500 again. Only he's heading deeper into Mexico and eventually ends up broken down in front of, "Autodromo Internacional de la Jolla" due to no water in the radiator. The engine block has seized up. Luckily, there's a race about to start. Christopher...er "Alexander Superspeeder", who changed his name, pays the $125 entry fee for the race.

Unfortunately, Alexander Superspeeder doesn't have a race car. He does however have an old bicycle still. He uses the bicycle to race. He makes it only 3 laps before he is too tired to steer straight and veers off into a race car and is killed.

Some Jew picks up his story and writes a book about his life and how he followed his dreams. Another Jew makes a movie about it. Armchair racers around the world adore him.

The End.

>> No.15653415

>it stands to reason the first swimmer learned in a trial by fire
No it fucking doesn't. More likely was a gradual accumulation of knowledge started by wading in the shallows.

>> No.15653423

God you're all such fucking scared little pussies.

>> No.15653435

>h-he should have listened to more ted talks
the sheep goes baaaa
not an argument as someone who like the outdoor having the bare minimum info before you go out is paramount not only so you keep yourself safe but also do not damage the local fauna or flora. If you wanna go on and kill yourself go on but do so in your house so that the shitty van you leave outside has no risk of damaging the local wildlife.

>> No.15653444

>it stands to reason the first swimmer learned in a trial by fire
>More likely was a gradual accumulation of knowledge started by wading in the shallows.
Have you shits never been swimming? People will naturally doggy paddle, it's just not very efficient. Pretty much all mammals have that as an automatic and innate reaction to being in water.

>> No.15653447

>if he starves, do you starve?
No, but it does mean I'm subject to the inane ramblings and uninformed opinions of his admirers, spouting advice which will send naive men to grizzly deaths for want of basic experience.

>> No.15653448

Let's pretend someone made a movie about your life.

Age 18: anon spent roughly 3000 hours on the internet
Age 19: anon spent roughly 3000 hours on the internet
Age 20: anon spent roughly 3000 hours on the internet
Age 21: anon spent roughly 3000 hours on the internet
Age 22: anon spent roughly 3000 hours on the internet
Age 23: anon spent roughly 3000 hours on the internet

>> No.15653456

he knew this, accepted the risks, and didn't care. what the fuck are you honestly gonna do about it?

>> No.15653457

Quite the opposite. I have confidence in my skills since I've fucking practiced them.

>> No.15653460

>yeah retard is it not? it stands to reason the first swimmer learned in a trial by fire
NO YOU MORON, for fucks sake that is not how humans gather knowledge you don't just out alone and go on eating wild berries and forget about it.
You have a tribe in which someone decides to try something new, like a fruit, and only a little piece, while the rest look on so that if he suffers damage the rest do not.
Animals do the same, they don't just approach new things willy nearly they do so carefully and methodically. Your idol has an Intellect below those of most other mammals.

>> No.15653476

I wonder how many of these seething wagecucks would have these sentiments during their last moments

>> No.15653481

How do we turn this into compelling literature?

>> No.15653482

>he knew this, accepted the risks, and didn't care
As does someone jumping from a ten story building. If he tried to kill himself fine, if not he is just a retard.
>what the fuck are you honestly gonna do about it?
Nothing the retard killed himself, I suggest you do the same. Go on, follow your guru.

>> No.15653491

>says a man posting on 4 chan.

>> No.15653494

Yeah, McCandless ate the berry, you're watching from the sidelines with your dick in your hand. someone had to take the plunge. he accepted he'd probably get dashed on the ground, and he did. death is death. it's coming for you, nigger, wise up.

>> No.15653498

>what the fuck are you honestly gonna do about it?
Continue living which is more than he can.

You do a series of tests that involve rubbing it on your skin, lips, tongue, mouth etc and waiting before eating it, or you see another animal like a mouse eat the same thing.

>> No.15653503

>I exist so I'm winning!

>> No.15653504

>if he starves, do you starve?
No, I didn't starved. After his inspiration when I camped on the mountain peak alone(which I wanted to do for a long time) for the first time I was a scared shitless the whole night. But when I saw sunrise in the morning, it was one the greatest moment of my life. And I paid my respects to this man for inspiring me.

>> No.15653510

Based, this makes the nerve-stapled wagecuck seethe.

>> No.15653573

he ate the beryy that someone else died eating because he was too stupid to listen to the villages warnings. He should indeed have wizened up.

>> No.15653578

yes he died an easily avoidable death in nature. so?

>> No.15653587

Lots of seething wagies ITT. Enjoy your life of tedium and slavery. He undoubtedly had a more fulfilling life than any of you sacks of shit

>> No.15653588

Yeah I was pekingese as if though you already saw some other animal eat it because I had it as a given. it before. In order to be safe you should avoid rubbing anything that shows no sing of being eaten unless you are in very perilous circumstances... only then you start with he skin tests.

>> No.15653597

So he is a retard. And anyone who idolizes him is also a retard. Notihng else.

>> No.15653601


>> No.15653606

Based and Stirnerpilled

>> No.15653619

This level of projection is baffling. If you wanna go out go out nothing is stopping you. Just try and be safe while not acting as a retard, also don't litter like the moron.

>> No.15653621

ok wagie, go mow the lawn already you only have one more day off

>> No.15653635

Subhuman with slavecucks like you don't know the taste of romantic seduction of Nietzschean spirit.
McCandless is a hero.

>> No.15653639

Yup, exactly this.

>> No.15653645

He an heroed, that is about as heroically as he got.

>> No.15653710

Bugmen like you don't know the taste of beautiful death seduction of Yukio spirit.

>> No.15653771

Based. You see the same rhetoric in Mishima threads, too. It's programmed.

>> No.15653870

I am glad to know that I share this board with bros like you.

>> No.15654415

Chronic masturbation.

>> No.15654428

Me too, bud.

>> No.15654438
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/out/ is also full of titcows

>> No.15654518


>> No.15655145


>> No.15655159

Damn and here we are talkin about the legend. You'll die with you, chief

>> No.15656027

Fat attentionwhore