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File: 452 KB, 671x1024, Vladimir_Nabokov_1973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15631503 No.15631503 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who loathes this sour-faced cunt? No one would talk about him if he didn't aestheticize pedophilia.

>> No.15631616

Him aestheticizing pedophilia is what makes me love him

>> No.15631623

Of course it does faggot. Like clockwork

>> No.15631673

You're not the only one who loathes him (all great authors have their detractors) but I'm a big fan. It's hard to understate just how difficult it is to write a book like Pale Fire, to say nothing of his other work. He was a rare breed, one of those generational talents.

>> No.15631687

I read Pale Fire, wasn't that impressed. There's a reason we're talking about a crypto-pedo and not a giant like Steinbeck or London. Not enough titty-twisters I guess, doesn't appeal to decadent urbanites

>> No.15631694

>No one would talk about him
Yet here we are
And guess what
No one gives a shit about you
Not just what you think, or say
But whether you live or die

>> No.15631699

>wasn't that impressed
Yes, and Tolstoy read Shakespeare and wasn't impressed, Woolf read Joyce and wasn't impressed. That doesn't mean anything.

>> No.15631714

Lol ok, keep reading your shit serialized novels then

>> No.15631749

Dog you read books about dudes crushing on children, take a seat

>> No.15631768

>No one would talk about him if he didn't aestheticize pedophilia.
No doubt that contributed to his fame as "that guy that wrote a book about a pedophile".

But Lolita is no doubt a great work and the guy is a genious writer.

>> No.15632083

The fact that he is even allowed to be talked about in our political climate despite writing a book about pedophilia proves that he is one of the greatest writers of all time.

>> No.15632219
File: 288 KB, 671x1024, FaceApp_1592426361177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a Nabokov?

>> No.15632482
File: 240 KB, 873x873, humbert humbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2020 A.D.
>people still think Lolita is a book about pedophilia
Nabby was trying to attack American post-war "intellectual culture" and its uncritical worship of European thinkers. HH is a charlatan who takes advantage of Mrs. Haze's pretensions and naivete to make himself appear like the stereotypical "sophisticated European." In reality, he's a pervert whose entire understanding of art, literature, and aesthetics revolves around wanting to fuck little girls. The symbolism is so glaringly obvious that I can't believe people keep missing the point.
The best part are the critics who praise the book as "the greatest love story of our time," or whatever. Imagine writing such an accurate satire of someone that they don't even realize you despise them.

>> No.15632489

HIGH quality bait, have an upvote kind sir

>> No.15632493

There's nothing about the current 'political climate' that prevents people from discussing him

>> No.15632497

>A book is about one thing and one thing only.

>> No.15632519

Just because a book has a main idea doesn't mean it's only about one thing. When I said "Nabby was trying to..." I didn't mean that was the only thing he was doing.

>> No.15632688

>nooo you can't just prefer authors with compact and direct styles who write straightforwardly about reality you have to write convoluted pedophilic satires about American post-war intellectual culture nooo

>> No.15633209

I like a lot of his writing but I feel like his writing is a little overrated. His use of the English language swings wildly from brilliant to misused I think.

>> No.15633269


>> No.15633364

Lolita and Pale Fire are genuinely good reads, the other books he got are hot garbage. I like him, but he writes with no heart and soul. The fact that he just saw Dostoyevsky as a sloppy writer (which he definitely was) and not an amazing philospher who uses literature as his vehicle says it all.

I think he would have made a better poet.

>> No.15633429


Don't you hate when the only criticism leveled at your comments are pure pedantry?

I sometimes do it on accident as well, though. Is it autism?

>> No.15634608


What else have you read??

Pale Fire and Ada are his masterpieces btw

>> No.15634640

speak memory > pale fire > ada (bloated)

>> No.15634642

This will work for about 100 years

>something bad being aestheticized? Good.
>something good being aestheticized? Bad.

At some point the cycle flips on itself or whatever and the “bad” becomes an artistic slippery slope rather than the “good” doing that.

>> No.15634658

A woman literally got canceled for saying Lolita was her favorite book what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.15634673

Because she didn't liked it for any other reason then self inserting as the girl

>> No.15634868



Speak Memory is great but it’s fourth.

I think Pale Fire > Ada > Lolita > Speak > Invitation > Pnin

>> No.15635328

What’s your opinion on how it compares to Death in Venice theme-wise?

>> No.15635339

I think people just think Lolita is good because they imagine it has to be for its romanticization of pedophilia to be ok

>> No.15635356

>hard to understate
>could care less
The absolute understate of burgers

>> No.15635593

i thought this thread was about ginsberg

>> No.15635861

Poster, Original. Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me. Awful.

>> No.15635865


>> No.15636000

That it's something entirely different.

>> No.15636018

OP's post- ghastly rigamarole

>> No.15636841

I mostly agree, but I would say that 'trying to attack American post-war "intellectual culture" and its uncritical worship of European thinkers' is mostly a background idea of the book rather than the main one.
The main point as you illustrated is deception of a horrendous crime that is happening right in front of us by means of good prose and 'intellectualism'. And he indeed succeeds in his aim to do so, judging by people who think that the book is 'wrong', 'romanticising paedophilia' or 'a true love story'
I wish you guys could read Russian normie reviews on Lolita, they're hilarious.

>> No.15636893

You are not supposed to anon, is inmoral.

>> No.15636947

>an amazing philospher
lmao the absolute state

>> No.15636952

ok dude

>> No.15636970

no. fuck his pretentios take on dosto