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/lit/ - Literature

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15631319 No.15631319 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that explains the decline of culture?

>> No.15631322

pic obviously unrelated

>> No.15631331
File: 33 KB, 600x600, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this culture that you're talking about? It's the nigger culture. And who brought the nigger culture into the spotlight, who payed to have gangsta rap playing on all the radios? The jews.
Doesn't get much simpler than that.

>> No.15631362

Who payed [sic] to get the niggers to America? The whites (Anglos).
Doesn't get much simpler than that.

>> No.15631373

Yes but they were supposed to work the fields, not mold our culture. The jews subverted it.

>> No.15631379
File: 13 KB, 207x216, 03fc0de7acf25a3eff6dabe784a33d8a-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is considered to be high culture nowadays?
does it even exist?

>> No.15631386

>what is considered to be high culture nowadays?
Wouldn't you like to know, peasant?
>does it even exist?
Yes. The elites have recognized that providing access to culture to plebs was a mistake. Now it's exclusive to the elites.

>> No.15631390

Very high iq post, thanks anon! I wish I had known to oversimplify complex phenomena with schizophrenic internet memes like you and your massive brain

>> No.15631396


>> No.15631402

The art market?

>> No.15631409

>The elites have recognized that providing access to culture to plebs was a mistake. Now it's exclusive to the elites.
This but unironically

>> No.15631410

>does it even exist?
No it all disappeared. You don't see great literature being written. There are no cathedrals being built. Nothing but avant garde painting in the galleries. etc etc

>> No.15631420


>> No.15631421

it was mostly jews there too actually

>> No.15631431

lmao only right wingers believe in that bs, where does culture decline exactly? Look at videos of hippies from the 60s or drug raves from the 90s, compared to this we get better everyday.

>> No.15631444
File: 34 KB, 496x282, Fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is

>> No.15631502



>> No.15631526

muh cathedrals and paintings of horses

>> No.15631527

>Implying 6ix9ine is not high culture

>> No.15631531

>avant garde painting
there is no idea of an avant garde nowadays.

>> No.15631539

A means for billionaires to launder money. Debord described modern art as the violence global finantial capital inflicts on the public.

>> No.15631540
File: 71 KB, 600x600, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't it beautiful

>> No.15631546

Jews were the slave traders anon.

>> No.15631545

There is no way to tell if art is real or not without removing part of it to test in a lab, thereby ruining the piece. The vast majority of art out there even sold by famous auction houses are replicas. For the most part the only reason it’s sold for large sums is to launder money or bribe government officials who are selling it through a proxy. The industry is even dirtier than crypto.

>> No.15631817

You see great music being produced tho and other forms of art. I'm sure you'd stumble upon a ton of great painters if you dug deeper, just because modern art is mainstream rn doesn't mean that there aren't talented painters doing great work. Look around, even locally, there are tons of vernissages not related to modern art, at least in my area.

>> No.15631828

>You see great music being produced tho and other forms of art.
You have to spend long hard days in the mines looking for the gold though. That counts as a decline.

>> No.15631865


>> No.15631879

>all the poltards posting in the comments as experts when they are part of the degeneration

>> No.15631906

How so?

>> No.15631916

This has always been the case. Even great composers wrote many duds, and there were many more composers whose works are no longer played, who churned out formulaic sonatas and concertos, sometimes to acclaim.

>> No.15631929

From Dawn to Decadence

>> No.15631932

Niggas iffy, uh, blicky got the stiffy, uh
Got the blicky, uh, drum it holds fifty, uh

>> No.15631939


>> No.15631944

Eternal anglo is an only jew.

>> No.15631957

>basing opinions on identity politics

that is literally criticising art culture of its time. It is like a proto-meme shitposting that far preceeds its time

>> No.15631962

Yeah, but there 's a difference between occasionally writing a dud/making a bad painting/writing a bad book and have the rest be beautiful pieces of art along with being forgotten and actively expecting subvert their expectations and expect shit to turn into gold and make everything appeal to the more base parts of human nature yet still trotted out as a "masterpiece" because of the message the artist says the work of art has. An artist's corpus should speak for itself and the work of MANY modern artists is basically shit.

>> No.15631971

Blacks sold and kept slaves too anon.

>> No.15631980

I'm honestly not sure what you're talking about.
>actively expecting subvert their expectations
>expect shit to turn into gold
>make everything appeal to the more base parts of human nature
>yet still trotted out as a "masterpiece" because of the message the artist says the work of art has
When does this happen? Give examples or this all just the typical handwringing about degeneracy that goes on here

>> No.15631981


Haha oh man look at this guy

>> No.15632019

Yeah I don't fucking know, for me this always has been a made up issue for boomers to get upset about something. 50 year old aunts sharing articles about a picture "of nothing" being sold for 10M and being upset. Like it's not my fucking money, they can also buy 10M worth of heroin and do it all in one session, I don't really care. This is often a cope from real life issues, at least in my experience.

>> No.15632028

Piss Christ is a good example of that.

There's no message, no skill involved there's no anything. It's just "art" for the sake of shock value.

>> No.15632035
File: 7 KB, 192x263, rené.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crisis of the modern world

>> No.15632040

Meant for >>15631980

>> No.15632067

The Communists Manifesto

>> No.15632094
File: 22 KB, 384x499, BF7CF2BA-D676-48B2-B0F3-0E3504A2903F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This explains everything

>> No.15632098

What exactly does /pol/ contribute to the culture of the past beyond rabid idolization and consumerism?

>> No.15632116

Not true. Even in the 1960s which wasn't that far back look at the Billboard Top 100. You didn't have to search far.