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15643918 No.15643918 [Reply] [Original]

>Yeah, it's big brain time.

Perhaps it will make my quarterlife crisis go away too.

>> No.15643923

How big is the lettering that there are 3 books of Plato that size? My Plato book is much smaller and has most of the dialogues.

>> No.15643942
File: 3.85 MB, 4016x3008, IMG_20200619_120317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty big.
It's a hungarian edition from 1984.

>> No.15643980

Why buy a set of books in a language you can’t even read

>> No.15643987

Maybe he can speak it and there’s just a bunch of crypto 160 IQ lurkers here

>> No.15644004

How old are you anon? 25?

>> No.15644013

Because that's my mother language, anon.

I bought it in hungarian because I don't speak greek and I hope the translation will be better due to the more complex nature of the language.

>> No.15644019

I will turn 24 this summer.

>> No.15644071

Wow, you're posting here from Europe? Hello from America!

>> No.15644074

what the fuck

>> No.15644377

Steiger Kornél fordításait jobban ajánlom

>> No.15644392

^persze nem rossz az a kiadás sem, amit te vettél, de Steiger profánabb nyelvet használ.

>> No.15644408


>> No.15644426

Hát, nekem könnyebben átjött.

>> No.15644434


>> No.15644444

who is platon? tried googling him and it just gives me plato

>> No.15644466
File: 20 KB, 520x390, checked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed digits

>> No.15644529

I feel like there really doesn't need to be three books that size to cover all of plato's dialogues.

>> No.15644612


>> No.15644651

Köszönöm a tippet! Van néhány dialógus, amit ő fordított ebben a kiadásban is. Te melyikre gondolsz pontosan? Szívesen beleolvasnék.

>> No.15644659

Platón is Plato in hungarian

>> No.15644670

I agree, but that's the only edition I found.
Plus I can pseud better with huge books on my shelf.

>> No.15644677

Hello to you too! :)
Feels weird to see such positivity on this site.

>> No.15645006


>> No.15645049

It's because the English traditionally used the Latin versions of Greek names. In the original Greek it's Πλάτων (Platon); in Latin "Plato".

>> No.15645093

I own two books of Plato. "Essential Dialogues of Plato" I bought from Barnes and Noble a few years ago and it is only a handful of dialogues but just as big as the books in the OP. It has a ton of footnotes though.