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15641573 No.15641573 [Reply] [Original]

What purpose is there in living?

>> No.15641578

It's an issue of aesthetics, I'd imagine.

>> No.15641588

live laugh love

>> No.15641590

Fpbp This 100 percent.

GLade it was this instead if the surfacelevel “you make your own purpose” shit. Not that its not necissarily true, but it doesnt get to the crux of the question.

>> No.15641618

Religionists will tell you that life is all about being part of some totalitarian cult, and ideologues will tell you it’s all about subscribing to the meme ideology of the week. I personally believe life is all about having a nice diversity of experiences, so good times tied to bad time. Not very groundbreaking stuff, but there you have it

>> No.15641621

>you make your own purpose
There's unironically nothing wrong with this.

>> No.15641643
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Look at birds, appreciate nature, connect with nature, listen to nature. All good.

>> No.15641647

Making things is all there is. The only god is Techne. It’s all we can serve.

>> No.15641650

This thread is alright so far.

>> No.15641652

The crux of the question is the purpose of living. If someone said to make your own purpose, that gets to the crux of the question. However, it is tautological, i.e. purpose is purpose.

>> No.15641656


>> No.15641658
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>> No.15641662

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

>> No.15641801

The only people who enjoy living are those ones who truly like themselves