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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 360 KB, 600x490, rickdufer_dicembre17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15631449 No.15631449 [Reply] [Original]

1. your country
2. easiest way to spot a pseud from your country

>watches pic related

>> No.15631456

>has a twitter account

>> No.15631459

>”what’s your major?”

>> No.15631463

>reads or watches pop science

>> No.15631468

this >>15631456. twitter is the worst, only a little bit less than reddit

>> No.15631473
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>Puerto Rico
>"have you read picrelated?"

>> No.15631488

1. Argentina
2. Is not deleuzian

>> No.15631506


>> No.15631532

>goes on /lit/

>> No.15631563
File: 8 KB, 183x275, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically watches pic related. Alternatively, has a twitter account or believes in psicoanalysis.
He is a jew TV """philosohper""" pseud who knows nothing at all and is the epytome of cringe

>> No.15631590

>read any opinion piece
99% of established media here apes their WOKE American counterparts, doing their best to stir up idpol resentment amongst the populace. Five years ago I would've said it's not working but I'm not so sure anymore. The zoomers eats it all up.

>> No.15631593

>culturally American

>> No.15631603

whats a pseud?

>> No.15631606

Pseud spotted

>> No.15631614

>Thinks he is smarter than everyone else because he holds racist and nationalist opinions, while his main source of news come from right-wing thinktank propaganda machines that misrepresent statistics and studies, not that it matters to him, because he does not read the sources anyways.

>> No.15631631

here in argentina, in 2015 the jew proaganda (specially feminism, the most popular) got OUT OF FUCKNG HANDS. B4 that nobody bothered except art whores.
easy on soi bugs

>> No.15631634

>posts on /lit/

>> No.15631636

t. psychoanalyzer kike pseud/mario kikerberg

>> No.15631638

>not born here but England
>tries their hardest to be American

>> No.15631641

I would also add "Roberto Mercadini" lol

If it can comfort you, there is worse lol

>> No.15631649

hit right at home didn't i? Seems this type of pseud is not only native to sweden.

>> No.15631661

nope, i agree those are pseuds, but ignoring all the leftie pseuds that are 99% of them makes you obviously a lefty. You are a swedish leftie in 4hcan, chances are you are a hardcore soi consumer

>> No.15631663

>entire country is pseuds

>> No.15631691
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>> No.15631695

Breaking News too, at least Mercadini isn't a condescending cunt

>> No.15631710

Do you have anything other to add than the fact that I am a "hardcore soi consumer?"
Well, beats being a facist, anti-semite in fucking latin america, didnt Videla teach you anything, or do you want another military dictatorship.

>> No.15631728
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>liberal or libertarian politics. Mostly radlibs and lolbertarians are the pseuds, rest are NPC drones
>Takes Jordan Peterson seriously
>militant athiest
>uses Twitter or Reddit (reddit can be ok if you stick to small communities but 99% of it is trash)
>fan of pop sci icons like Degrasse, Bill Nye, Musk, etc.
>watches/reads John Green

>> No.15631731

>didnt Videla teach you anything, or do you want another military dictatorship.
thanks for confirming!

>> No.15631742

No American has mentioned Ayn Rand yet kek

>> No.15631748

>is from France

>> No.15631750

letteralmente chi?

>> No.15631758
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>has a humanities degree

>> No.15631766

>reddit can be ok

>> No.15631773

>Has the posh English accent

>> No.15631774


>> No.15631775

also a huge indicator, good catch

you can unironically find more intelligent and in depth discussions if you go to a non trash sub, but those are very rare and hard to find

>> No.15631808

>'I have a degree in this subject so let me explain quite literally everything unrelated to the topic at hand'

>> No.15631824

As long as you agree with the "consensus" opinion in a particular subreddit, it provides a decent forum for civilized discussion. The problem is that (a) the reddit consensus is usually retarded, and (b) the site software is specifically designed to marginalize those with opinions that go against the grain.

>> No.15631830

noticed how muricans don't have the "posh" concept? here it is called "cheto"

>> No.15631837

Or reads the guardian

>> No.15631841

can indians NOT be charlatans?

>> No.15631852

>Mock the separatists and/or hate the US without reason.

>> No.15631853


>> No.15631873

All the British papers are cucked to death. The best is probably the FT, since it just assumes the reader shares its neoliberal corporate agenda, rather than trying to force it.

>> No.15631892

they dont have a ord for it, they dont know the concept. im my country the word is "cheto"

>> No.15631904
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>looks like pic related

>> No.15631946

So by "muricans" you mean residents of the Americans in general?

In the US, we certainly have the concept of "posh". There are just very few "posh Americans" in the cultural sense. Almost all Americans are culturally plebs, regardless of their net worth or socioeconomic status.

>> No.15631960

>Does not like Mishima

>> No.15631990

yeah and therefor you dont have posh people. Posh is a british slang afaik

>> No.15631991
File: 64 KB, 634x357, LikeaFaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hasn't read pic related

>> No.15632034

>pretends to have read Hegel

>> No.15632042

Yes, 'posh' refers to the cultural upper class. Such people don't really exist in the US.

>> No.15632056

>reads Arnold Grunberg when woke, and Thierry Baudet when redpilled

>> No.15632086

Argentine detected.

Yall should use Macanudo again.

>> No.15632092

That's a good ice breaker because it can inform you of the persons interests. Especially if she has a nice ass.

>> No.15632099

I think it was meant how the question was formed rather than the subject of it.

>> No.15632101
File: 133 KB, 600x719, Hobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just realized Sudowoodo means pseudo-wood because it's actually a rock type pokemon

>> No.15632104


>> No.15632105

>likes Machado

>> No.15632112

>Doesn't read Indian fiction

>> No.15632117

i didn't know about Breaking News
>condescending cunt
fucking kek

>> No.15632132

jaja that's even prior to boomers. a lot of old slangs died, like allwys happens. Now most are made by niggers instead of middle class.

>> No.15632146

Let's see the ones I remember from when I live in Rosario.
Lul. Fun times. *cumbia villera intensifies*

>> No.15632857


>> No.15632872

Impressive < 16
Acceptable < 21
Inexcusable > 21
She's could for building up one's vocabulary desu..

>> No.15632906

rich new englanders are kind of posh

>> No.15632936


>> No.15632949

Good thing I'm austrian

>> No.15633047
File: 142 KB, 800x592, 800px-19180830-grave_uritzy_red_terror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh you listen to turbo folk you're stupid unlike me who listens to retarded Western fucking garbage,also America isn't that bad you're just a dumb nationalist unlike me IM SMART IM SMART IM NOT LIKE THE REST BUT I AM JUST LIKE EVERY STUPID NEOLIBERAL WESTERNER YUGOSLAVIA NEEDS TO COME BACK BUT WITH TRANNIES AND FAGGOTS OF COURSE I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD IM NOT DUMB LIKE YOUU ALALALLALALALALALLA"

God I really wish the communists killed more people
Everyone should be sterilized

>> No.15633059

>leute die glauben dass corona größere gefahr ist als der koran

>> No.15633060

t. no degree loser
pay to win private uni doesn't count tho

>> No.15633074

>watches/reads John Green
2012 called and wants it’s hot take back

>> No.15633075

>Has a degree in humanities

>> No.15633080

It takes a lot of cultural tone deafness to be a vocal Randroid nowadays. Maybe it helps that her author photo gets published more so people see what is reflected on the inside.

>> No.15633086

This thread is kinda pointless since we know that people will be sperging their agenda through samefaging but with different country names

>> No.15633090

The cultural upper class devotes a large portion of their time, energy, and wealth appealing to the lower classes expectations of them anyways. See: hip urban mom greenwave NPR/Whole Foods and Yoga Mat type shit. We’re all just consoomers.

>> No.15633092
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>> No.15633106

I don't think they're appealing to lower classes thereby. I think they're foremost appealing to their own expectations of not wanting to be seen as poor by other upper class people. Lower classes don't give a shit about your 7$ water bottle, and infact it probably enrages them somewhat.

>> No.15633107

That's all middlebrow culture, though. In the US, middlebrow culture reigns over college grads all the way up the economic ladder.

>> No.15633119

>Thinks Aleksis Kivi Is boring

>> No.15633122

Displays of wealth are not a form of culture. Material ostentation is very much the mark of the lower classes, in fact.

>> No.15633128

I just can’t imagine remembering John Green even exists in his year unless I was somehow in an age range where I might be exposed to him.

>> No.15633135

The middle class does though.

And middleclass culture. I think the upperclass has generally descended to it aside from some boomers who are actually closer to the 1%

>> No.15633136

Anyone who ends a sentence with "In This Country"

>> No.15633137

1. USA
2. Watches political infotainment on youtube

>> No.15633148

What is to be done about the scourge of young "YouTube intellectuals"?

>> No.15633149

>Discusses metaphysics and christian theology with almost anybody.

>> No.15633219

They all seem to fall out of relevance in about an year and a half after making it big.

>> No.15633229

Not a pseud as much as a midwit on the right side

>> No.15633254

chevere is mexican NEVER used in argentina.
cheto to mena posh is ok, cheto to mean nice is used by niggers

>> No.15633267



there's something *so* obnoxious about mainstream Filipino activists.

>> No.15633315

>is not delusional

>> No.15633370

lol, people do this? euros in america talking about how great it is are tragic (in NYC I see it all the time)

>> No.15633385


>> No.15633389


>> No.15633586

>Pick any western country
>Gender Studies grad
>"Ancap" money autist
>"White race"
>"soft science"

>> No.15633644

I cannot tell you how much those people irritate me. Universities are teeming with middle class posh cunts who all sound the same, act the same and live the same way yet pretend they're somehow interesting. What the common folk really need is some condescending student dickhead with run-of-the-mill twitter opinions to save us from ourselves.

>> No.15633646
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Anon, mi puoi consigliare un youtuber /lit/? Non ho trovato nessun buon youtuber italiano di letteratura né di filosofia.

Nonostante ci sono numerosi pseud come "Giopizzi" che fanno "video-essays" pieni di cringe. Come puó essere che un paese come l'Italia, con intellettuali come d'Annunzio, Gaetano, Pareto e Marinetti possa avere una mancanza di pensatori cosí?

>> No.15633657

Quebec separatists? Do you actually think Quebec leaving Canada would work out?

>> No.15633674

USA, read Infinite Jest

>> No.15633686

>Uses 4chan

>> No.15633721

Lower in spirit. However I grew up around rich people and it's only old money that doesn't care much for showing off their wealth.
>the middle class does though
Again, not towards lower classes primarily I think but towards their own and the upper class. Towards their own to show how successful they are and towards the upper class to show how worthy they are.

>> No.15633729


>> No.15633859

>Names "sapeins"

>> No.15633863

>fetishises the working class, foreign-originated minorities, or British subgroups from anywhere in the country other than the south and east of England

>> No.15633878


>> No.15633967

I have met so many southerners who will sing along to Common People and pretend the song isn't calling them out. They'll pretend to know what the working class wants but as soon as immigration is brought up they show their true colours.

>> No.15633972

>virtue signals about their voting habits; reads YA fiction/ feminist authors; hates Quebec and Alberta

>> No.15634014


>> No.15634048

>it's only old money that doesn't care much for showing off their wealth
That's what we're talking about. There are no "posh" people (cultural upper class) in the United States. They are all plebs, regardless of economic status.

>> No.15634080

"Soft science"
As in they have a degree in the soft sciences or that they believe that psych/soc are "soft science's" in the derogatory sense.

>> No.15634121

>Is deep into politics to the point of watching live streams of "based" people or has a twitter account

>> No.15634123

"X" = People who say X

>> No.15634139

I knew a lot of left wing people at university who claimed to care deeply about the poor but actually hated listening to their cultural concerns and would make fun of them for being poor. I’m not against a little contempt for working class culture, but it shouldn’t be so hypocritical, and even if they’re poor, they’re still English and that cannot be forgotten. Those people aren’t rational actors though, they’re puppets for left wing social movements

>> No.15634166
File: 36 KB, 800x560, 800px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Brazil

2. Anyone who thinks our pop musicians are either great writers or great musicians is a pseud; Chico Buarque is mediocre and his poems are nothing but the school-tier crypto-Parnasian exercises of an eternal dilettante.
Anyone who doesn't enjoy Euclides da Cunha is a pseud. Anyone who thinks Alexandre Herculano wasn't an immensely talented writer is a pseud. Anyone who reads Romance classics in English translation (these people exist) is a pseud. Anyone who looks for "the best edition" ("a melhor edição") currently available on the market instead of just buying old used ones is a pseud. Anyone who owns too many books by Companhia das Letras is a pseud. Anyone who reads either Marilena Chauí or Olavo de Carvalho with a serious mind is a pseud. Anyone who thinks Saramago is better than Antônio Lobo Antunes is an unredeemable pseud. Anyone who thinks Bandeira's poem "Os Sapos" is the final word on Parnasianism is not necessarily a pseud, but might very well be.
Anyone who thinks Carlos Drummond's A Rosa do Povo is his best book, or that João Cabral's Morte e Vida Severina is his best poem, is a pseud almost by necessity.
Many are the faces, styles and behaviors of the classically-defined pseud, but by an equally large number of clues and signs we can manage to spot them and even get them red-handed, just as long as we persist in this mad pursuit and never give up.
For the pseud needs to be spotted and pointed at.

>> No.15634818


>> No.15634846

>doesn't see Greta Thornburg is a plant
>thinks we need a corona vaccine (which will definitely be made within the next 12 months)
>thinks race relations in America is very easy to understand despite living in a homogeneous society all their life

>> No.15634859

Mexico is actually, Padre like Que Padre. How's argentina atm? Haven't been there since 2014.

>> No.15634875

Immigration lowers wages for the working class. Not hard to figure out nor is it hypocritical.

>> No.15634878

I'm from Quebec and I know nobody who wants to separate from Canada. The only separatists are people over 65, under 16 and people of low intelligence.

>> No.15634887

I call it Dinner Party Politics, when the dominant position is only held as an affectation and any disagreement is seen as a social faux pas

>> No.15634893

What do you think of Jorge Amado? My (Argentine) father is tried to get me to read Tereza Batista, but I found the book so lackluster, I stopped after 100 pages.

>> No.15634894

>everyone is dumb except me

>> No.15635047

>you're not enlightened unless you hate and actively denounce your heritage while larping as a Westerner
I'm a Turk and I hate this too

>> No.15635055

Wtf sounds based

>> No.15635103

> Philippines

> culturally American and thus consumes mostly American media and speaks mostly in English

>> No.15635124

Filipino liberals are insufferable; Filipino leftists are based, though, albeit ineffective. The cycle of switching between political dynasties needs to stop and Twitter isn't going to solve that.

>> No.15635172

>Reads any of the following The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New Republic, Vanity Fair

>> No.15635187

>ITT. Everyone who disagrees with me is a pseud

>> No.15635195

berta is based but FUCK QUEBEC you french speaking bastard

>> No.15635199

Machado is great you contrarian retard

>> No.15635209

>Uses pop culture (Star Wars, Harry Potter) as analogies for politics
I’ve unironically seen a few people do this and it brings me a step closer to roping every time

>> No.15635214

pseud detected

>> No.15635221
File: 158 KB, 720x396, FB_IMG_15923572387288509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this image real?

>> No.15635226

>anglos in french sector

>> No.15635250

Gatineau here. I wouldn't call myself separatist but I sympathize with them because I just want anglos to stop trying to weasel their way into my province. You got the whole rest of the country, just leave us the fuck alone. Go push your anglo shit on the chinese.

>> No.15635260

>anglos to stop trying to weasel their way into my province
just completely avoid going to Montréal as i do and you won't see any anglos anon.

>> No.15635265

I didn't say want to ,i said mock them.
Its the easiest thing to point at and laugh.

>> No.15635266

Sonjaksta & Justine Diane Pullen


>> No.15635272

>just give up your cities to the anglo horde
What ever happened to "Je me souviens"?Remember all the shit the anglos did to your ancestors and hold it against them till you're fucking dead. Instill that in your children and tell them to instill it in theirs. You don't have to hate them or anything. Just don't let them take any more just because they want to try and act like they're you're friend.

>> No.15635279

The chineses and poos are taking over these ''yes man'' anyways.

>> No.15635300
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>doesn't like football

This is the easiest pseud detector that exists, i wonder if it's applied to the rest of south america and western europe too.

>> No.15635316

so are you like 16 or something?

>> No.15635317

Not him. Jorge Amado is goddamn based

>> No.15635322

Literally this
This -calling others pseud- culture in lit is the biggest cope ever; projection to the skies

>> No.15635326

Jorge is a huge hit-or-miss
Dona Flor, for instance, is god-tier.

>> No.15635500

pretty much, everyone who is my sort of age, so say like from 18-20 dresses like an American softboy, only listen to American music, only watch American shows, always try to speak in some fuckin spastic American slang, and though nobody fucking reads anymore I can assure if they did it'd some American tripe like John Green. It's like I'm not even fuckin from here and I've got more respect for the little culture that the people of Engloid have, idk it might be because I live in the souf, maybe the Norf fc lot are better with this.

>> No.15635545

You have a very different experience to the majority of this country.

>> No.15635578

Who is it.

>> No.15635598

wdum, how? The college that I was at the last two years that really is all that there was. That and roadmen/chavs, who I suppose are like the last bastion of true englishness down where I live. Like yeh it probably is different somewhere like London or fuckin Liverpool, but I've been a souf fc fag since I was about 11.

>> No.15635616

post examples of the clothes you mean. and slang examples

>> No.15635647

He looks like he owns a store in the old west. He should be wearing a grocers apron.

>> No.15635671

unironically this >>15631614

most pseuds here are 19 yo right wingers who get all their info from alt right news sources

one day they'll grow up

>> No.15635672


The duality of Swedes

>> No.15635681

works for Chile too

>> No.15635703

I mean I know next to nothing about fashion so I can't really help you there, but basically all the lads dress like fuckin Mac Demarco. Same old-school windbreakers, same shoes, same jumpers/sweaters, same hats, same fuckin everything, just they all wear a slightly different shade of it to each other. And with the slang iss like I've unironically heard people say shit like jerk, asshole, cops, awesome and just other little Americanisms like that. I know maybe it doesn't seem too bad, and probably isn't tbf, but personally I can't be having this kind of thing at all. I've even heard people complaining about the word cunt, and it's come on lads that's a fuckin day 1 insult wot you on about it offends you.

>> No.15635713

kek este cerote

>> No.15635722

that's only a problem if it's american style """rightwing""" or nazi LARPing. Otherwise they are the subversives and you are the dogmatist.

>> No.15635741


>Any country literally anywhere
>Watches grown men chase a ball all evening

Sportsball sucks

>> No.15635746

sounds terrible if that is common, even for south standards. although there are definitely some people who dress like that everywhere in this country. we are lucky enough to have our own music, slang clothes etc so most shouldn't be american larpers.

>> No.15636148

>uses "pseud" instead of "mountebank" as the English term.

>> No.15636155

that cringe is Argentina's galardon

>> No.15636250
File: 78 KB, 1125x526, EaXaB_ZUYAIXqMj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope more faggot

Imagine listening to turbo folk, disliking USA, country he doesn't know shit about, where, actually, you can get a job and education. Or imagine larping as a nationalist in the country that is living example of everything rotten and dysfunctional about nationalism. Fuck yugo bs, fuck religious knuckedraggers, fuck homophobes and fuck you. Kill em all. Cull yourself.

>> No.15636253

>la faccia di rick ducancro su lit
le ho viste davvero tutte ormai

>> No.15636274


>> No.15636293

You're being too narrow. We can't all go around ending all of our sage advice with in this country. Sometimes it's county specific and the lads two towns over are definitely a pack of wankers, don't think I don't see you.

>> No.15636399

Who's coping? Your post oozes ressentiment

>> No.15636411

You know, it *couldn't* be stopped, at least the Filipino liberals wouldn't be able to do shit about political dynasties.
Diokno's part of a dynasty, Sotto's a dynasty, Defensor-Santiago's among the elite, Isko was also introduced to the elite, and even Duterte, who *was* already in a dynasty, was favored by a good majority of Filipino liberals. What is common among them is that they were all favored by Filipino liberals, who all unknowingly accept the legitimacy of a democratic elite.

I met the Diokno guy personally. Fuck his bunny teeth.

>> No.15636423

Reddit has some practical uses. I’ve gotten homework help a couple times on r/calculus and some decent language advice on r/french and r/learnfrench. Just stick to subreddits populated with other people who use the site as a tool and nothing more and you’re solid.

>> No.15636433

>reddit can be ok

>> No.15636440
File: 813 KB, 500x405, 1592008495024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post exactly those words

>> No.15636454

>literally no intellectuals, the intellectuals are pseuds, the pseuds are idiots, the idiots are animals

>> No.15636479

Imagine being an unironic neoliberal in sweden and calling other people pseuds

>> No.15636490
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, B42BE982-031F-43A8-861C-60C1E1CF9096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying reddit is never ok
>r/orangutan exists
>r/orangutangifs exists
fuck you, anon, you numbskull. you complete and utter animate shit. fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.15636514
File: 214 KB, 965x1443, 1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American education
Lol kys faggot yank
Your country is going to burn
Seethe more satan

>> No.15636519

No it's serbia

>> No.15636521

>has a twitter

>> No.15636522

all our pseuds live in france

>> No.15636523


>> No.15636570
File: 73 KB, 546x960, 96232438_913953639653_2070174150772654080_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses lots of foreign loan-words or yank buzzwords in their speech
>enunciates like an preening etonian faggot when they want to make their extremely boring point
>thinks the views of newspaper columnists in any way are to be taken seriously
>is a newspaper columnist
>reads the spectator, guardian or economist
>thinks listening to Peterson or Zizek gives them the ability to accurately diagnose any aspect of western society
>thinks everyone but themselves is stupid when it comes to brexit, but would crumble within 10 seconds of trying to defend their own plan
>smugly parrots statements like 'islam is violent' , 'labour is antisemitic' or 'capitalism is racist'
>smirks if you ask them to define their terms as though it were self-evident
>imagines there is a magical group of clearly defined working-class people who they can claim support from for whatever they want to say

>> No.15636691



>studies literature

Most of them are commies who don't even read

>> No.15636739

back to /pol/

>> No.15636750

Jörg Fauser

>> No.15636758

>world citizen
>people who have dogmatic opinions about modern architecture they learned on 4chan

>> No.15636765

>disliking Putin

>> No.15636796
File: 78 KB, 1118x629, 1118full-ellen-kositza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has ever watched pic related

>> No.15636811

pretty spot on

>> No.15636885

Christiane F looks good with blonde hair!

>> No.15636944

>studies pseudosophy at the University of Warsaw/participates in antifascist rallies/thinks Kaczynski is literally Hitler/LARPs as Michel Foucault/his facebook page is filled with le funny porky memes from /leftypol/

>> No.15636960
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Sorry that she broke your heart, anon

>> No.15636985

>Thinks Tuomas Kyrö is a good writer

>> No.15636997

I can't blame them, it's fun to make fun of British white trash. I will always defend European white trash over any shitskin but once those are gone, I won't feel pity over people who do dumb decisions.

>> No.15637000

>HIS facebook page
>she broke your heart
you can't read

>> No.15637019

Yeah, dumb people see football that way but intelligent people can see the tactical aspect of it, add the random factor since the ball is round and it becomes a pretty good sport to watch. It's definitely not the most exciting sport on average but it's the best.

>> No.15637025

>worries about spotting pseuds

>> No.15637028

Your hate is directed towards the philosophy student, but at the end of the day she left you for him and so she broke your heart. Also nice digits

>> No.15637038

we'd need to have actual intellectuals to begin with for us to have pseuds

>> No.15637062

C'era una biondina carina che faceva studiava filosofia all'università a Milano e faceva video super intelligenti ma non mi ricordo come si chamasse.
Senò Barbasofia però é da normies.

>> No.15637066
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1. Netherlands
2. too many writers to mention, but pic related is definitely one of the worst
Opinion pieces and newspapers are similar to what >>15631590 describes. We also have various young "writers" who could only publish their books because of their daddy's fame or because they are pushed through state-sponsored media.

>> No.15637073


>> No.15637178

>"Paris sucks but it's still the best place in France"

>> No.15637206
File: 1.29 MB, 1400x1944, 1577217239068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hasn't a basic understanding of ancient greek
>hasn't at least a basic understanding of byzantine culture and art
> doesn't know who Kondylis, Kastoriadis, Axelos, Liantinis, Pleyris or Giannaras is

>> No.15637225

Still thinks communism was OK or votes BSP.

>> No.15637231

Basato Diferro odiatore

>> No.15637251

>"irgendwas mit Medien"

>> No.15637270

Axelos was a KKE terrorist

>> No.15637285

>>have you read Abd al Wahid Yahya?

>> No.15637290
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>doesn't have sex

>> No.15637398

based pseuds

>> No.15637413

Not argentinian but livin in Buenos aires atm. It's shit, the economys shit, the gov is shit, the ppl r shit, the city is shit but the women are some of the hottest in the world nd the food is 8/10

>> No.15637446

>outs real pseudery instead of parroting political bullshit

>> No.15637455

not really if you knew who he's about talking about

>> No.15637467

I'm Brazilian.

>> No.15637477

então o que ele falou apenas te agradou por estar no mesmo campo político de ideias e não por estar fora de um campo político

>> No.15637481

1. Canada
2.unapologetically marxist

>> No.15637485

lurk moar

>> No.15637489

I disagree with some parts. But I respect his opinion for not catering for the current dichotomy in our country, nonetheless.
Funny thing is that some days ago I was pondering how Chico was basically a Parnasian.

>> No.15637490

>99% of established media here apes their WOKE American counterparts
very same in germany

>> No.15637496

>thinks pic related is an intellectual

>> No.15637500
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>> No.15637502

a cosmogony for virgins on /lit/
since this board is basically narcissists they think they're smarter, so they create a cosmogony where they can name classes under them in their cosmogony
"pseud" is a low-level class and there's nothing above their class, not even philosophers they like since when they agree with a philosopher ideas they just think of themselves as being the same of the philosopher and not just a thought's sucking vermin
comparing to the incel cosmogony:
pseud would be the "incel" and in this community they're all the chads
there's no stacy in this cosmogony tho, since their project their frustrations not in literal sex but rather in larping as smart

>> No.15637511

The time I was studying philosophy at USP I've met the most insufferable people in the planet, the type that can only parrot teacher's opinions and write essays sucking their balls in order to get some help in a master's degree later. Academic people, at least in Brazil, seem to be unable to produce any kind of creative endeavor.

>> No.15637529

>99% of established media here apes their WOKE American counterparts, doing their best to stir up idpol resentment amongst the populace.
Very same in germany. Germany collects annualy 8 billion euros to subsidize 22 state controlled tv-channels and 67 radio channels.
In addition to that the interior minister is in direct control of "Deutsche Welle"; a series of multi-language tv and radio channels.

>> No.15637530

Based, this mongrel is absolutely disgusting

>> No.15637534

Why do canadians hate the two parts of their country that actually have a unique culture. Its like here in america hating on the south

>> No.15637535

I had a coworker once that phonefagged on reddit during every one of her breaks. She seemed like an open-minded learner or at least presented herself as such. I told her a hypothetical argument for slavery that I came up with and she totally freaked out. Absolute pseud.

>> No.15637553

>Humanities at public uni
They're cringe during their youth and end up working for the system in their 30s (ngos, think tanks, etc).

>> No.15637561


>> No.15637570

>tfw student at UW
>tfw know exactly who you are talking about
I wasn't born in this city but ever since coming here I've come to despise it. the Foucault meme is 100% fucking true. where did they come from

>> No.15637571

>It's definitely not the most exciting sport on average but it's the best.
Doubt desu

>> No.15637584

>Freud/lacan. Pigna. Being freemason

>> No.15637594

>actually believes the shit we sell to the goyim

>> No.15637627

>you can only be a neoliberal or a nazi, nothing else

>> No.15637662
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>snowflake: the thread
So nice to see that only anons from this board got it right, not anyone else, it's almost like everyone here is special s2

>> No.15637669


Spit of a lass that fancied us

>> No.15637671

Unironically this is what most modern people think.

>> No.15637680

This, also from Sweden.

>> No.15637699

>Is British

>> No.15637710

They post on /lit/

>> No.15637714


>> No.15637733

I was thinking about answering along those lines but do you have to be an intellectual first ?

>> No.15637761


>> No.15637771

>anything written by colonialist nazis

>> No.15637780

>South Africa
>"some white authors are okay..."

>> No.15637800

Ha haha this is a good one!
>"Yeah I read the Constitution"

>> No.15637829

Susanna d'Ambrosio, ma è una pseud anche lei solo che è tettona

>> No.15637832

1. Pakistan
2. Can't write in Urdu and buys his rhetoric from foreign news sites that wouldn't think twice about the country if it didn't benefit their narrative

>> No.15637834

yeahp... I got a story for you bucks this is a big one too if you knwo where to look
>be an alaskan
>move to the guam for a tour in the army
>leave the army but have a kid in guam
>change your name and move to russia for 6 months
>get deported without a visa
>wind up in a german airport
>marry a russian
you can spot the pseud here if you have the tickle pickle for it

>> No.15637851

- > north half of the isle mann
keks me up are the time

>> No.15637862

>born in denmark but move to Ireland for reduced labor tax
>have to live with Danish-Irish migrant community
>they all try to speak in shitty irish accents with danish intonations and LARP about J-ahns-ee -J-uhh-iiCce"

>> No.15637868

Any fellow Coastal Bosnians here?
>be at a party
>beach boys playing
>guys in hawaiian shorts
>"yeah i've read bob dylan"

>> No.15637885

>West Virginian
>he reads fishing magazines

>> No.15637900

>Macedonian basketball player
>Start With The Greeks

>> No.15637906

was it a true that the Denmarkers in Ireland were trying to sell a reduced fee leverage off a back slide pass to wage up the cost of their tenet flats? Also did they read Werdausser in the meantime?

>> No.15637925

A lot of the Danirish think Werdausser is some kind of soft-core subtexter from the Northshore but to be honest man I think he's just shilling for increased fishing rites in Bjornholm for Sweden.
>"Whereth the call for the sea, I tread the nightingales wing on the cup of the Leith to sort out the SCALED LINE THAT PULLS ITS WAY to the BAY OF GUSTAV"
caps for emphasis. but maybe, we have a lot of shot callers here and a growing community

>> No.15637930

kek good to know i was thinking about migrating myself to avoid the new labor law fee that taxes you based on the exhaustion rate which was retarded considering last year they said already that we'd be out on a dime a day. fucking corona.

>> No.15637994

I thought all Pakis could write in Urdu

>> No.15638006

As a non-islander, the term confuses me because it could be applied to completely different groups of people. I understand that upper crust who went to a public school is obviously posh, but often people call posh someone who simply has a comprehensible accent and went to any uni, same with middle class, anyone who has a decent degree and a good job in the south could be accused. So mostly people who don't have some kind of hereditary privilege. What is the way to really figure out who's posh and who's not?

>> No.15638105

>Imagine mocking "qualitative Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften" unironically

>> No.15638161

I study at UW too, anon. What's your major? Mines are mathematics and economics.
>where did they come from
the progressive Cathedral, read Moldbug

>> No.15638171

My mates went to Leeds Uni and they've started saying things like "wack". They've also absorbed political opinions from the middle class kids there, which just goes to show that the English middle class is ashamed of being English. I've noticed that demographic in particular use a lot of Americanisms and it's no coincidence they're all on Twitter.

>> No.15638198

Ask "where's the worst place you've ever been?", or "what's the closest you've ever been to the poverty line?"

>> No.15638233

>"I've just learned what this word means": The Post

>> No.15638282

Contempt for the working man is very Jewish

>> No.15638338

>enjoys any "cultuber" (I don't know if this crappy term is known abroad). These are a bunch of pretentious brats who don't offer any meaningful insight but are praised even by mainstream media (TV) because of their divulgation work. In physics (QuantumFracture) and music (Jaime Altozano, this guy is also a mathematician so he also pushes STEM autism) we find the peak of pretentiousness because they pride themselves on being crystal clear to the masses but when you read the comments section there are LOTS of people saying things like "haha i didnt understand a word but i like this guy" and whenever you try to communicate with midwits, you have to stand their idolatry towards these subjects. These phenomenon seems to be present in USA likewise but here in Spain is being specially damaging, since the cut-off mark for STEM careers like physics and math has risen to reach marks near the limit when before only passing the exam was needed, so now universities are even more filled with left circlejerks than before.

>> No.15638348

>"I've just learned this new meme": The
349557 Post of the same type in a roll

>> No.15638429

these people are all over the place in america too except we can't identify them by their accent. coming from a low-income background i was actually surprised when i went to university and was surrounded by upper-middle class tossers with zero street smarts.

>> No.15638437


>Watches grown men chase a ball all evening
classic midwit

>> No.15638455

>watches stv

>> No.15638728

pseudcalling is the core of philosophy

>> No.15638735
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>is a faggot

Most faggots here are delusional charlatans. Also, similar to what >>15635103 said, anyone who gets their life cues from consumerist media

>> No.15638752

>thinks they are not in Eastern Europe

>> No.15638918

>thinks Lorca was a genius
Fuck Altozano, I cant stand him. Dayoscript fans are too impressive pseuds

>> No.15638946

holy shit...

>> No.15638976

Lorca's poems are nice and comfy
Lorca's plays suck major dick and are absolute trash

>> No.15639014

learn what pseud means

>> No.15639093

letteralmente mai sentito

>> No.15639112
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>> No.15639178

>Doesn't know who Tomas Venclova is

>> No.15639203

>argues politics on discord servers

>> No.15639209

I imagine the person to have made this post to be at least in their early 40s.

>> No.15639533

>thinks the ottoman occupation was a legitimate caliphate.

>> No.15639788

Mortebianca non ironicamente

>> No.15639924

Go back to your jungle island you smelly ape!

>> No.15639958

>we're the USA but better

>> No.15640027

1. Iran
2. Liberal and Cyrus/Kourosh worship for freeing "muh Jews"

>> No.15640038

>uses social media

fixed that for you, fren

>> No.15640063

Santuario - filosofina

>> No.15641027

>Thinks Celal Şengör is a world-class intellectual

>> No.15641047


>> No.15641052

fuck off peruvian we are full

>> No.15641066

its a shithole. it only got worse since 2011

>> No.15641068

calm down serbcuck

>> No.15641077

ok it makes him a liberal söy consumer. happy?

>> No.15641085

What do you think of vanguarda paulista

>> No.15641097

i think he's just a jew

>> No.15641111

Who wouldn't become a marxist in a neoconliberal hellhole that allows Ag-gag?

>> No.15641125

>body mass and owning at least one cardigan

>> No.15641166
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Even the CIA is pushing lgbtsjwtfnpc gender ideology nowadays.

>> No.15641168

learn what pseud means

>> No.15641176

>t. cuck

>> No.15641185


>> No.15641188

not anymore we're not. all of our institutions have been systematically crippled

>> No.15641240

an old copypasta, but still spot on:
>puts down a toni morrison novel
>cracks open the latest new yorker
>downloads an npr podcast
>goes to a free summer concert series
>gets hair cut at place that serves whiskey, like back when real men shaved with straight razors
>wears an untucked gingham shirt not over a t-shirt and over-polished menswear wingtips
>waits three hours for a text from the new small plates pop-up restaurant
>orders the second least-expensive malbec
>tries to watch all the oscar nominees each year
>cannot believe how good the new rap album is
>goes to a coffee tasting
>orders a kindle and hard copy of the latest kwame ngobongo novel but listens to it on audiobook during commute to his new marketing job
>goes to four spinning classes a week
>talks about how busy life as a creative is
>buys a groupon for hamilton
>lives in new york city

>> No.15641277

>Isle of Mann still has a more impenetrable north south border than North and South Korea
>can't even greentext in 2020
Your island literally does not make enough sense to be pseuds.

>> No.15641333

This. Swedish pseuds are just an amalgamation of mainstream media and Netflix documentaries

>> No.15641532

>reads SME and Denník N

>> No.15641596

>Fetishizes Jordan Peterson

>> No.15641691

>reads demorgen, uses german words in dutch text, has a twitter account

>> No.15641993

Here's a few common stereotypes that have no clue what they're on about
>overweight girls with glasses, either asian or have died hair, sometimes both, that think they're incredibly knowledgeable about everything.
>any dude at a pub that is 30+, looks down at everyone else in the room. Is reasonably loud with their opinions, wil argue either really well or really shit with no in between, either way they're not backing down from their shitty beliefs and are an expert on social power dynamics (not that they've read any theory, its justa skill they've been developing since highschool or before) and will put on 100% to make you look stupid.
>people (mostly dudes) who unironically watch joe rogan and think they've figured out life.
>recent indian immigrants who have an intense interest in one particular subject and refuse to believe that anything else could be used even if it does the exact same thing.
>pretty much anyone who namedrops thoreau more than any other philosopher/theorist. Always ask them about their thoughts on 'Civil Disobedience' and make sure you have read it. They may or may not have heard of it but I have yet to be disappointed.
>anyone who says "everything is political!!!"
Thats a good start for you. Spotting pseuds is a skill and an artform and it takes time and effort to master. I don't really think I have even mastered it myself but I know I'm further along than most people.

>> No.15641999

This one isn't country-specific, but if someone has a historical figure or emblem as their profile pic, they will be a pseud 100% of the time.

>> No.15642013

I saw this one in Paris.

>> No.15642015

Also, septum ring + intellectual aura = pseud 90% of the time.

>> No.15642018

>Enjoys bingeshows like Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, GoT, the Wire, etc.

>> No.15642067

>being anywhere near pseuds when you can live almost anywhere of your own volition, as is national tradition

Bunch of fags you are

>> No.15642145

t. pseud

Name literally one town or city on earth without a single pseud in it

>> No.15642163


>> No.15642165


>> No.15642208
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>> No.15642234

isnt that all newyorkers?

>> No.15642284
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Camus played football. DFW played tennis.

>> No.15642304

Based Bosnian Boomers

>> No.15642363

based pongoposter

>> No.15642544

no it means do woodo as superuser

>> No.15643334

>intellectual aura
w-what's that
isn't that something all intelligent people naturally have