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/lit/ - Literature

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15630725 No.15630725 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15631174

ur delusion if you think he wrote it. Tucker doesnt believe any of the stuff he says, he just says what his staff writers say

>> No.15631188

ur delusion if you think that matters.
It's a media figure for gods sake, it's not your friend. He could be 10 aliens behind a keyboard controlling a human figure with a chip implant, I'd still consider him based.

>> No.15631192

t. seething tranny globohomo ZOGbot NPC

>> No.15631197

>implying tucker and the cuckservatives aren't the biggest ZOGbots

>> No.15631198

The only fool is the person who reads this

>> No.15631213
File: 730 KB, 1500x1125, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very based

>> No.15631220

You prefer he sieg heiled live on TV?
Only a fool would make such a post.

>> No.15631412


>> No.15631426

oh boy a book ghostwritten for a journalist

>> No.15631446


>> No.15631471

More like Cucker

>> No.15631474


>> No.15631479


>> No.15631520

lol this place's gone to shit. discussing fox news anchors on a literature board, you should be ashamed

>> No.15633463
File: 47 KB, 330x500, 51mUdrHb0NL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only book I have or ever will read and I'm smarter than 95% of you faggots. Suck it haters!

>> No.15633631

Purge with fire, anon.

>> No.15634035


>> No.15634105

If you unironically read a book by Hannity please just get a noose and end it all holy fuck

>> No.15634175
File: 85 KB, 300x300, 01CD23E7-542F-4086-A5BD-DC281561A21C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in opposition to the ZOG

>> No.15634213


>> No.15634222

I refuse to believe you're not baiting. /Pol/acks are retarded but nobody talks like this.

>> No.15634234

Remember when tucker was all
>The right has zero journalistic standards, we are a joke compared to even losers on CNN
What happened to him?

>> No.15634304
File: 11 KB, 268x326, 1589369249936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my mom is always trying to get me to read this shit
Love her to death and all, but Jesus Christ I hate these fucking endless books that do everything in their power to prop up the fuckin spectacle of American politics.

>> No.15634346

It was good desu
t. Didn't read it

>> No.15634394

Tucker is like "what if christopher lasch had down syndrome and a gay bow tie?"

>> No.15634408

Rapier wit.
Do you write for the NYT or for Twitter?

>> No.15634409

It's actually worth the read, it's leagues ahead of any other 'pundit book', though it's not ground breaking either.

>> No.15635075

sounds based to me

>> No.15635090

Nigga hasn't worn the bow tie in like a decade lmao

>> No.15635177

im pretty sure tucker hasn't worn a bow tie since like 2005 when he was working for msnbc