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15640025 No.15640025 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know any good non-fiction books on organized crime?

>> No.15640097

Five Families

>> No.15640112

Anyone know how to join an organized crime operation if you are not an ethnic minority?

>> No.15640133

I'm pretty sure they just stick to their own people

>> No.15640213


>> No.15640267

(1) Grow up in a bad neighborhood in a big city
(2) Have a crew to steal shit with
(3) Hope to fuck one of your crew knows some important
(4) Hope that someone important is willing to toss your crew some jobs
(5) Don't go to jail/get killed for long enough to do enough jobs well enough to maybe become trusted and important
Shit's harder than getting trad published by Penguin Random House.

>> No.15640358

Anyone here read any of TJ English's books about organised crime? I remember listening to that podcast he did with Joe Rogan and Joey Diaz and thinking he was alright, and I've had the one he has on the Cuban mafia in New York written down as something to maybe read at some point for ages now, so yeh his stuff actually any good lads?

>> No.15640386

Idk, but upon looking at a preview of said book it looks like a good read for someone into crime underworld stuff

>> No.15640432
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Read some Carroll Quigley

>> No.15640446


Sammy "the Bull" Gravano's book is good (can't recall the title offhand, but it was a bestseller). He's a smart guy with a clear head, and a clear understanding of what he was involved with.

He wrote the book some 20 years ago (may have written another one since then, I don't know, but his first one is the one I read). Here he is in a very recent, and pretty darn interesting, interview (interesting if you're interested in crime and mob stuff).


The Last Mafioso by Jimmy "the Weasel" Fratianno is another good non-fiction book by an ex-... well, mafioso. As I recall, he gets into greater detail than Gravano about his planning and execution of various murders -- I'm pretty jaded, but there's some chilling stuff in that book.

Both G and F were cold-blooded killers, but they were also quite smart, and, essentially, criminal entrepreneurs (which, if you've watched the Sopranos, you know is the extra edge that all successful mafia types have).

>> No.15640488

>Anyone know how to join an organized crime operation if you are not an ethnic minority?

Watch the first half-hour of Goodfellas, it's a tutorial on the subject.

>> No.15640589

thanks for sharing the video

>> No.15640645

Speaking from experience you wouldn't want to. I work at a restaurant in Canada where the local branch of an Italian clan frequent. The owner's cousin is in the business and it's a trusted place to talk.

Anyway, these guys are fucking dumb. In some ways it's all they can do. There has a also been a lot of killings lately, and even a bosses son who was not in the family business was killed to send a message. It was quite sad.

Judging by these guys it's not a great existence, but it's a mid tier Canadian city, so maybe it's better in other places.

As for joining, highly unlikely, what are you really bringing to the table? Money always is interesting to them, other than that, contract killing, but that road will lead you to a premature death most likely.

>> No.15640667
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Lmao, it really is. Besides that, shit like this never ends well. You're attaching yourself to ticking time bombs and walking liabilities. Your two destinations are the grave or living a life constantly looking behind you and not seeing the blade slowly inching its way to your neck. I'm surprised Henry Hill died a natural death at 69, but he's an exception to the rule.

>> No.15640690

Like most jobs, the people who really make it are people who are good at manipulation and establishing social credit and probably have friends higher up in the business.
Being a "soldier" in the mafia just means you're disposable, and even if you do your job well, you'll just be a well-respected soldier as why would they want to promote someone who's good at their role?

>> No.15640748

There are no friends...it's just luck.These are guys that will have their own brother murdered. You can be all of those things it doesn't matter.

>> No.15640968

sounds like a very cutthroat world, so why do it

>> No.15641324


>> No.15641366

I enjoyed his book on The Westies.
He had another one about a Vietnamese gang I read, Born to Kill maybe? They were kinda small potatoes though. And even the Westies were, to steal a line from The Sooranos, just a glorified crew. Calling them Irish Mafia was a very big stretch. It was entertaining though because they were alcoholic, drug addled homicidal maniacs

>> No.15641692


>> No.15641763

Hunter s Thompson wrote about the Hells Angels. They seem much more organized today though compared to the 60s

>> No.15641812


>> No.15641822

Yeah they’re one of the most embarrassing too. A motorcycle gang? With that idiotic logo plastered everywhere? Cringe

>> No.15641848

i'm not sure they're embarassed about being the most powerful criminal organizations in my country (Canada)

embarassment is only in a gangsters vocabulary if it's about saving face from a rival gang disrespecting

>> No.15643258

>i'm not sure they're embarassed

Of course they're not, they think they look cool.

>> No.15643270

>According to the Criminal Intelligence Service Canada (CISC), "The established, well-financed and -connected Hong Kong Triad groups and crime syndicates remain, to our mind, the biggest long-term threat to Canadian law enforcement and society

Hell's Angels are diminishing. Because, really, no one likes their stupid clubhouses in the neighbourhood, their dumb fucking "Support 81" gear and just general idiocy. At least other syndicates have the sense to keep a low profile.

>> No.15643293

>low profile
They've ruined entire sections of cities in Canada, canadians are just bitches and won't complain because racism

>> No.15643306

I'm not american, but a friend's family clan needed someone native for their scams, so I somehow ended up getting "hired" for that. I already thought a lot about potential scams in the past, but never had the resources, money and people, so it was comfy to finally have someone enable it. If you have any questions about the fraud related site of the criminal business, I can try to answer them.

>> No.15643338

what was the scam? how much did you make? would you face jailtime if caught?

>> No.15643343

Got interested in this recently too. There isn't really a lot. I can post some of the books I found if the thread is still up when I get home.

>> No.15643348

thats cute but out of touch f you really believe that triads do anything besides import precursors and terrorize chines communities

>> No.15643355

it's not me saying it...it's the Canadian gov.

>> No.15643359

dont post if you're just here to seethe

>> No.15643362

no ones seething

>Support your local eh
