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1563829 No.1563829 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favourite author that committed suicide?

Mine is Yukio Mishima.

>> No.1563830

Harry Potter

>> No.1563832

Hunter S. Thompson.

>> No.1563834

Sylvia Plath

Honorable mention to Kawabata.

>> No.1563836


>> No.1563844

Hemmingway, although a like Virginia Woolf's method the best.

>> No.1563846
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>> No.1563851


>> No.1563854
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>> No.1563904
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>> No.1563906


I've got some bad news. Turns out, he escaped just like all of the other Nazis worth their salt. He probably died sipping pina coladas on an island paradise surrounded by naked women.

>> No.1563907

Robert E. Howard

>> No.1563908


>I've got some bad news
Why is this bad news?

>> No.1563976

His insights on Baudelaire and Kafka blows my mind.

>> No.1563987


>> No.1564220

Iris Chang

>> No.1564232


>> No.1564244


Agreed... we all saw it coming, but still sad. Gonzo!!!

>> No.1564261


>> No.1564285

Terry Goodkind

>> No.1564287


>> No.1564313

John Kennedy Toole

>> No.1564316

John Berryman

>> No.1564317


HST didn't into suicide - CIA jews did HST

>> No.1564322

French Poet Suicide (FPS) is best suicide.

If you disagree, you know SHIT about literature.

>> No.1564327

ryunosuke akutagawa

but i don't like the thought of glorifying suicide. seems like the most selfish thing a person can do.

>> No.1564332

I hate you. "Boohoo, suicide is bad." Shut up.

>> No.1564336


Even when it's for legitimate reasons (ie Hemmingway)?

>> No.1564344

fuck off. i hate you too. "boohoo people saying things i don't like." just shut up.

there is no legitimate reason for suicide except for madness. i don't respect madness. correct me if i'm wrong, but i thought publicity was hemingway's problem. he was probably on an ego trip. don't get me wrong. hemingway was a man amongst men, and one of the most important figures in modern american lit.

>> No.1564352

Antero de Quental, a portuguese poet.

>> No.1564353

>i don't respect madness

that was unfair for me to say. i think everyone is at least a little mad. but there is this total selfishness that is involved IN MY OPINION to want to end one's life. and that to me seems the easy way out, when living can be hard. i just respect people who are willing to go on living, to keep working everyday even though shit sucks.

>> No.1564356

I didn't mean to upset you, really.
>taking things seriously on the internet

>> No.1564355


>there is no legitimate reason for suicide except for madness

Way to deprecate all those brave soldiers who went on suicide missions bro. :(

>> No.1564357


He was going blind, in chronic pain, and dying.

Also, he'd been famous for many years at that point.

>> No.1564358


Its not really impressive though. The human condition is one of intolerable hardship.

I respect the dead. Only they know peace.

>> No.1564364

no. you're right. that was a stupid thing to say.

check here where i tried to make myself clear:

well i'm not serious all the time. and sometimes i am.

>> No.1564371


>> No.1564379

>hurr durr so deep so edgy am i cool yet guiz

>> No.1564387

i'll have to read up on that. thanks, anon. and i should know better since i've read a few of his works.

that's poetic but i disagree. anyone can kill themselves. it takes a tough soul to be depressed as fuck and to keep at it day after day. but people probably have different reasons ...and not all i've thought of i'm sure. people who suffer physical illness... i don't have a good answer for that. but op mentioned mishima. there is a quote by him where he mentions people have to live for others, lest they find their lives meaningless. i think the worst thing you can do for others is to kill yourself.
nb4 anons telling me to kill myself

suicide missions for some purpose is a lot different than killing yourself because you don't think there is any way out.

>> No.1564391


These. [DFW and Woolf]

>> No.1564394

its funny when people have a serious convo, then someone comes along and says people are trying to act deep and edgy, when the thought hasn't occurred to the people talking. it just makes yourself sound idiotic.

>> No.1564396



>> No.1564400

>suicide missions for some purpose is a lot different than killing yourself because you don't think there is any way out.
If you took the time to read about suicide bombers, you might realize it's a perfectly rational choice based on there being no way out. If you can't fight with a gun (that would be total suicide due to lack of skill and resources), it's the most effective way to attack.

I think MR Gordon said something to this effect in the New York Times when suicide bombing was just starting on a large scale.

>> No.1564406

mfw this is /lit/ and no one mentions DFW

>> No.1564411

suicide bomber would have another motive than just pure suicide, or no? to serve the emperor or country maybe? i'm not sure.

>> No.1564413

Hundreds of better authors have offed themselves.

Deal with it.

>> No.1564415

Multiple people already have...

>> No.1564430
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wtf madness is something people SUFFER from.
akutagawa ryunosuke had some sort of hereditary mental illness. ok cool, you don't respect that he was insane? well that's the same as not respecting ANYONE who has an illness. do you not respect stephen hawking either?
ok and you might say "oh well should anyone with an illness kill themselves?"
well you're not really in a position to judge the value they have for their life; a person's body is their own property and, as far as it doesn't harm anyone else, they have a right to do what they please with it.
pic related: it's the artist staring at you with displeasure

>> No.1564433

you're right. it was a rash and dumb thing to say.

see here where i retracted my statement:

>> No.1564451

at heart, at the core, i think you're right. people should do whatever the hell they want with their own bodies. but this is about the glorification of suicide. it was my first comment that was replied to and what led to my other posts.

i mentioned later that i don't have a good answer for people who suffer physical illness. i mentioned it here: >>1564387

that doesn't change the fact that many able-bodied people are selfish imo for suicide. i don't care about mental instability. there is help for that. if not, there are tons of people who have it hard. and some ridiculously hard in third world countries. it seems petty. and when someone treats their life as insignificant, then i'm liable to treat it that way too.

and there are lots of instances where i respect the art but not the artist. mishima would be a prime example.

>> No.1564467

It seems to me a suicidal person weighs up their torturous depressive past against the possibilities of their future producing any joy or lasting happiness. But this is a false dichotomy seeing as how no person is capable of predicting the future and the limitless possibilities of this universe. Suicides [excluding terminal disease cases] before the age of 60 or so are simply emo, childish acts of wanton egocentricity and solipsism.

>> No.1564470


>> No.1564477

It all amounts to the same as a kid offing himself because he lost his iPod.

>> No.1564509

Kawabata for me, though I think it's debated whether it was really suicide.

>> No.1564521
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Ernest Hemingway.

We can't do everything we want to our bodies because they aren't ours. We just live in them for a while, we didn't choose to be there, and we don't have a choice that we won't stay in them forever.

Respect what you have been given, bitches.

>> No.1564548


I agree that certain images have wrongfully been created and tagged on to people who kill themselves, but saying that you don't respect them is just a joke. It doesn't matter if killing yourself is a selfish act--you're going to be dead, and it's not going to affect you.

There are people who rationally kill themselves. You don't need to be "mad" to want to die.

>> No.1564580

>You don't need to be "mad" to want to die.
thanks for your opinion.

we were discussing people glorifying others' suicides. it has everything to do with me and the people i discuss it with. including yourself. you're right that it doesn't matter to the dead person.

>> No.1564594

I killed myself one. Was okay, but I wouldn't recommend it for people that would avoid being lightheaded for a while. I got kind of tired of it, so I killed myself again and, well, here I am. Was thinking of doing it again for vacation, but haven't decided how yet. Heaven was a little boring so I'll see what Hell is like this time, too. I heard they have good buffets and blackjack.

>> No.1564881


>people should do whatever the hell they want with their own bodies
Your body doesn't only belong to you though. It also belongs to your family, your community, your country, God, etc.