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15644202 No.15644202 [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys recommend me books that are sort of weird/experimental?

I don't mean anything too deep or impenetrable, just something different that plays with structure or a genre's expectations in a clever way. Sort of like the literary equivalent of Blue Jam.

>> No.15644206

Read everything by Kafka. You might also like PKD if you haven't checked him out.

>> No.15644210

Der unsichtbare Apfel

>> No.15644227

O'Brien's "At Swim-Two-Birds"

>> No.15644246

Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five, if you haven’t read it already, I’d pretty mucin your description to a T.

>> No.15644279

Life: A User's Manual or any other book by Perec

>> No.15644280

The closest I've read to that is Star Maker by Olaf Stapleton. There's no conventional narrative, it's a guy's astral projection journey through the history of intelligent life in the universe (both past and future). It starts with conventional sci fi concepts and then gets more and more ambitious and crazy. His earlier book Last and First Men is similar but much smaller in scope, it "only" covers the future of humanity for the next few million years.

>> No.15644301 [DELETED] 


>> No.15644473

The Waves by Woolf

>> No.15644819


Try R.A.Lafferty. He wrote sci-fi short stories and often plays around in the way you suggest. Bonus: it's not much time wasted if you try one and don't like it.

Some good ones, off the top of my head:
>Slow Tuesday Night
>Nine Hundred Grandmothers
>Thieving Bear Planet
>Land of the Great Horses
>Continued On Next Rock
>Narrow Valley

>> No.15644828


Still in the sci-fi vein, you could also try The Star Diaries by Stanislav Lem. I got a bit fed-up with his cleverness after a while, but he's readable in small doses.

>> No.15645178

The crying of lot 49

>> No.15645324

Seiobo There Below
Texts For Nothing

>> No.15645761

Very very good book.