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File: 1.15 MB, 1125x1525, Prince_Elric_of_Melnibone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15627137 No.15627137 [Reply] [Original]

What is the consensus here on Micheal Moorcock and his work? And what do you consider his best set of books or characters?

>> No.15627228

Am also curious about this, bump.

>> No.15627317

Love the Elric series, Gothic and dark. Very simple writing style and straight storytelling perfect if you just wanna relax. Usually goes scenery, battle, tragic ending and there's some bigger arc too. The themes in the books, being a sickly outsider, chaos vs order, the cursed black rune blade resonate through time and are classic fantasy tropes now.
Definitely recommended, fun read just don't expect some complicated heavy literature. It's one guy with a sword, linear progression.

>> No.15627549

Eh, I’ll bump as well.

>> No.15627771

His stuff is better suited to comic books, which is why the comic book adaptations of his books are more enjoyable than his books. That said, his universe is interesting and worth checking out; I just recommend the comic books over the books themselves, unfortunately.

>> No.15628032

I read one of the books that had the first 3 Elric stories in it. I really liked it. I like how magic works in that universe, don't know if it's low or high magic but it mostly relies on power from other supernatural beings rather than cast le fireball.

I'd like to read more Elric stories, he's a really interesting character. Genociding his own race is pretty cool. Losing his hot cousin gf is good tragedy. I liked the motivation that romance had in that series more than I usually do.

>> No.15628309
File: 1.59 MB, 1020x1856, Armored_Elric_of_Melnibone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like his work, that’s basically all I have to say here.

>> No.15628563

The first book is the only one I enjoyed. The setting is pretty cool, Elric feels a true antihero but the series I read (the seven book series) quickly lost the novelty.
His pathos is turned into a long running joke, the stories develop into the same formulas, different settings, new characters, many forgettable thots, the same writing and dialogue. There were a few interesting parts, like when he gets the sword, the trip to hell and that chapter about the Eternal hero, but it's so pulpy I never felt like reading anything else by Moorcock.
Perhaps I should have spaced my reading a bit more. It's what I'm doing with the Dying Earth.

>> No.15628702

let's hear about the Dying Earth. Better stuff than Elric, although Moorcock is not bad.

>> No.15628709

Its fans love Moorcock, that's all I know

>> No.15628759

is this like the Conan canon in the sense that there's no definitive reading order? i've been meaning to check it out, but have no idea where to start

>> No.15628967
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Elric is best witcher

>> No.15630283

I dropped the book when Elric summoned the sea spirits with their land-boat. That was just too much for me.

>> No.15630532


>> No.15630551
File: 294 KB, 1200x757, Elric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great ideas and evocative world details. Fast, sloppy writing and uneven quality. Good "new SF" pulp that eventually creates a huge story-cycle structure. A bit like Fritz Lieber, but with more pathos and less humour. As he shifts from a writer of short stories for pulp mags and becomes a writer of big novels, they get less satisfying but more complex.

>> No.15630569
File: 1.43 MB, 1500x2000, 590926-75b139aded0344eebd44ff229554f939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would that be "too much" when you're reading high fantasy set in a magic-heavy world?
P. Craig Russell did some great comic adaptations (and some lesser artists did some that range from tolerable to terrible).

>> No.15630590
File: 106 KB, 851x315, 295526_10152629767490440_896806470_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could read some of the early stuff out of order, but beyond that, it's definitely best to do them in order from Elric as king to the end of the universe. Reading lists abound online.

>> No.15630610
File: 143 KB, 578x960, 12122735_10156135446265440_3363372683428289168_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the publication order (it's a mess), and read them like this (other stories not noted here can be read whenever):
Book 1: Elric of Melnibone (1972)
Book 2: The Fortress of the Pearl (1989)
Book 3: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate (1976)
Book 4: The Weird of the White Wolf (1961)
Book 5: The Sleeping Sorceress (1970)
Book 6: The Revenge of the Rose (1991)
Book 7: The Bane of the Black Sword (1962)
Book 8: Stormbringer (1963)

>> No.15630623

>His pathos is turned into a long running joke
I agree, it just becomes ridiculous, especially with classic lines like:

"I should admit that I scream in my sleep sometimes and am often tortured by incommunicable self-loathing."

Good ideas with bad execution: that sums up Moorcock's work.

>> No.15630745
File: 393 KB, 862x1260, Elric - While The Gods Laugh from Epic 14 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elric is so emo he can't really be parodied. There's a reason all the teen D&D virgin nerds (longing for a hot woman to come into their moody self-indulgence and pull them off to adventure and sex) love him.

>> No.15631868

Those are some nice ass spines.

>> No.15632233
File: 1.82 MB, 3907x1493, Eternal-Champion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the best "just Elric" collection lately. The full Eternal Champion series are out of print now and I didn't have the cash for them.

>> No.15632255

never read it but he seems like a mary sue

>> No.15632302
File: 525 KB, 1080x1689, IMG_20200617_235514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's an obnoxious faggot and dimwit too dumb to understand Winnie the Pooh.

>> No.15632670

Christ, no. He's a sickly, indecisive, moody, amoral, drug-taking bloodthirsty self-loathing killer. He's the greatest fantasy anti-hero.

>> No.15632740

That's the moment I learned it was 'high fantasy', and that's the reason I put it down. The writing was fine up until that point, but I prefer lower magic settings.

>> No.15633446
File: 567 KB, 650x589, Moorcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see. Yes, Moorcock was quite high indeed.

>> No.15633671

Michael Moorcock is probably the best popular writer of the 20th Century. The Elric series needs to be understood as a reaction against the shallow fantasy lit of its time. But Moorcock is not at his best in his early period of reaction despite the value of The Prince with the Silver Hand and the other 'Eternal Champion' novels. His better works, as so often is the case, are his lesser known books. The Colonel Pyat novels starting with Byzantium Endures is phenomenal, his novel Mother London was also widely praised. The City in the Autumn Stars is a fantastic alchemical novel. Gloriana is a profound post-Shakespearean accomplishment. For my money 'Blood, A Southern Fantasy' is his highest accomplishment.

>> No.15634532

Moorcock is quite the high lad.

>> No.15634933

I was really into his work when I was a teenager, I've read everything by him. Gloriana is by far his best work. The first Corum trilogy and several of the Elric books are fun though.

>> No.15635585

Sometimes you gotta separate the art from the artist.

>> No.15636035
File: 311 KB, 1200x1128, C_O4JsrUIAEGIUt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know who's the illustrator? Some of those covers look gorgeous. The bottom right reminds me a little of the Japanese cover for TBoNS.

>> No.15636229

I only read the first book, but I found that it was too short. Lack of brevity is certainly a problem with fantasy nowadays, but for this it was too much. Elric goes from being king, nearly drowned in the ocean to being a demonic summoner in the space of four or five chapters. It definitely had a good story and excellent ideas, but I felt like Moorcock didn't expand on them well enough.

>> No.15636535

Moorcock changed fantasy forever with Elric and is a big reason why Zelazny wrote
The Chronicles of Amber, so yeah, can't help not to love it.

>> No.15636542

His work from the 60s was rough and not as good as what's to come, but I'd say that you should still read the series in its entirety because it gets better and the pay off in Stormbringer is so fucking worth it.

>> No.15636588

Hm, alright. I'll give it a second go anon.

>> No.15636591

Yoshitaka Amano. I'd recognise that distinctive artstyle anywhere. He's a great artist.

>> No.15636746

Not unfortunate, Moorcock agrees

>> No.15636827

I like Elric but the prose is nothing special. Worth a read but it's not high literature or anything.

>> No.15637118

Having enjoyed Mother London and Gloriana, I will take the rest of your suggestions seriously. Thanks, anon.

>> No.15637393

>Epic Pooh
Ahahha! How could I forget?


>> No.15638657

Huh, well that’s interesting.

>> No.15638690

Remember reading the Corum books when i was a young teenager. The universe somewhat upset me, well, the chaos gods did, which I can't really say about any other fantasy I've read at that time.

It does something different and does it well. The eternal champion bs is however just too damn heavy, and for that alone I could never go back to it.

>> No.15638693

He used to be based, but he got old and cucked, so that he rewrote the ending of at least one book because Andrea Dworkin told him too. After that he was careful not to offend the SJWs. Cringe.

>> No.15639431


>> No.15641163


>> No.15641919

Thanks for the info.

>> No.15642374
File: 151 KB, 1624x608, pyat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15642417

that's the one. fuck. i feel like a chump whenever i see this piece from brom.

when i first started writing fantasy i came across this artwork and based a character off it. he wasn't an albino or anything but he had pale skin and pale hair. back then i would use various galleries on geocitees or from searching altavista (any one remember the altavista search engine?) and then make portrait pics for BG1 and 2 and play around with them for a week or so to come up with the kind of character they were to become in the writing. put so much time into that character only to eventually learn it was already a well established IP.

because of that i vowed never to read any elric media.

years later and i still shake my head whenever i see that fucking pic.