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File: 51 KB, 710x400, redpill austrian economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15637926 No.15637926 [Reply] [Original]

>BTFO the other economic schools

>> No.15637950
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>> No.15637964

"austrians" don't exist

>> No.15638020

How does one even get into Austrian Economic thinking?
Hoppe is originally from NRW (?) and is now a Austrian-American economist.
That is how much austrian means.

>> No.15638022

Yes we do dummer Wichsfetzen

>> No.15638036

Schnauze. ANSCHLUSS!!

>> No.15638071

Geh scheißen du Hundspreuße. Wir waren ein Land lange vor "Deutschland". Österreich ist das echte Tausend-jährige Reich, and dems the facts bucko

>> No.15638073

It's sorrta an extreme autistic form of behaviourism, no? Actions can't reveal true preferences and that's all that really matters I think. I value things in a way which I sometime think two things are equally worthwhile but empirical budget constraints and such mean the market will never know the truth about my values. I think there whole value theory is obviously set up to place limits on what we can know.

Also even if you accept the austrian business cycle theory (which is obviously wrong) their anti-institutionalist bias sets it up so they don't understand free market created wage riggidity which could be "problematic" for them e.g. contracts created in the market for corporate executives might cause issues as much as that dastardly government interference.

>> No.15638087

Jetzt mal ganz ehrlich, als einer der zwischen euch zwei Hundssöhnen leben muss, ein vor 1848/9 Teutschland Sentiment ist deutscher als jeder "deutsche Bund" oder jedes "deutsche Reich" seitdem war.

>> No.15638093

PAH, nichts weiter als ein glorifiziertes Fürstentum.

>> No.15638225

>Actions can't reveal true preferences and that's all that really matters I think
you're mixing them up with actual neoclassical autists like Samuelson and revealed preferences theory types, Austrians were always opposed to a mechanical model of the economy (general equilibrium) based on static preferences. I'm not a supporter of the Austrian school, I think they overemphasize methodological individualism which makes them ignore all interesting macro phenomena that don't boil down to the acting individual but I still read them and use their arguments because some of them (especially Hayek, Wieser and Menger) were pretty based, undogmatic and they make leftists seethe

>> No.15638251

Ein Fürstentum welches das Heilige Römische Reich für die meiste Zeit regiert hat.

Tscheche oder was?

>> No.15638271

heilige römische reich DEUTSCHER nation

>> No.15638275


>> No.15638277

Korrekt. "glorreiche Deutsche" lassen sich von uns Schluchtenscheißern regieren haha

>> No.15638283

>Freistaat Bayern
Hardcore basierter Name.

>> No.15638303

Infiltrierende Inzuchtsekte die nur im Namen was mit Österreich zu tun hat. Als untergeordneter Grund des duetschen Bodens sind auch Österreicher nichts als eine Subrasse des deutschen Volkes.

>> No.15638311

Kein selbst-respektierender Österreicher würde B*rlin als Hauptstadt akzeptieren.

>> No.15638319

wee wuz kangz lol

>> No.15638334

It's true. Mir san Kaiser gwesen

>> No.15638341

Ich auch nicht. Und?

>> No.15638377

Und doch ist Wien nicht dein Hauptstadt

>> No.15638388

joa währe auch nicht besser

>> No.15638394

Besser als Berlin? 100%

>> No.15638405

Speak English only plz

>> No.15638406

Je nique ta mère

>> No.15638416

Хyй cocи пиндoc

>> No.15638459

Berlin and Wien are both east European cities.
>t. Stuttgart; birthplace of Hegel

>> No.15638469
File: 311 KB, 600x772, 7z6rcp79g6931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Nick Land's work is very compatible with Austrian economics. Consider Mises' statement on monopolies - while he admitted that monopolies produce a suboptimal allocation of resources, he also maintained that monopolist's supernormal profits play a vital role in attracting factors of production into a temporarily monopolized sector (not to mention the problem of determining a competitive price and quantity where P(q)=MC(q)). This implies that the textbook understanding of monopolies is completely wrong, competition is not a state but a dynamic PROCESS. This culminates in Rothbard's famous ridicule of the notion of noncompetitive (as in monopolistic) prices, any price that prevails on a market without government distortion is a competitive price. What this means is that it's impossible to criticize capitalism from within it, you cannot for example say "company X has monopolized the market and artificially inflates the prices" because that would mean that you KNOW for a fact what a competitive price might be but in Austrian economics you cannot know that without producing this product for a lower price yourself. A critique of capitalism entails a participation in capitalism as a producer, becoming one with Capital which brings us back to Nick Land.

>> No.15638470
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Austrian fucking SHITS fuck off

>> No.15638496

how does a thinking person ever delude themselves into believing that the austrians are wrong, is a better question

>> No.15638650

Pedał i złodziej który wprowadził Ponzie scheme na salony - ale żeś dojebał...

>> No.15638835

kapitalizm sam z siebie prowadzi do schematów Ponziego i wymyślnych instrumentów pochodnych, których ryzyka nikt nie jest w stanie oszacować, polecam poczytać Hymana Minsky'ego.

>> No.15638845

I've read Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics and watched a lot of Milton Friedman lectures.

They both seem pretty knowledgeable and their logical arguments for their economic claims make sense. Have they been btfo by newer economists or findings? I'd like to continue my understanding.

>> No.15638847

>you're mixing them up with actual neoclassical autists
No I'm not, standard neoclassicalism is a little less bad maybe but still flawed for all kinds of reasons, the Austrians claim everything is ranked by individuals and two things can't even be equally valuable to anyone because they're behaviorist and think we can't know anything in peoples heads and only deducing things about constrained actions matter. I think "preferences" do matter in some sense and markets are deeply flawed because they ration resources without adequately taking into account what people really want so waste all kinds of resources (that's not to say Soviet type planning systems worked better). General equilibrium is just one example of the deductive method. They think in the same dogmatic market clearing welfare maximizing notion of markets.

>any price that prevails on a market without government distortion is a competitive price
But that's of course just definitional nonsense. There's no such thing as a price without government. The marginal costs for IP and many industries go towards zero without government granted rights so most of societies wealth becomes worthless overnight.

>> No.15638879

I just get all my economic opinions from reading Papal encyclicals.

>> No.15638882

кypвa кypвa япepдoлe

>> No.15638895

If you understood them you would believe you could make guaranteed money shorting the japanese government bond market. I mean just look at Japans deficit for the past 20+ years but for some strange reason no monetarist can understand why such a strategy hasn't work lol

>> No.15638914

I don't recall anything by either of them purporting to have a good enough understanding of complex interdependent systems that would enable market prediction. Most of their assertions are either micro, or if it comes to policy, very restricted to a set number of factors.

>> No.15638928
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>Economist Guido Hülsmann has combined the moral-economic analysis of the scholastics, particularly the 14th-century bishop Nicholas Oresme (who wrote that debauching the currency is worse than either usury or prostitution), with the insights of the Austrian school of economics in order to formulate an authentically Christian Ethics of Money Production for the modern age.


Utterly based

>> No.15638954

Open up your PDF of Basic Economics and ctrl-F for "bonds", I'm pretty sure he states some "fundamentals" in there which makes trying to understand the japanese government bond market comical

>> No.15638959

It's always fun when Catholics remember that they're supposed to hate lending money at interest. I've seen it in a few places over the last few years, maybe there will be more interest in it in the future.

>> No.15638998
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I just did a quick look on google books to remember some wisdom. He claims public debt "crowds out" private sector investment and "to much public debt" means the government will have to raise interest rates to keep selling their bonds. Those are quantitative macro statements. Now go try to understand the Japanese government bond market and economy.