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15631327 No.15631327 [Reply] [Original]

> says that violent revolutions are not only required, but INEVITABLE
> says these are going todid Marx predict history so wrong? occur in industrialized countries first
> literally the exact opposite occurs with revolutions in underdeveloped countries
> Marxist academics never commit to revolutionary movements and never actually bear arms
> there has literally never been a well organized revolutionary movement in the west that wasn't crushed within months

Islamists and literal Incels are of greater threat to capitalists than Marxists. Literally no one cares about them. The meme commune in the USA is even negotiating with authorities. They don't actually believe it.

Is there any literature that examines why this failed ideology continues its parasitism, despite failing for over a hundred years.

>> No.15631345

Marxists won't end capitalism.
Capitalists have a better chance at doing so.

>> No.15631358

Islamists are CIA goons. Incels are a threat to no one aside everyone's sense of smell.

>> No.15631381


>> No.15631387


>> No.15631419

WOW it's almost as if getting knowledge out of oyour asshole (using 'metaphysics' as if it were true in real life) is retrded doesn't work. Everybody who believes in Hegel od Marxs predictions is and allwayas have been retarded.

>> No.15631422

here you have an example of a retard who buys "dialectics"

>> No.15631486

Because it's a retarded ploy to get kikes in power and now that they are zionists they don't need it anymore.

>> No.15631490
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OP is retarded but can someone please explain to me what leftists mean by historical materialism? I've read the communist manifesto and I buy into some of the ideas in it like human history being a history of class struggle, but when leftists use big words like materialism my brain just turns off. What do you mean by that and why is it important to know? inb4 troll replies I'm looking for an honest answer because I'm interested to read more of what Marx said and how he's inspired some of the biggest revolutionary movements in the world

>> No.15632020

read engels socialism: utopian and scientific
or Ludwig feuerbach and the outcome of classical german philosophy. you should be able to understand most marxist jargon after this

bascially the class struggle you described is historical materialism. its called this to distinguish it from both the historical or dialectical idealism of Hegel, but also the abstract or timeless materialism of feuerbach. marxism is materalistic in the sense of only believing in sensory experience. hope this helps.

engels introduced the more wacky idea of dialectical materalism, which is the idea that all of science, not just history moves dialectically- this is the basis of socialism : utopian and scientific. he argued darwinian evolution proves this but i think it's pretty debunked now and marx doesn't go that far.

>> No.15632043
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Essentially, matter and material interactions take precedence over idealism. Rather than matter being the subject of the mind, the mind is the subject of matter. To put it simply as I can, material reality is what drives and shapes history and not ideology. Think of the material conditions that made the French Revolution inevitable, all of the ideology that emerged in the aftermath was secondary. Marx was not some patsy idealist that everyone makes him out to be. He was incredibly practical and was disillusioned will all of the "talking" of the Young Hegelians and sought to establish a material basis for the ideological framework which up until then was seen as the ends rather than the means.