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File: 957 KB, 1440x2480, 2020-6-18_2-46-32~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15634352 No.15634352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this ''chad'' /lit/ worships?

>> No.15634357

Who gives a shit about sex, you fucking ape bonobo piece of shit. You deserve to be castrated and made into a eunuch forced to do mundane administrative tasks!

>> No.15634358

Does the handwriting look suspiciously similar to President Hoover's?

>> No.15634361

Pretty chad move to admit this

>> No.15634367

One who cares about sex in his position, two idgaf if my wife gets off. It's not her position to enjoy sex

>> No.15634396


>> No.15634399
File: 81 KB, 702x556, Malcolm X- On Blacks & Jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15634403

I didn't realize how much of American history is brushed over in school until I read about this guy. Truly an unfairly demonized figure.

>> No.15634423

The part where he advocated for segregation doesn't sit well with the parents of America and that sucks because you are right, he is a demonized figure. Same with Nixon, yeah he made mistakes but everything after Watergate was him working to make up for it. And that's not even touching the underdog aspects of his earlier political days.

>> No.15634433

he also serviced white men for money

>> No.15634529

Not american. Did he do anything other than being angry and unreasonable? Why do leftists treat him as some philosophical giant?

>> No.15634544

Nixons IQ was supposedly 160

>> No.15634559

I can see that.

>> No.15634614

Look him up on YouTube, X was actually a very skilled thinker and speaker who saw past the left-right divide. I used to think he was just a fuming loon, but after reading and listening to him, I think he was actually much wiser than he gets credited for.

>> No.15634641

It really is a discrediting campaign. There is a conspiracy the Globalists and Zionists use to stay in power. Modern technology can create anything at this point.

>> No.15634666

Looking him up on youtube is exactly what gave me my impression. I didn't really observe any tangible points except salt.

>> No.15635643
File: 81 KB, 499x478, 1590932986160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if MLK, Huey Newton, Fred Hampton, and Malcom X were not murdered, would the USA have been able to achieve racial solidarity? Are their deaths what doomed the US and this timeline?

>> No.15635655

I dont see why blacks hold his guy so high. He was literally paid by the CIA to spew out segregation bullshit

>> No.15635661
File: 303 KB, 680x512, Chew you havisfaction a singlelicious satisfact to snack that up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635922

Most blacks today don't know anything about him, properly. They have a vague idea about him. Though it seems others have had experiences of Malcom X being demonized, the version I received in school was simplified. They played up like some fantasy novel yin and yang, and they didn't explain his true views on especially Jews and society.

Malcolm X wouldn't name the Jew if he was anything but authentic. His true admirers see that in him, compared to the frivolous poser of MLK jr.
Just think of how he'd look at the state of American blacks today. They're falling for exactly the scheme he saw through.
It speaks greatly that the symbol of blacks, and of modern American ideals at large, MLK jr., was a double minded and poser, but someone with a true intensity and independence is scorned.

>> No.15636378


>> No.15636406

His opinions and his success were both formed and defined by his personal experience with the world. His father and I think all of his father’s brothers were killed by white people. His family was broken up by the state. The reason he was so successful at recruiting young black men to join the Nation of Islam was because of his years spent drug dealing and hustling, so he had the ability to authentically speak in their vernacular. Contrast that with modern day black leaders from any political ideology and there really is no comparison. There’s no one who has the fire in them that comes from first hand racial oppression and murder that can also effectively recruit and communicate with black people, especially the youth. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if Fred Hampton was allowed to live we’d be looking at a much different world right now. The man was young, passionate, and articulate, so of course he had to be killed

>> No.15636619
File: 901 KB, 640x640, 1591637481344.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only BWC can satisfy.

>> No.15636863

afro-nazbol? fucking based

>> No.15636912
File: 43 KB, 590x474, EM7Xd6KXkAEgYtv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brightest timeline.

>> No.15636948

What would he have to say about BLM and the Fentanyl Floyd protests?

>> No.15636963
File: 93 KB, 645x773, 1582103983655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's just like me

>> No.15637114
File: 2.81 MB, 2732x4098, melanated tootsies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol looks like the US establishment is hedging its melanated outreach in case Coates can't convince non-US blacks that Obama was a greater revolutionary than brother Malcolm

>> No.15638153

Well there's also the whole question of what would've happened if reconstruction lasted longer. I think it's a damn travesty that we let the South just revert back to its dumb racist self

>> No.15638162

I don't get the point of killing mlk at all, he was really smart

>> No.15638208

All of these guys were killed because they threatened white hegemony and talked often about class

>> No.15638220


>> No.15638240

This. I'm no fan of Malcolm X but I don't give a shit about whether he satisfied his wife or not, I'm not a woman.

>> No.15638263

bro you just posted salt

>> No.15638294

How do leftists square this with BBC theory and sexual frustration/inadequacy => right wing theory?

>> No.15639393

Sex is meaningless. I heard Malcom did semen retention for 11 straight years, sounds chad to me.

>> No.15639493 [DELETED] 

>Based Catholics don't go for no white flight shit

The Power of Christ

>> No.15640247


I enjoy sex but honestly I don't find any meaning from it, and don't understand why our culture exaggerates and perverts it to such a great degree. It's been done by so many millions of people and animals. What he was able to accomplish is one of legends.