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15645404 No.15645404 [Reply] [Original]

What do I need to read in order to rid my self of sexual morality?

It's having a huge impact on my love life as I find high amounts of sexuality disgusting and morally reprehensible

I don't want to rid my self of all morals just the sexual parts

>> No.15645459

have you tried a chastity cage

>> No.15645466


>> No.15645468

Maybe if you give yourself another fetish it might take over the current one and you wouldn’t just end up having more fetishes

>> No.15645494

you need to experiment outside you comfort zone and push the boundries. You won't get there with magic

>> No.15645499


Wow thanks guys I just needed some help. I'm about have sex with a girl next week who is highly sexual and it's turning me off her.

>> No.15645501

hold onto your sexual morality don't be such a little coomer bitch

>> No.15645514

You know it's the wrong thing to do, trust your instincts. Whores are repulsive for a reason.

>> No.15645519

The enlightenment was a mistake

>> No.15645522

If I were about to have sex with a woman who's hornier than me, I would just tell her I can't keep up

>> No.15645526

crime and punishment, hopefully you'll figure out why what you want is impossible

>> No.15645527

But I live in 21st century Europe. I'm a moral dinosaur I don't belong here and it's having an impact on me getting relationships because 90% of people have at loads of explicit sexual activity so I need to get over it for lasting relationships

>> No.15645528

How do you schedule a sex
You put it in your calendar?
Your receptionist makes a sex appointment for you?

>> No.15645545

>90% of people have at loads of explicit sexual activity
>lasting relationships
pick one

>> No.15645553

It's called lockdown easing. We have been talking via Video chat for a while so we already know each other and talked about it so I doubt its not gonna happen when we meet up at her house

She also said she finds it difficult to orgasm which is now adding insecurity's to the situation as well

>> No.15645636

>abandoning your principles for pussy
C’mon man

>> No.15645700

>She also said she finds it difficult to orgasm which is now adding insecurity
Ahhh to be 20 again. What a joke

>> No.15645773

nietzshce, sade, gide, bataille

>> No.15645893


>> No.15646101

Just watch more disgusting porn, your sense of morality will fade soon enough.

>> No.15646428

A chastity cage is unironically a legit thing. It got claimed by sissy boys but used to be used for religious purposes

>> No.15646454

>I don't want to rid my self of all morals just the sexual parts
Hey guess what's going to happen to the rest of your "morals" when you get rid of the "sexual parts".

>> No.15646469

she's saying it's difficult to orgasm because the loser dudes she's fucked before haven't been able to do it so she doesn't want you to feel bad if you don't

>> No.15646478

send her my way white boy. My BSC (big spic cock) will satisfy her lust

>> No.15646504


>> No.15646535

I'm sorry man but sex is banal as fuck. If you're Christian it simply doesn't compare to eternity. I don't know why your so caught up in what "90%" of people do, but you should reexamine your motivations. Is the only reason you even determined this "dinosaur" mortality because you were looking for good boy points from mommy and daddy? Why is your self esteem so low that you need to fuck a whore you're not into in hopes of getting a relationship?

>> No.15646541

Morality not mortality

>> No.15646552

I'm similar to OP, I have zero interest in intercourse, been with my gf 6+ years and never done it, besides, how could it be better than oral?

>> No.15646575

A relationship is just as banal as sex if you put it this way.

>> No.15646579

Because your gonads were evolved for each other, prude. The penis fits in vagina like hand in glove. It's nature's opium. If you engage in oral sex but not pnv you aren't prudent or moral, just stupid.

>> No.15646589

A relationship established just to have a relationship, sure. The point is you should start relationships with people who you respect and believe you could continue to build connections with.

>> No.15646656

Nietzsche, Freud, Stirner.

>> No.15646659

>She also said she finds it difficult to orgasm
Clever, she's already making sure you bring your A game. I like this girl, anon. I hope you fuck her well.

>> No.15646755

Again, I don't want to lose ALL morality

>> No.15646767

You won't, you dumb bitch. Goddamn.

>> No.15647633

If you would rather stick your dick in a womans chooch than in her mouth you are absolutely a pleb. Imagine even the possibility of the woman deriving any sexual pleasure out of the act, I feel disgusted just thinking about it

>> No.15647759

>sodomy is better than actual sex
how does it feel to be a spiritual faggot?

>> No.15647779

>falling for the sodomy meme
The higher forms of sexual gratification aren't for the common rabble, you wouldn't understand

>> No.15648007

I'm struggling to do literally the opposite.

>> No.15648027

The common rabble are the ones who partake on sodomy.

>> No.15648088

sexuality is part of the same social structure as morality. your sense of justice and right and wrong developed in order for you to feel guilt when you commit acts like incest and rape and other social taboos so that you fit in with your in group. I'm not saying you should do those things and you don't have to renounce morality, but when you see this you won't take it as seriously and you will be more free.

>> No.15648262

You're in a good place. Don't change. Come back to God.

>> No.15648295

By the question I can guess you’re either a virgin or had less than 5 sexual partners.
You shouldn’t force yourself into modern sexual culture if that’s not your thing.
Sex is to be enjoyed on whatever way you get off, with enough temperance to not be addicted to it. As long as you’re not putting the pussy on a pedestal or, on the other side of the spectrum, hating woman because you can’t get pussy you’ll be fine.
Be confident of your own body and have fun in a healthy way.

>> No.15648570

Platonism. Symposium, Phaedrus, and Plotinus On Beauty (Ennead I.6). Sensual eros is a moral good because it is a desiring for beauty, which is a desiring for God, who is beauty-in-itself.

>> No.15648660


>> No.15649209

Sex is only good when creation is involved because it means a love so strong it's capable of creating another loved being. Sex without creation serves only to fulfill selfish pleasure, objectifying another human and bringing death in the process, therefore it's evil.
It's not the mean itself which is good or bad, but the purpose on which said mean is used. The fire that makes gold shine is the same that burns the straw.

>> No.15649301

Eros begins well before sex and extends well beyond it. All eros is a desire for beauty. To experience eros in others is to experience them as possessing an aspect of God, beauty, to experience them as theophany and imago dei by virtue of their beauty which is co-identical to God.

>> No.15649340
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>> No.15649352

Does that imply recreational sex or sodomy?

>> No.15649353

"Connections" are also banal compared to eternity.

>> No.15649724

It's not an argument about why those things are right or wrong, but about the foundation and purpose of eros. Any moral analysis of an erotic act must start with the premise that eros is good and its purpose is divine beauty.

>> No.15649803

Have sex as much or as little with your partner as you and she both like. Don't sleep around behind her back. Sex is just an act of affection. There's nothing morally wrong with it. That's like saying
>hurr i have a moral issue with my girlfriend, she likes to hug too much
The immorality that surrounds sex is completely and fully the deception and manipulation often involved with it. No deception, no manipulation, no problem.
I know the "have sex" thing is a retarded meme but you have it and you see how little of a deal it is.

>> No.15649820

You're prioritizing the channel instead of the message. I'll give you an example. Love is a valid sentiment when it is directed to the sinner, not the sin. Hate is a valid sentiment when it is directed to the sin, not the sinner.

>> No.15649827

God holds the sinner in hated as Aquinas proved.

>> No.15649846

Can you say more about it?

>> No.15649852

Why should he listen to you? My BAC would fit that shit better.

>> No.15649858


Aquinas never proved anything, anon.

>> No.15650967

Prometheus rising or cuantum psycollogy

>> No.15651040

Sure but they make up more of your life than sex.

>> No.15651293

>she finds it difficult to orgasm
This is because the female orgasm is a myth, it's a just psy-op just to keep women in a constant state of dissatisfaction to produce hordes of consoomers.

>> No.15651319

sex also bounds you to your partner